Thursday, May 18, 2023

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U.S. Congress Doesn't Plan to Overreact to Generative AI Copyright Challenges
Ernesto Van der Sar, 18 May 11:08 AM

judiciary comitteeThis article consists of a collection of words that were once invented, most of them long before copyright or trademarks existed.

Words form the building blocks of today's society; they help to foster creativity and communication, and represent the driving force behind human intelligence.

These same words are now used as input by generative AI that will ultimately lead to new breakthroughs. Depending on who you ask, it has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of day-to-day life. At the same time, AI is causing grave concerns for the copyright industry.

The copyright angle is the topic of many debates and has already made its way to court in a few cases. It's high on the agendas of governments around the world, which are poised to accommodate generative AI within copyright legislation.

House Hearing on Copyright and AI

Copyright concerns surrounding generative AI were explored in detail yesterday by U.S. lawmakers at the House Judiciary IP Subcommittee. This hearing is an early step in the legislative process but an important one at that.

Historically, debates around copyright legislation tend to be polarized. However, U.S. Representative and committee chairman, Darrell Issa, urged everyone to approach the discussion with a spirit of collaboration.

"Let us find common ground, seeking solutions that promote the flourishing of both creative expression and intellectual property protection. The stakes couldn't be higher and the outcome will shape the future landscape of art, technology and copyright today," Rep. Issa said.

Finding Middle Ground

The chairman stressed that, contrary to what some fear, Congress doesn't plan to make hasty decisions or overreact. At the same time, stakeholders should not fear or hope for severe measures. In this context he mentioned Spain and Italy, which have taken quite extreme positions.

"Spain is moving forward with what I think might be a very restrictive interpretation. Japan believes, apparently, that all information that goes into the teaching is in fact free of any copyright restriction in its use.

"I do not believe that today's discussion will take us down either road. I believe we will measure carefully and find middle ground that respects existing copyright law, while allowing the future of generative AI to flourish," Rep. Issa added.

The Hearing

The chairman then handed the microphone to Subcommittee Ranking Member Hank Johnson, who started his opening statement by concurring that Congress is expected to come up with "reasonable" proposals, but that Japan's position might be a little too open.

Serious Concerns

According to Representative Johnson, Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize a range of industries but there are serious copyright concerns that come with that, concerns that can't go unaddressed.

"I am hard pressed to understand how a system that rests almost entirely on the works of others – and can be commercialized or used to develop commercial products – owes nothing, not even notice, to the owners of the works it uses to power its system," Johnson said.

These and other comments make clear that Congress is expected to come up with some type of legislation. At the same time, the hearing also made it clear that not all AI inventions and products can be treated the same.

Lawmakers Listen to AI Drake

For example, it's not hard to see how it can be a problem when AI mimics the voice and style of a musician. This includes the widely publicized Drake and The Weeknd track, which was actually played at yesterday's hearing. Profiting from that work certainly causes concern.

But what if someone uses millions of publicly accessible poems to create a new book? Or millions of music tracks or photos to create unique works? Should all of these inputs be recognized or even compensated? Or is it a case of fair use?

The various witnesses shared different viewpoints on the matter which made clear that a balanced and reasonable approach by Congress would indeed make sense. However, this also means that stakeholders could be disappointed, because the solutions are either too strict or not strict enough, depending on position.

This ultimately means that there will be tensions. And indeed, we're already seeing rightsholders and public advocacy groups calling for more or less restrictions.

Polarized Positions…

The Human Artistry Campaign, which was founded to represent rightsholders in the AI debates, was swift to chime on to stress the need for regulation. The same is true for RIAA's Mitch Glazier and NMPA's David Israelite, who wrote an op-ed ahead of the hearing.

"Creators and copyright owners must retain exclusive control over the ways their work is used. The moral invasion of AI engines that steal the core of a professional performer's identity — the product of a lifetime's hard work and dedication — without permission or pay cannot be tolerated," they wrote.

At the other end of the spectrum are those that want to make sure that AI and innovation isn't restricted too much, as that would hinder progress. This includes ReCreate Executive Director Joshua Lamel, who cautions against strict regulation.

"As with all change, this paradigm shift would reduce the power of legacy gatekeepers who seek to keep all the opportunities of generative AI while making baseless and boundless demands for compensation.

"Policymakers must remember that generative AI is grounded in Fair Use and other elements that are not subject to copyright protection," Lamel adds.

The above is just a tiny overview of a single hearing and some of the responses. It's the starting point of a discussion that will keep lawmakers, stakeholders, and the public busy for a while. Nobody knows where it will lead but heated debates are guaranteed.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Japan's Pirate Manga Site 'Leak' Isn't a Failure, It's Potential Education
Andy Maxwell, 17 May 10:28 PM

bleachmangaMulti-point, ongoing collisions between rightsholders, pirate sites, pirates and copyright law, are what fuel our daily reporting. The pumps rarely run dry for long in these wars.

The polarized nature of the debate, which regularly pits decent law-abiding content creators against shadowy thieves hiding in the recesses of the web, is good for headlines but a hopeless anti-piracy tool.

Casual pirates, who represent the majority, routinely dismiss this type of messaging as either completely untrue or blatant propaganda. Yet when unfiltered piracy information leaks out unexpectedly, people suddenly develop an interest in what anti-piracy groups have to say.

Redacted Document Wasn't Redacted

Many months ago, Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs published a document which contained a list of pirate manga sites generating high levels of traffic from within Japan. As the image below shows, the names of the sites were considered sensitive enough to completely redact. The redaction wasn't effective.

jpn-manga- redacted

Hovering a cursor over the blacked-out area revealed what should've been hidden and click led directly to the site considered most damaging to the home market in Japan.

That's highly relevant information but when the Agency of Cultural Affairs was alerted to the buzz on social media, the information was immediately taken down.

The Case for Sharing More Information, Not Less

There's a theory in anti-piracy circles that mentioning pirate sites by name makes them more popular. If we assume that's the case, let's see how that's working out.

The slide with the unredacted text above covers the period June-July 2022. The slide below is from a more recent report covering September-October 2022. This time the names of the sites are properly redacted but we can still see data related to the site in the top spot.

jpn-manga- sep-oct2022

In September 2022 the site had very little traffic but then a 23,642% surge over the next few weeks led to the site pulling in 61 million visits in October 2023 alone.

These massive figures may be linked to a site switching domains/brands but with these kinds of numbers, sites don't stay secret for long. Simply mentioning a site's name would have no effect but it would help people to understand the bigger picture.

Japan Sets The Standard on Transparency

Minor redaction issue aside, when it comes to sharing information, Japan deserves zero criticism. From anti-piracy strategies in operation today to those it hopes to develop in the future, the various companies and anti-piracy groups involved publish incredibly detailed reports, all available to the public on sites like

Japan's public yet understated reporting offers regular insight into a significant anti-piracy program that faces huge challenges but continues to progress. Open documents catalog progress to date, plans for the future, details of any setbacks, and concerns over looming threats.

Equally importantly, Japan's reporting feels real; there's no drama, and information isn't put out selectively in a way that distorts the facts. In that respect these reports feel more like an education than a puzzle to unpack, after first discarding the marketing.

Overseas Players Dominate Local Market

The reports are compelling, including those that reveal that at any one point, seven of the top ten pirate sites targeting the Japanese market are believed to either have links or are based in Vietnam. Each month, citizens of Japan visit those sites at least 200 million times and recent reports reveal growing concern at this persistent overseas threat.

"Sites often drastically increase their traffic in just a short period of time. There is a sense of urgency that at any moment, access to these sites could explode and we could be back to the worst," one reads.

"The reason for this is a sense of crisis, problems are piling up. The Vietnamese system…still no arrests have been made. Therefore, new sites from Vietnam are appearing one after another."

Whether the situation will improve in Vietnam is unclear but anyone who wants a relatively unfiltered window into the action moving forward, the link is [redacted].

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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