Tuesday, May 16, 2023

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Manga Publisher Wants Cloudflare to Expose Operators of Popular 'Piracy' Sites
Ernesto Van der Sar, 16 May 11:47 AM

shieishaJapanese manga comics have always been popular on pirate sites but, where other categories have seen stalled growth, manga piracy boomed.

This unauthorized activity has not gone unnoticed by publishers, who've made it clear that piracy will not be tolerated, wherever it takes place in the world.

Japan's largest publisher Shueisha finds itself at the frontline of this battle. The company has taken a variety of legal actions, also in a U.S. court, where it hoped to find evidence against the operators of Manganato.com; thus far without result.

With more than 122 million monthly visits, Manganato is one of the largest piracy sites of its kind. In Japan, however, there are other sites that take the top spots. Several of these local favorites were targeted by a legal request filed at a U.S. court last week.

Shueisha Target 'Pirate' Sites

Shueisha obtained a DMCA subpoena at a California federal court which requires CDN provider Cloudflare to share all personal information it holds on the people who maintain the accounts of 13dl.to, takefile.link, novafile.org, wupfile.com, hexupload.net, and manga-zip.is.

These sites are all most popular in Japan and they have millions of monthly visitors. Earlier this month the publisher already asked Cloudflare to disable infringing copies of the Grand Jump magazine made available through these sites.

"We demand that you immediately disable access to the Infringing Work and cease any use, reproduction, and distribution of the Original Work. Specifically, we request that you remove or disable the Infringing Work from [the sites] or any of your system or services."

DMCA Notice to Cloudflare

shueisha takedown

Cloudflare typically doesn't remove cached CDN content and that didn't happen here either. Instead, Shueisha is now trying to identify the sites' operators directly through the DMCA subpoena, which was swiftly signed off by a court clerk.

Cloudflare Must Share Customer Details

The subpoena requires Cloudflare to share the personal details of customers associated with these domains. This includes addresses, phone numbers, emails, payment details, hosting providers, IP-addresses, and various related activity timestamps.

Subpoenaed Info

Cloudflare typically complies with these types of requests but whether that will help Shueisha address its piracy problem depends on how useful the information is. After all, many pirate site operators do all they can to conceal their personal information.

These efforts can provide results, however. Three years ago, popular pirate site Mangastream disappeared after being targeted by a DMCA subpoena obtained by Shueisha.

At the time of writing all of the targeted sites remain online. That said, some progress has been made, as the infringing Grand Jump copies are no longer available on wupfile.com, hexupload.net, and manga-zip.is.

A copy of the subpoena request and all associated information, as filed by Shueisha, is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Major YouTube Copyright Lawsuit Nears Trial With Almost Everything On the Line
Andy Maxwell, 15 May 07:34 PM

Sad YouTubeThe use of lawsuits to solve complex commercial disputes suggests that no amount of talking will ever produce the desired results.

For musician Maria Schneider, whose class action lawsuit against YouTube will head to a jury trial next month, the status quo and its alleged facilitator have been a constant topic of discussion for well over a decade.

What Do Whore Houses, Meth Labs, and YouTube Have in Common?

The riddle in the heading is almost seven years old, yet the closest answer to date is "you always end up paying for it." That wasn't what Maria Schneider had in mind, according to her 2016 Music Tech Policy piece, which begins with a surprise apology.

"OK, I know: that title really hits below the belt. I apologize. After all, it's not fair to legal whorehouses that pay their share of taxes to lump them with meth labs and YouTube," Schneider wrote.

"When a nail salon or spa has a back room for illegal prostitution, we shut down the business. When a dry cleaning plant is a front for a crystal meth lab, the government comes in with guns ablazing.

"Businesses that cover for illegal activity get boarded up and their owners thrown in the slammer. Just because a business carries on facade of legal activity — even offering us a good value from the facade — doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to the criminality going on."

Laundering Pirate Content or Solving Problems?

Schneider has never shied away from criticizing YouTube's business model or that of its owner, Google/Alphabet. In a submission to the U.S. Copyright Office in 2016, the seven-time Grammy winner accused YouTube of "fermenting a veritable pirate orgy" among its users while "dismantling copyright from the inside, like a flesh-eating virus."

Using less colorful terminology, the major recording labels and hundreds of artists expressed similar sentiments. "At its worst, the DMCA safe harbors have become a business plan for profiting off of stolen content," they wrote. "At best, the system is a de facto government subsidy enriching some digital services at the expense of creators."

Some subsidy. Between July 2021 and June 2022, YouTube paid over $6 billion to the music industry, using a system that's hardly changed since being labeled as "criminal."

Official content creator uploads aside, regular users of YouTube upload content they're supposed to own, and from there, YouTube monetizes it within the boundaries of licensing agreements and broader law. When copyright holders report uploaded content as infringing, YouTube follows the DMCA and takes the content down.

This method meets the requirements of copyright law but generates no money for rightsholders. An alternative process does, however.

When rightsholders use YouTube's Content ID, the system identifies unlicensed uploads, with removal just one of several options. Monetizing content is another, and as a result, many rightsholders today have stopped sending takedown notices and receive checks from YouTube instead.

Access Denied

Schneider's 2020 class action lawsuit claims that when smaller artists ask for permission to use Content ID, YouTube rejects their applications and denies access to associated anti-piracy tools. Meanwhile, alleged infringers arguably benefit from Content ID matches.

The complaint alleges that YouTube users who repeatedly upload infringing content are 'repeat infringers' who should have their YouTube accounts terminated. Instead, YouTube's Content ID system allegedly provides them with cover. According to the plaintiffs, YouTube's failure to terminate these repeat infringers disqualifies the company from safe harbor protection under the DMCA.

Viewed differently, Content ID immediately licenses uploaded content and funnels revenue to the rightsholder based on pre-agreed terms. In 2021, 98% of all copyright complaints handled by YouTube were processed by Content ID.

Major recording labels' criticism of YouTube has been less evident in recent years, broadly coinciding with increased YouTube revenue. No recording labels or artists joined Schneider's lawsuit, despite being those most likely to benefit from a favorable outcome.

As Content ID users already, the lawsuit wasn't a great fit for the labels. YouTube's revelation – that Schneider had also benefited from Content ID via a deal with her publisher – was unexpected. In a controversial case that has exposed strengths, weaknesses and cynical tactics on both sides, it didn't come as a surprise.

Gearing Up For Trial

The trial will play out at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, from 09:00 on June 12, 2023. A joint pre-trial statement and individual trial briefs reflect the extraordinary legal resources expended by the parties over the last three years.

The plaintiffs assert claims against YouTube for violations of the Copyright Act (direct, contributory and vicarious infringement) and violations of 17 U.S.C. § 1202, which prohibits the removal of Copyright Management Information.

YouTube's brief states that the plaintiffs contend they will prove "317 separate acts of infringement" before the jury. YouTube says that despite its requests, the plaintiffs are playing "hide-the-ball" by refusing to identify any of them. YouTube also provides a downbeat assessment of what the case amounts to.

"Liability issues aside, it is also important to highlight what remains in dispute regarding Plaintiffs' damages claims. Plaintiffs are seeking roughly $23 in revenue per work, so even if they prevail on every one of their 317 infringement claims, they would be seeking roughly $7,300 in total gross revenue…," YouTube notes.

YouTube says it has defenses for all claims, including protection under the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA, through fair use, express licenses, and time-barred claims.

Interestingly, YouTube says that it won't pursue a DMCA safe harbor defense if the court denies a pending class-certification motion and the matter proceeds as an individual action instead. If YouTube does attempt a safe harbor defense, the plaintiffs insist that YouTube will fail. One of the requirements for protection is the reasonable implementation of a repeat infringer policy; not the case here, the plaintiffs claim.

"[YouTube's] exclusion of private and unlisted videos and search result de-duplication prevents copyright owners from gathering information necessary to submit takedown requests; it fails to issue copyright strikes for the billions of infringements identified by Content ID; it assesses strikes against channels, not users, even though one user can have multiple channels," their brief reads.

Don't Forget the Bogus DMCA Notices

Roughly a year into what is now a three-year litigation project, the plaintiffs were still alleging mass copyright infringement on YouTube but noting that without access to Content ID, precise identification of infringement would remain problematic.

When the lawsuit was first filed in June 2020, an entity called Pirate Monitor Ltd appeared alongside Schneider, claiming that it owned the copyright to several movies illegally uploaded to YouTube. The company claimed that after being denied access to Content ID, it was forced into a "cumbersome, inaccurate, and flawed 'manual' process" that benefited YouTube's "money-making machine."

A YouTube investigation later alleged that Pirate Monitor used bogus accounts to upload its own videos and then used DMCA notices to take them down, claiming infringement of its rights. YouTube said this was a ploy to gain fraudulent access to Content ID management tools.

More Complexity, More Denial

YouTube continued to produce additional evidence to back up its fraud allegations and then followed up with a counterclaim against Pirate Monitor Ltd and alleged sole-owner, Gábor Csupó.

Mr. Csupó is a five-time Emmy award-winning producer and director, and the creator of the animated series Rugrats. He denies being involved in the submission of 1,975 bogus notices sent to YouTube. Csupó says that Pirate Monitor Ltd was dormant then, so he can't be held liable.

Agents or sub-agents of another company, Intellectual Property LLC, allegedly sent the notices. Alternatively, it may have been agents or sub-agents of another company called MegaFilm. As a matter of law, Csupó insists he's not responsible for the companies or their agents. Csupó further insists that since YouTube "encourages infringement," the company has "unclean hands."

Proposed Jury Instructions

Highly competent intellectual property attorneys have examined every detail of this complex case for almost three years. They remain fundamentally opposed.

If the plaintiffs' proposal succeeds, a jury of ordinary citizens will hear 50 hours of evidence, split equally between the parties. If YouTube's proposal is preferred, they will listen to just 24 hours of evidence overall before rendering their verdict.

The jury will receive guidance from District Judge James Donato, who will begin by informing the jury of their duty, as detailed in the proposed jury instructions.

"It is your duty to find the facts from all the evidence in the case. To those facts you will apply the law as I give it to you. You must follow the law as I give it to you whether you agree with it or not. And you must not be influenced by any personal likes or dislikes, opinions, prejudices, or sympathy. That means that you must decide the case solely on the evidence before you. You will recall that you took an oath to do so," the Judge will say.

Several pages of undisputed standard instructions will follow the above. From page 17 onwards the majority of the proposed jury instructions on the docket are still marked as disputed, which remains the case right to the very end, on page 243.

The Stakes Are High

YouTube believes it will prevail but in the event it does not, the plaintiffs say they are entitled to actual or statutory damages for each infringed work, in the range of $750 to $150,000 per work. More ominously, the plaintiffs will also seek the following:

– An order enjoining YouTube from withholding any known [content] match of 10 seconds or more in length, for any reference file generated from a video that was the subject of a successful DMCA takedown notice from the copyright claimants identified in such notices

– An order directing YouTube to provide, to any copyright owner who provides YouTube with a reference file, all matches longer than 10 seconds in length to any pre-existing video on YouTube and any video subsequently uploaded to YouTube

The plaintiffs may not get what they're asking for, even if their lawsuit is successful. But if they do, the requests above may amount to a game-changing event underpinning the Holy Grail – a takedown and staydown regime.

Documents referenced above are available here (1,2,3,4, pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Copyright Alliance Backs RIAA in Key YouTube Ripper Lawsuit
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 May 02:42 PM

yout logoMost artists and music labels share their music with the public on YouTube, free of charge.

The popular video platform has become an important promotional channel that brings in billions of dollars of advertising revenue every year.

The success story has a downside, however. Millions of people use so-called stream-ripping websites to download music tracks from YouTube, without permission. YouTube's terms and service prohibit this activity but there are hundreds of online tools through which people can easily 'rip' and download content from the site.

Music companies, often represented by the RIAA, are actively cracking down on what they see as major piracy threat. Some operators of these stream-ripping tools disagree, pointing at the variety of legal use cases instead.

Yout vs. RIAA

At the end of 2020, the operator of one of the largest stream-rippers took matters into his own hands. Instead of hiding in the shadows like some of his competitors, Yout.com owner Johnathan Nader sued the RIAA, asking a federal court in Connecticut to declare his service non-infringing.

Last fall, the district court decided to dismiss the matter, handing a win to the RIAA. Judge Stefan Underhill ultimately concluded that Yout had failed to show that it doesn't circumvent YouTube's technological protection measures. This also rendered the associated defamation and business disparagement claims moot.

Yout did not give up on the case. Nader opted to appeal the verdict as he believes that YouTube rippers don't violate the DMCA. After the RIAA's request for legal fees was denied, Yout's attorneys filed their opening brief at the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in February.

Key Questions

This case essentially revolves around two questions, to which both parties have completely different answers. These questions will ultimately determine whether Yout and similar stream-ripping services operate legally.

– Does YouTube employ a technological measure that effectively controls access to copyrighted works?

– If the answer is yes, does the Yout service circumvent these controls?

In its opening brief, Yout previously went into great detail to show that YouTube doesn't have any effective protection measures. The stream-ripper wasn't alone in this assessment; the site received support from both GitHub and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), who filed supportive Amicus Curiae briefs.

Copyright Alliance Backs RIAA

Earlier this month, the RIAA replied to these arguments in a detailed answering brief. According to the music industry group, Yout is an "illicit stream-ripping service" that effectively allows people to "bypass YouTube's technological restrictions" that prevent downloading of works streamed through YouTube.

The RIAA is not alone in this assessment. Late last week, the Copyright Alliance submitted an amicus curiae brief in support, asking the Court of Appeals not to change the lower court's verdict.

The Copyright Alliance is a non-profit that represents rightsholders across the board and has strong connections with industry groups. In its amicus brief, the public interest group warns that reversing the current court ruling will have devastating consequences.

"Yout's illegal, stream-ripping software is a significant threat to copyright holders and ultimately the public. If this Court adopts the arguments of Yout and its amici, protection for numerous business models will be devastated, resulting in less, not more, public access to copyrighted works," the Copyright Alliance writes.

Free Expression

The Copyright Alliance provides a detailed overview of the DMCA's legal history and says that Congress intended Section 1201's 'circumvention' safeguards to protect free expression, not to harm it.

Supporters of YouTube downloading tools may argue that the technology can foster creativity, but the Copyright Alliance argues the opposite. They believe that unbridled access to copyrighted content will ultimately lead to less output from creators, hurting free expression.

"Massive infringement impedes free expression in several ways. Deprived of a fair return, copyright owners have less incentive to create and to disseminate expressive works, especially in digital formats.

"Moreover, the specter of rampant piracy inhibits copyright holders from creating or partnering with new platforms and services that can offer the consuming public broader access to creative works," the Alliance adds.

'Rube Goldberg-like Process'

The brief stresses that Yout clearly violates the DMCA's anti-circumvention provision and that all counterarguments fall flat. This includes the notion that YouTube's technical protection measures are not at all effective.

The stream-ripper backed up this point by showing that anyone can easily download YouTube audio and video through a regular browser, without the need for special tools. However, this 'Rube Goldberg-like' multi-step process doesn't help its argument, the Copyright Alliance notes.

"Yout's contrived attempt to show that YouTube users already have access to copyrighted works via a convoluted, Rube Goldberg-like process actually refutes the 'lack of effectiveness' argument.

"Without question, Yout's service flouts the express terms and the crucial purpose of Section 1201, all to the ultimate detriment of the consumer," the brief adds.

'Rehashing Stale Arguments'

Yout and the amicus brief from EFF also stressed that stream-ripper tools have many legal and fair use purposes. For example, they are vital for some reporters and useful to creatives who use them for future work.

The stream-ripper argued that its service can be equated to a video recorder, citing the Betamax case. Downloading content from YouTube is nothing more than "time shifting".

The Copyright Alliance refutes these arguments as well, pointing out that they fall flat as these lines of reasoning have been repeatedly defeated in courts.

"The position of Yout and EFF in this lawsuit is nothing more than another in a decades-long pattern of raising legally baseless court challenges to the DMCA," the Alliance writes. "These arguments merely rehash stale, erroneous arguments that courts have rejected for decades."

Whether the appellate court will agree with these arguments has yet to be seen. While circumvention cases are not new, none of these U.S.-based cases have looked at Youtube-ripping in detail.

A copy of the Copyright Alliance's Amicus Curiae brief calling for an affirmation of the lower court's decision in favor of the RIAA is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 05/15/2023
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 May 01:09 AM

the covenantThe data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are only meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have five newcomers on the list. "The Covenant", which came out as a high-quality pirate release, is the most downloaded title.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on May 15 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (…) The Covenant 7.6 / trailer
2 (…) Air 7.6 / trailer
3 (1) Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 7.4 / trailer
4 (2) Renfield 6.4 / trailer
5 (…) Evil Dead Rise 6.9 / trailer
6 (4) Avatar: The Way of Water 7.8 / trailer
7 (5) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania 6.4 / trailer
8 (3) The Pope's Exorcist 6.1 / trailer
9 (back) The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7.3 / trailer
10 (…) The Mother 5.6 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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