Thursday, September 22, 2022

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Movie & Music Piracy Acceptable to a Growing Number of U.S. Households
Ernesto Van der Sar, 22 Sep 12:16 PM

pirate-flagThere is little doubt that video and music streaming services have taken the Internet by storm over the past decade.

An entire "on-demand" generation is growing up, and the streaming business model is generating billions of dollars in revenue.

Competing With Piracy

This change was spurred on by piracy. When Spotify and Netflix started their streaming services, they openly positioned themselves as piracy competitors. And indeed, in the early years, many casual pirates were drawn to these platforms.

More recently, this early selling point has started to degrade, especially when it comes to video streaming services, of which there are many. Instead of offering an attractively broad selection of content to subscribers, exclusive releases are now the preferred tools to draw customers in.

The video streaming wars have reached a point where many people can no longer afford to pay for everything they want to see. Ironically, this drives them back to pirate sites where they occasionally watch content for free.

More U.S. Households Believe Piracy is Justified

New survey results released by Parks Associates suggest that the attitudes of U.S. consumers towards piracy have started to shift as well. The data are released as a promotion for the Future of Video conference. While there's not much detail on the methodology, the results are quite clear.

Nearly a quarter (23%) of all U.S. households agree that piracy is acceptable because movies and music should be available to everyone for free. This is a considerable increase on the position three years ago, when only 14% strongly agreed with this statement.

Similar increases are observed for other piracy justifications, including the argument that movie and music companies make a lot of money, and the belief that no one ever gets into trouble for pirating content.


Support for password sharing also appears to have increased, as roughly one in five households are okay with unlicensed media usage, as long as someone else is paying for the service.

The survey isn't exactly an academic study and from the data presented it's not clear how many households are actively pirating content, versus simply using someone else's password to access a legal service. However, the strong results suggest that people's attitudes are changing.

Experts See Room for Improvement

The results of the survey will be discussed at the Future of Video conference, where many participants will emphasize the need or advertise options for stricter enforcement. This includes streaming video provider and protection service Synamedia.

"Piracy's impact has gone from bad to worse, and it's hitting content owners and service providers where it hurts: in their pockets. The good news is there is technology and intelligence available to keep content secure and stop them in their tracks," Steve Epstein from Synamedia says.

At the same time, there are also companies that recognize the fragmentation problem. This includes video streaming aggregator Reelgood, which tries to bring order to the streaming chaos.

"We've found that consumers pirate NOT because they want to but because they're often forced to by an increasingly complex and fragmented streaming landscape that was built for companies, not users," Tim Cutting of Reelgood notes.

Sebastian Kramer, SVP Product Management at NAGRA, also mentions fragmentation as one of the key problems the entertainment industry faces today.

"With an increasingly fragmented content landscape as content owners range direct-to-consumer services, piracy is soaring. Ultimately, consumers are looking for content, so we all need to focus on the best, aggregated approaches to allow this to happen," Kramer says.

In large part, these quotes come from people who have a significant stake in the anti-piracy ecosystem. However, it is clear that the media industry isn't oblivious to the 'streaming fatigue' of the broader public. And seeing it discussed openly at a conference, shows that the problem is taken seriously.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Teen Sued By Bungie Over Cheats & Threats Comes Out Fighting
Andy Maxwell, 21 Sep 08:32 PM

Destiny 2This July at a Washington district court, Destiny 2 developer Bungie filed the latest in a growing list of lawsuits aimed at curtailing cheating in its online games.

Bungie's complaint alleged that the user behind the Twitter handle '@inkcel' regularly live streamed himself using third party copyright-violating cheats in Destiny 2 that give cheaters an unfair advantage over regular players.

Bungie had plenty of other complaints too.

@inkcel had been caught cheating in Destiny 2 and had been banned from the service multiple times. Every time he signed back up he breached Bungie's Limited Software License Agreement (LSLA), Bungie said. Acts of fraud according to the lawsuit.

The Destiny 2 player also stood accused of selling Bungie emblems (a type of digital art) on third-party platforms, including pieces associated with Bungie's charity work, again in breach of the LSLA. It was also claimed he harassed Bungie staff online, with some communications perceived as a threat to their physical safety.

Court Moves to Shield Defendant's Identity

On July 25, 2022, ten days after the lawsuit was filed, @inkcel's attorney advised the court that his client is in fact a minor child. Soon after the teenager's real name stopped being used in the case, replaced by the initials L.L. instead. In a recent Twitter post, L.L. revealed that he's just 17 years old but that doesn't appear to affected Bungie's position on the lawsuit.

L.L. was served in late July and after being granted extra time to respond, this week his attorney filed a motion to dismiss. As these filings go, it's quite an entertaining read and could complicate Bungie's plans, in more ways than one.

Defendants Fight Back With Same Lawyer

A separate lawsuit filed by Bungie against cheat seller AimJunkies took an unexpected turn recently when the defendants aggressively countersued the game developer. The attorney coordinating that attack, Philip P. Mann of Mann Law Group PLLC, is also representing L.L. in his case against Bungie. He's pulling no punches.

"This is another in a series of ill-considered, unfounded lawsuits filed by Bungie, Inc., in a well-publicized campaign 'to put cheaters and those who assist them on notice that Bungie does not and will not tolerate cheating in Destiny 2'," Mann writes in his motion to dismiss.

"Regardless of what Bungie 'tolerates' when it comes to the actions of others, formal legal proceedings, such as this case, are governed by the law, not Bungie's desires."

In short, the defense believes that Bungie's complaint focused a bit too much on conveying the dramas of potential violence, arson, and other criminal conduct, at the expense of pleading plausible facts sufficient to support its alleged causes of action and entitlement to relief. As a result, the complaint should be dismissed.

Defendant's Destiny 2 Custom Loadout

Mann begins by describing L.L. as a fan of Destiny 2 and the skills required to advance through the popular game. Some players are more skilled than others, so they progress through the game more quickly. Some even use ancillary software to gain a competitive edge.

Bungie calls this 'cheat software" and according to Mann, the company has been trying to "shoehorn" its use into a recognized cause of action, such as copyright infringement and/or breach of contract. This is because there is no law against cheating and there's no law against obtaining and using cheat software either, Mann says.

"In this action, Bungie vilifies and attacks Defendant L.L. for using one of several available suites of 'cheat software' while playing Destiny 2 and making no secret of the fact. Bungie tries to shoehorn the legal actions of Defendant L.L. into inapposite legal theories where they do not fit and do not belong."

In short, Bungie's complaint is "hysterical" and L.L. did nothing unlawful.

Minor Defendant Behaving Badly

Bungie's complaint goes into a lot of detail about L.L.'s alleged bad behavior but according to the motion to dismiss – so what? The important thing is that none of the alleged acts violated any of Bungie's rights under the law.

"Bungie's claims amount to little more than that L.L. has publicly made fun of Bungie and has made fun of Bungie's apparently ineffective efforts to combat 'cheating in Destiny 2,' an 'offense' that Congress has not, at present, chosen to make unlawful," the motion adds.

So what about creating Destiny 2 accounts under the names HoeAnnihilator and Hoehitter? Evading bans? Streaming some cheating action on Twitch? Also not illegal, Mann says. Anyway, Bungie closed the new accounts down quickly, so no harm done. Comments about Bungie and arson? An obvious juvenile joke, free speech under the First Amendment, the motion adds.

Surely the alleged re-selling of Bungie digital emblems is a problem? According to his attorney, L.L. paid full price for them and while resale could potentially run counter to Bungie's licensing terms, in this case, Bungie's paperwork doesn't mean a whole lot.

As a minor, L.L. has the right to disaffirm any contract within a reasonable time of becoming an adult but has already taken the opportunity to declare contracts with Bungie null and void. Since that includes the LSLA, three of Bungie's causes of action must be dismissed.

Copyright Infringement? No, Defense Insists

Citing a case involving a World of Warcraft cheat called 'Glider' decided by the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Mann says that the use of ancillary software to achieve an advantage in playing a computer game is not a violation of copyright law.

Blizzard Entertainment argued that by distributing Glider, the defendants were liable for "secondary" or "induced" copyright infringement. When players used Glider, Blizzard claimed that they violated the terms of the software license and that amounted to copyright infringement. The Ninth Circuit disagreed and said that any claim would need to be pursued under contract law.

That leaves Bungie's claim that L.L. violated the DMCA by circumventing the technological measures that reportedly protect Bungie's anti-cheat software. The motion to dismiss says that Bungie doesn't claim that L.L. avoided, bypassed, removed or impaired a technological measure. Instead it claims to be able to detect suspicious activity using client software, an important fact, the attorney writes.

"It means that the data Bungie claims to obfuscate is actually resident on L.L.'s own computer, not on any Bungie server," Mann writes.

"When using 'cheat' software, users are simply accessing data that is in their own computers, which they own and which they are perfectly free to examine and see what files, data, programs, etc., are on their own computers."

L.L's motion to dismiss Bungie's complaint is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Earthlink Reaches 'Tentative' Settlement with Filmmakers to End Piracy Liability Lawsuit
Ernesto Van der Sar, 21 Sep 02:24 PM

earthlinkA group of litigious filmmakers, headed by Voltage Pictures, is pulling out all the stops to hold Internet providers liable for pirating customers.

The movie companies own the rights to well-known movies such as "Ava", "I Feel Pretty" and "The Cobbler", which are publicly shared via BitTorrent. The lawsuits aim to deter this activity.

This month, the filmmakers went after AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon, accusing the companies of turning a blind eye to piracy. These cases were dismissed 'without prejudice' last week for unknown reasons but can be refiled at a later stage.


While these major cases were in the spotlight, a lawsuit against the smaller ISP Earthlink went largely unnoticed. This case was filed in June by many of the same filmmakers who accuse the provider of failing to act against repeat infringers.

The legal paperwork includes many of the same allegations. The rightsholders sent numerous piracy notices to the ISP, which allegedly failed to take action against repeat infringers to keep its revenues intact.

"Defendant knew that if it terminated or otherwise prevented repeat infringer subscribers from using it service to infringe, or made it less attractive for such use, Defendant would enroll fewer new subscribers, lose existing subscribers, and ultimately lose revenue," the complaint reads.

2020 Warning Letter

The lawsuit didn't come totally out of the blue for Earthlink. In 2020, the filmmakers already reached out to the Internet provider, complaining about widespread copyright infringement. They offered a deal to settle the matter out of court instead.

The letter in question identified the IP addresses of more than 1,100 alleged infringers, including many repeat infringers. In some cases, more than 100 notices were sent for a single IP address, without any meaningful response from Earthlink.


The filmmakers concluded that the ISP is liable for these infringements which could result in millions of dollars in damages. However, they offered Earthlink the option to avoid a lawsuit, as long as it agreed to the following terms.

– Immediately terminate accounts that received more than six piracy warnings
– Take appropriate action against repeat infringers in the future.
– Pay a portion of the alleged piracy damages
– Hand over the subscriber details of alleged pirates

Demands Move to Court

Earthlink never responded to this letter which prompted the filmmakers to take the matter to court. In a complaint filed at a federal court in Georgia in June, many of the previous demands reappeared.

The complaint requests an order that mandates a three-strikes termination policy for alleged pirates, for example. In addition, Earthlink should block access to known pirate sites and disclose the identities of pirating subscribers.

Paired with millions of dollars in potential damages, the stakes are obviously high. This was also apparent to Earthlink, which joined the negotiation table this time around.

Settlement Reached

Last week, both parties informed the court that a "tentative" settlement has been reached.

No details on the settlement negotiations have been released and it's unknown whether there are any damages payments involved. It is clear, however, that the lawsuit will be dismissed if all details are finalized.


In closing, it's worth noting that the developments in the Earthlink case are different from the AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon lawsuit. The latter were dismissed without prejudice, without any mention of a settlement.

Whether the filmmakers have any other ISPs in their crosshairs is unknown, but that certainly wouldn't be a surprise.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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