Friday, May 5, 2023

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U.S. Hits Z-Library With New Domain Name Seizures
Ernesto Van der Sar, 05 May 11:10 AM

zlibraryBy providing free access to millions of books, Z-Library became the go-to site for many readers in recent years.

Z-Library's very existence was put to the test last November when U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 200 domain names connected to the site. Two alleged Z-Library operators from Russia were arrested in Argentina as part of a criminal investigation.

Down, Not Out

Despite the gravity of the copyright infringement accusations and 'pending extraditions, Z-Library never went completely offline. The site continued to operate on the dark web, offering millions of pirated books and articles as it did before.

The site eventually returned on the clearnet too, providing a unique subdomain for all Z-Library users. The idea behind this move was to make it more difficult for law enforcement to take down the whole operation all at once.

This setup worked well for a few months allowing the remaining Z-Library team to focus on expanding the community. Starting this week, however, legal trouble hit Z-Library once again when the U.S. Department of Justice carried out a new round of domain name seizures.

New Domain Seizures

A few days ago we noticed that several domain names associated with the shadow library had stopped working. Instead, users were directed to a seizure banner which most of the site's users are familiar with by now.

The first seized domain we spotted was It previously redirected to the main login portal at which was still operational at the time. Soon after, however, these domain names were seized by U.S. authorities along with and


The seized domains now point to the name servers of '' which are controlled by the U.S. Government. Since Z-Library has domains at multiple registries, it's possible that more seizures will follow in the near future.

Z-Library Confirms Seizures

When Z-Library was first targeted last November it initially denied that its domains had been seized. This time around the site's operators swiftly confirmed the action, pointing users to an alternative login screen through a Telegram message.

"Unfortunately, one of our primary login domains was seized today. Therefore, we recommend using the domain to log in to your account, as well as to register," the Z-Library team wrote.

The Telegram message also reminds users that the TOR and I2P versions of the site are still operational. In addition, several other Z-Library domains remain functional as well, at least for now.


The U.S. government's recent enforcement actions show that the authorities are still intent on taking Z-Library down. In addition to the domain name seizures, authorities are likely to do everything in their power to track down those operating the shadow library today.

Needless to say, the stakes are extremely high for the existing Z-Library team. Willingly evading U.S. law enforcement is not a good look in court and that will be taken into account if they're eventually caught.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

The Battle Plan For Combating IPTV Piracy in Europe Has Arrived
Andy Maxwell, 04 May 06:24 PM

iptvAfter protest, disappointment, hand-wringing, and at times, sheer frustration, the European Commission has officially unveiled its full recommendation for combating piracy of live sports and musical events.

The Recommendation

The European Commission begins with a broad overview of the value of live events and the problems faced by rightsholders when tackling pirate IPTV and similar unlicensed streaming services.

From a reference perspective, particularly related to specific challenges and various aspects of relevant law, the EC's recommendation provides a great overview that makes for interesting reading. If explaining the illegal streaming problem had been the main aim, the document would receive solid marks. As a road map for solving tough issues in a short time frame, not so much.

Right from the very beginning it's extremely clear that the EC understands almost every aspect of the challenges faced by rightsholders. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the report is dedicated to coverage of those challenges, for consumption by the very entities that supplied the information to the EC in the first place. Some of the key points in the initial overview can be summarized as follows:

Unauthorized supply, technical challenges

– Main value in live sports broadcasts lies in the exploitation of live transmission
– Illegal retransmissions can cause significant losses to rightsholders/broadcasters
– Increasingly sophisticated means make content available via IPTV/apps/websites
– Streaming piracy is a global phenomenon, increasingly reliant on 'offshore hosting'
– Offshore hosting minimizes pirates' exposure to copyright or criminal law in the EU
– 'Piracy-as-a-Service' makes it easy to create pirate sites and start generate revenue
– Some infringing services mirror legitimate streaming services
– CDNs/reverse proxies often misused to obfuscate sources of pirate streams

These issues are common knowledge and the subject of countless reports, mostly published by rightsholders; the presence of the terms 'offshore hosting' and 'Piracy-as-a-Service' are evidence of that. What rightsholders want are solutions to these problems because, as things stand, the law doesn't have enough teeth, they insist.

Having denied calls for new legislation anytime soon, the challenge for the EC was to come up with credible new ideas or fresh angles that might have smoothed the choppy waters for a couple of years. Instead, rightsholders who understand the finest intracies of relevant law (because they work with it, and within it, every single day) were presented with an overview of existing law, summarized below:

Role of ISPs and other intermediaries, relevant law

– ISPs provide connectivity to end users and a gateway to all online content
– Intermediaries have crucial role to assist in removal/disabling of pirate streams
– Tools already exist under EU law to combat unauthorised retransmissions:
– Injunctions Art 8(3) of Directive 2001/29/EC / Arts 9 and 11 of Directive 2004/48/EC
– General framework to ensure safe online environment (Reg (EU) 2022/2065)
– Certain intermediaries are able to remove content on receipt of a notice
– ISPs only obliged to act on the basis of an injunction

When calls for new law were rejected, it was inevitable that rightsholders and broadcasters would have to continue working with the tools they already have, for at least another two to three years. The EC's recommendation focuses on a specific tool that rightsholders claim is extremely effective but could be used more.

Commonly targeted at consumer ISPs, so-called 'dynamic/live' injunctions aim to frustrate consumption of illegal IPTV services. They are well developed, highly flexible, and already tested in Italy, France, Portugal, and Greece. Rightsholders know them inside out.

dynamic-live injunctions

While rightsholders always appear keen to expand the reach of live blocking orders, the EC recommendation highlights both benefits and drawbacks.

"Other providers of intermediary services may be misused to facilitate unauthorised retransmissions or to circumvent blocking injunctions," the EC notes.

"For instance, content delivery networks and reverse proxies may be used to obfuscate the origin of the unauthorized retransmission, while alternative DNS resolvers and proxy services such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) may be used to facilitate access to services that have been blocked."

The EC offers a potential solution to these workarounds but framing it as optimistic would seriously overstate any realistic chance of success.

Encouraging Cooperation and Collaboration

Throughout the recommendation the EC notes that Member States should be "encouraged" to take certain actions, or maybe intermediaries might see their way clear to helping out, but there's rarely even a hint that those actions are required by law.

On the topic of VPNs and DNS helping to circumvent blocking injunctions, the EC says that "providers of intermediary services should consider whether they could take further voluntary measures to prevent their services from being misused."

While on one hand the request might seem reasonable, VPN providers' businesses tend to center on privacy so, by default, their subscribers' communications are none of their business, or anyone else's. Any VPN provider that voluntarily participated in a blocking program would likely herald its own demise.

The EC generally notes that it is "necessary to foster collaboration between sports event organizers, holders of rights, providers of intermediary services and public authorities."

There's no question that rightsholders could benefit from successful collaborations but "providers of intermediary services" come in all shapes and sizes, have their own businesses to run, and are acutely aware of what is "necessary" and what's actually required of them under law.

Then there's the not insignificant matter of "providers of intermediary services" operating on the basis it's not "necessary" to process takedown notices, let alone take any content down.

How rightsholders will respond in practice to the recommendation remains to be seen but their work will be monitored and then assessed for effect no later than November 17, 2025.

Rightsholders 'Regret Lack of Ambition'

The Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) wasted no time in responding negatively to the EC recommendation. AAPA's members include the Premier League, Sky, beIN, and Canal+ so have more interest than most in new legislation to "encourage" intermediary compliance.

"Following the publication of the Commission Recommendation on combating online piracy of sports and other live events, the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) expresses its disappointment and concern regarding the possibility that a review of the effectiveness of the Recommendation may not occur for 2.5 years," AAPA's response begins.

"Not only is this initiative of a non-legislative nature (while the European Parliament, supported by the AAPA and other actors, had previously called for a legislative initiative), the possibility of a 2.5-year assessment period does not address the urgency of the situation."

Action Rightsholders Could Take?

The EC recommendation also calls on rightsholders to "increase the availability, affordability, and attractiveness of their commercial offers" to help deter piracy. AAPA says that from its perspective, "legal offers have never been more as widely and easily accessible than before" while the quality is "viewed as being superior to that found on illegal sources."

From the perspective of live sports consumers, addressing availability and attractiveness but not affordability sits at the very heart of why pirate services became so popular in the first place. Until affordability is properly addressed, no amount of blocking or additional liability for intermediaries will contain the pirate streaming problem.

EC's Recommendation on combating online piracy of sports and other live events (here)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Spinrilla Will Shut Down and Pay $50m Piracy Damages to Music Labels
Ernesto Van der Sar, 04 May 01:01 PM

spinrillaMusic fans love to share mixtapes and have done so for decades but sharing these 'tapes' over the Internet is not without risk.

Popular hip-hop mixtape site and app Spinrilla has millions of users and is well aware of the pitfalls. In 2017, the company was sued by several RIAA-backed labels, including Sony, Warner, and UMG, which accused the company of massive copyright infringement.

"Spinrilla specializes in ripping off music creators by offering thousands of unlicensed sound recordings for free," the RIAA commented at the time.

Spinrilla Fought Piracy Accusations

The hip-hop site countered the allegations by pointing out its RIAA-approved anti-piracy filter and highlighting how it actively worked with major record labels to promote their tracks. In addition, Spinrilla stressed that the DMCA's safe harbor protects the company from liability.

As the case progressed both parties filed motions for summary judgment. The music companies requested rulings to establish that Spinrilla is liable for direct copyright infringement and that the DMCA safe harbor doesn't apply. Spinrilla countered with cross-motions, filed under seal, in which they argued the opposite.

Court: Spinrilla is Liable

In December 2020, US District Court Judge Amy Totenberg ruled that Spinrilla is indeed liable for direct copyright infringement. In her ruling, Judge Totenberg concluded that 4,082 copyrighted sound recordings were streamed at least once through Sprinrilla's website or app.

Without the DMCA's safe harbor protection, Spinrilla faced a severe disadvantage in the event the case went to trial. With 4,082 copyrights at stake, potential damages would exceed $600 million if the jury found that the infringements were willful.

In recent weeks it looked like both parties were gearing up for a trial but, at the last minute, Spinrilla accepted a settlement and voluntarily submitted an "offer of judgment" to the court.

$50 Million + Shutdown

Spinrilla doesn't go light on itself in the judgment offer. The mixtape service commits to paying $50 million in damages plus other fees to the music companies. That's far less than the potential $600 million available at trial, but it's still a massive figure for a piracy case.

The proposed judgment, signed by a clerk at a US District Court in Georgia yesterday, effectively ends the legal battle after more than six years.

"Judgment shall be entered in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants jointly and severally in the amount of $50,000,000, inclusive of any recoverable costs and attorneys' fees," the judgment reads.

judgement spinrilla

In addition to the piracy damages, Spinrilla will close its doors for good. That includes its hugely popular iOS and Android apps, which were downloaded millions of times.

To give an impression of its reach, the Android app has over 93,000 reviews and over 10 million downloads. The Apple store doesn't share any download statistics but the Spinrilla app has 342,000 reviews on the platform.

Transfer Domain Name

The judgment prohibits Spinrilla and its founder Dylan Copeland from offering the service, and the Spinrilla site and apps are required to shut down within five days.

"[Defendants are restrained from] operating the Spinrilla Service or any other website, platform, system, or application that Defendants (or either of them) own or control, directly or indirectly, that is substantively similar to the Spinrilla Service," the judgment reads.

"Defendants shall have five (5) days from notice of entry by the Court of this Offer of Judgment to come into compliance with the terms set forth in the preceding paragraph without being in violation of said judgment."


At the time of writing the Spinrilla apps and website remain online but that is expected to change soon. As part of the judgment, the Spinrilla domain name will end up in the hands of the music companies.

"Defendants shall transfer the domain name to the Plaintiffs in accordance with the terms of the confidential Settlement Agreement and Release among the parties," the judgment adds.

There is no mention of the judgment or the pending shutdown of Spinrilla on the official site but we expect confirmation to arrive fairly soon.

A copy of the judgment approved yesterday by US District Court Judge Amy Totenberg is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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