Thursday, March 16, 2023

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After ACE Shuts Down Streamzz, Pirates Demand Refunds But Get Zebras Instead
Andy Maxwell, 16 Mar 09:46 AM

ace-aimAs part of its relentless campaign to shut down as many pirate sites as possible, on Wednesday the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment reported yet another big win.

The anti-piracy coalition's latest victim is Streamzz, a stream hosting platform that reportedly supplied over 75,000 movies and 15,000 TV episodes, which helped to fuel more than 60 pirate streaming sites.

ACE says that a third of the site's seven million monthly visits can be attributed to users in Germany, where Streamzz itself was based. Germany is also the home of ACE member Constantin Film, a film production and distribution company that worked with the coalition to take Streamzz down.

ACE Celebrates Win, Streamzz Infuriates Users

In an announcement Wednesday, ACE chief Jan van Voorn said that the closure of Streamzz shows that the coalition is capable of targeting pirates no matter where they exist in the chain of supply.

"The shutdown of Streamzz is fresh proof that no one in the content piracy ecosystem – whether they're a streaming service, video streaming host or anything in between – is above the law. We will target piracy services of various kinds in order to protect the global creative economy," he said.

Some users of Streamzz, meanwhile, have concerns about their own economies.

How it Started….

Streamzz (or simply Streamz) has been around since 2019, operating from several different domains. In a 2020 interview with Tarnkappe, one of the site's operators declined to comment on future successes leading to the sipping of cocktails on a tropical beach. "We just let ourselves be surprised," he said.

On March 14, three of the site's domains –, and – had their records updated to reveal their new owner: Motion Picture Association, Inc. Domains still to be taken over currently deliver a message: "We currently have server problems. Please understand."


Today's situation is a far cry from the optimism and business drive of Streamz back in 2020. In order to build a popular service, Streamz needed two things; people to upload movies and TV shows to Streamz, and people to watch them on third-party streaming sites where they would be embedded.

Building Up, Building Trust

The image below shows that people were incentivized to upload popular content and generate traffic for the platform. For a considerable time, everything seemed to go broadly as planned.

streamz launch

With uploaders getting paid to upload movies and TV shows to Streamz, and streaming sites placing links to that content in their own indexes, everyone in the mini-ecosystem had the ability to generate traffic and make money.

To show that Streamz was indeed paying out earnings as promised, bonuses were paid to uploaders who posted screenshots of their payouts on a public forum. There appeared to be no shortage of people prepared to further compromise their security for a few extra dollars.

streamzz payout

Still, these public records of payouts tend to suggest that up until the first or second week of February, Streamzz may have been operating normally.

Mass Deletions Begin

When reports began to surface that Streamzz had begun mass deleting movies and TV shows, that was a sure sign of major underlying problems. A message on, a large Germany-focused streaming platform, reported that Streamzz was "having a massive deletion wave" but the reasons for that were currently unknown.

The manner in which those deletions became apparent to the site's uploaders and partners caused widespread confusion before spilling over into anger. It appears that when Streamzz deleted user-uploaded videos, they replaced them with random wildlife videos instead.

Some uploaders got a little bit upset. Others operating in more specialist niches catering to more specific tastes, were absolutely furious.


While zebra videos might have pleased David Attenborough, Naomi Foxx fans probably prefer videos that at least stay on topic. According to Streamzz, hardware issues were to blame.

"We are currently having a problem with the delivery of the videos as we are still waiting for a new raid controller. We will fix the problem as soon as possible and of course compensate for the downtime of the last days," a spokesperson explained. Some weren't convinced.

"I find instead of my links I get videos about nature or clickbait videos for Telegram or Instagram. Almost all my links are gone with this shit, no support, no response," one user complained.

"I think it is appropriate not to utilize anymore, my site is not a Savannah Zoo, fuck."

Animal Problems Disappear

As one observer wondered if the wildlife videos had appeared because Streamzz had servers "far from civilization," suddenly there were no more animal videos. Or anything else for that matter.

Sometime late February, Streamzz ceased to exist beyond a handful of domains. As reported earlier, three of those domains are now controlled by the MPA and currently link to the ACE anti-piracy portal.

It's possible that others will join them in the days to come.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Authorities Arrested 'Leaders' of Prolific Piracy Release Group EVO
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 Mar 09:47 PM

dvdsEvery day millions of people download or stream pirated movies, which are readily available online through hundreds of dedicated sites.

To the broader public, pirate sites and services are the gateways to a darker side of the entertainment world. In turn, however, these sites are heavily reliant on the crucial 'suppliers' at the top of the piracy pyramid.

The Piracy Supply Chain

Broadly speaking, there are two 'supplier' groups in this supply chain. On one side, 'The Scene', a conglomerate of often intertwined groups that release 'their' content on private topsites. Rules and security are key in The Scene, but in 2020, a series of raids demonstrated that it's not impenetrable.

In addition to Scene groups, there are also P2P groups. The latter operate more loosely and are generally connected to private sites, including torrent trackers where they publicly release pirated movies and TV shows.

Scene releases eventually appear on the wider internet through third parties, but P2P groups often upload their content straight to the public.

Unlike The Scene, P2P groups don't have to abide by a particular set of rules, but privacy is still a top priority. Release group members risk criminal prosecution and multi-year prison sentences should they be identified by anti-piracy groups or law enforcement agencies.

EVO – The Leak Kings

EVO, short for EVOLUTiON, is a high-profile P2P group whose activities stood out in recent years. The group released a steady stream of new movie and TV show titles and gained pirates' admiration by leaking many screeners way ahead of their official premieres.

For several years in a row, EVO opened the "screener season" by releasing leaked copies of upcoming films. This included Oscar contenders, but also several Netflix titles that originated from festival screenings.

EVO was also the first to release an early Blu-Ray copy of 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' last year, and a high-quality copy of the blockbuster "Dune" in 2021, ahead of its official U.S. premiere.

Needless to say, movie industry insiders viewed EVO as a major threat. There was little doubt that rightsholders were doing everything in their power to track down the group. A few months ago, those enforcement efforts paid off.

EVO Arrests

Last November EVO stopped releasing new titles. This was highly unusual as EVO previously uploaded over a dozen titles each week. This suggested that something had happened to the group and the rumor mill led to suspicions of a potential bust.

At the time, TorrentFreak heard from several sources claiming that EVO had been dismantled by the authorities, but none could provide solid proof. One mentioned an operation in Spain, while another referred to an undocumented raid where equipment was seized.

We also reached out to the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) last November due to its involvement in many enforcement operations. At the time, ACE was unable to share any further insight, but that position has now changed.

A few days ago, ACE boss Jan van Voorn informed TorrentFreak that several people connected to EVO were tracked down by ACE last year. This culminated in an enforcement action last November and ACE continues to collaborate with Portuguese authorities as part of an ongoing investigation.

"I can finally confirm that we identified the leaders of the EVO release group and are actively working with the Portuguese authorities on the case," Van Voorn said.

The statement is in line with information we received from another source last November, which stated that EVO was a Portuguese group.

Active Investigation

The fact that the investigation isn't yet complete means that very little can be shared publicly at this stage. We pressed for further details but most of our follow-up questions remain unanswered.

After discussing the matter with the Portuguese authorities, ACE was able to confirm that "several arrests have been made" without mentioning the location of these suspects.

When EVO disappeared last year, another prominent release group called iFT also went quiet. ACE couldn't confirm that iFT is linked to the investigation, nor can it share how the suspects were tracked down.

ACE notes that the alleged crimes of the people involved relate to intellectual property, but there are other charges as well. Unfortunately, however, the anti-piracy coalition is unable to share further information, at least not at this time.

No Leaked Screeners

The crackdown is a major win for ACE and the broader film industry. EVO was known for its early leaks of prominent screeners and in an interview, openly blamed Hollywood for keeping piracy relevant.

The recent arrests also appear to have had an immediate impact on the availability of leaked screeners. For the first time in the history of online piracy, no notable screeners leaked last year.

ACE also noted the lack of screener leaks. The enforcement action last November appears to have effectively shut down EVO and likely spooked others who may have had access to screeners.

"Yes, EVO has been one of the most prolific release groups out there. Actions by ACE and the Portuguese authorities put an end to their activities," Van Voorn notes.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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