Tuesday, January 17, 2023

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Combating IPTV Piracy: EC Calls for Evidence to Support Mitigation 'Toolbox'
Andy Maxwell, 17 Jan 08:48 AM

iptvRightsholders involved in the creation and broadcasting of live events say their businesses face a persistent threat from unlicensed and illegal competition.

Since live sports sector stakeholders are particularly vulnerable, undermining pirate IPTV services is a key priority. Civil enforcement – including hard-fought proactive and real-time ISP blocking measures – may have had some positive effect, but pirate IPTV subscriptions are selling well and rightsholders are still worried.

On the criminal side, multiple police-led operations around Europe often sounded spectacular but didn't have a significant effect on the market. What rightsholders really want is a change in the law, to compel intermediaries in receipt of a takedown notice to disable streams immediately, or face liability themselves.

Last October, over 100 rightsholders, organizations, and powerful media groups coordinated to demand just that. MPA, UEFA, Premier League, beIN, LaLiga, Serie A, Sky, and BT Sport, to name just a few, told the European Commission to 'End Live Piracy Now'.

The EC's answer came three weeks later but for rightsholders, it wasn't worth the wait. With no legislative instruments or European-wide regulation on the table, the EC pledged to follow up on a European Parliament resolution by offering a "toolbox" to fight the illegal streaming of live events.

EC Calls For Evidence to Fight IPTV Piracy

The European Commission has just issued a call for evidence to ensure that its upcoming "toolbox" contains the right tools to effectively address the IPTV problem, within the boundaries of existing EU law.

"It is necessary to identify effective solutions, in accordance with EU law, to promptly remove or block access to unauthorized retransmissions, taking due account of the nature of the content," the EC's announcement reads.

"Various remedies against the unauthorized retransmissions of content are already provided for in the EU legislation. In particular, the recently adopted DSA constitutes a robust general framework to counter illegal content online.

"It harmonizes the rules on notice and action mechanisms, and will streamline the processing of notices sent to providers of hosting services to remove unauthorized retransmissions of live events."

Whether the Digital Services Act (DSA) can provide sufficient tools remains to be seen. The EC cites no additional benefits beyond a more streamlined takedown process. Instead the focus is on tools already in use – injunctions against infringers and intermediaries, plus dynamic ISP blocking orders.

"The Commission will recommend to Member States and market players the best use of these existing tools for the specific case of unauthorized retransmissions of live events. It will also aim at promoting cooperation between market players and between the relevant administrative authorities established in certain Member States," the EC adds.

"Likely Impacts"

Over the past few years the EU has published a number of in-depth piracy reports, detailing the IPTV landscape, challenges faced by sports broadcasters, and the use of dynamic blocking injunctions (pdf).

On the other side, rightsholders have listed their demands extremely clearly. They need real-time stream takedown tools, toughened repeat-infringer policies, and 'take down means stay down' measures.

Given that the EC disappointed rightsholders last year, it's not inconceivable that leverage points will be found under copyright law and the DSA to allow the parties to meet somewhere in the middle. At this stage, however, the EC is promoting the efficient use of tools that are already available, such as 'notice and action' mechanisms supported by blocking injunctions.

If these existing measures prove insufficient, all is not lost. The EC says that subject to an assessment, it will propose new legislation to mitigate the problem.

"The Commission will set up a monitoring system to assess the effects of the recommendation on the effectiveness of the legal remedies, based on the information gathered in particular from Member States, the EUIPO Observatory on infringements of IP rights, rightholders and intermediaries," the EC says.

"This will ensure appropriate follow-up, including by proposing legislation if the desired results are not achieved."

The EC initiative "Combating online piracy of live content" is live and accepting stakeholder input until February 10, 2023.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Police Complaint Removes Pirate Bay Proxy Portal from GitHub
Ernesto Van der Sar, 16 Jan 05:01 PM

pirate bay logoBy now, various courts around the world have concluded that The Pirate Bay is a copyright-infringing website.

In response to various court orders over the years, the notorious torrent site was blocked by dozens of ISPs all around the world. That's also the case in the UK, where The Pirate Bay was added to the local piracy blocklist over a decade ago.

These blocking efforts triggered the rise of hundreds of Pirate Bay proxy sites. While many of these were subsequently blocked, new ones continue to pop up, as do sites that provide an overview of the latest working proxies.

"The Proxy Bay" falls in the latter category. It provides links to the latest Pirate Bay proxies and also shares information on how people can start a proxy of their own. While rightsholders don't like this type of information being shared, there are no links to copyrighted material on the site.

Proxy Blocking

The lack of infringing content hasn't stopped local music group BPI from pursuing legal action. As part of the original Pirate Bay blockade, thepirateproxybay.com and many similar sites are blocked by UK ISPs. Voluntarily complying with the same ruling, Google followed suit by deindexing whole domains.

One domain managed to escape these blocking actions; proxybay.github.com. This GitHub subdomain is a copy of thepirateproxybay.com and appears to be operated by the same people, but it's not blocked by UK ISPs.

Interestingly, we did spot the site on an advertising blacklist maintained by City of London Police's Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU). In our article from a few months ago, we questioned why the police couldn't have taken an easier route by sending a DMCA notice.

'Criminal' GitHub Subdomain

Fast forward to 2023 and PIPCU has decided to take up the matter on behalf of music group BPI. Police sent a takedown request to the Microsoft-owned company, alerting it to the alleged criminal activity taking place on its domain.

"This site is in breach of UK law, namely Copyright, Design & Patents Act 1988, Offences under the Fraud Act 2006 and Conspiracy to Defraud," PIPCU writes.

"Suspension of the domain(s) is intended to prevent further crime. Where possible we request that domain suspension(s) are made within 48 hours of receipt of this Alert," the notice adds.

This takedown request was honored by GitHub, meaning that people who try to access the domain now get a 404 error instead.

Muddying the Waters

While GitHub's swift response is understandable, it's worth pointing out how these blocking efforts are evolving and expanding, far beyond blocking the original Pirate Bay site.

The Proxy Bay doesn't link to infringing content directly. The site links to other proxy sites which serve up the Pirate Bay homepage. From there, users may search for or browse torrent links that, once loaded, can download infringing content.

Does this mean that simply linking to The Pirate Bay can be considered a crime in itself? If that's the case, other sites such as Wikipedia and Bing are in trouble too.

A more reasonable middle ground would be to consider the intent of a site. The Proxy Bay was launched to facilitate access to The Pirate Bay, which makes court orders less effective. In 2015 UK ISPs began blocking proxy and proxy indexing sites, so that explains why thepirateproxybay.com and others are regularly blocked.

Whether this constitutes criminal activity is ultimately for the court to decide, not the police. In this regard, it's worth noting that City of London Police previously arrested the alleged operator of a range of torrent site proxies.

The then 20-year-old defendant, who also developed censorship circumvention tool Immunicity, was threatened with a hefty prison sentence but the court disagreed and dismissed the case.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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