Wednesday, September 14, 2022

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Telecoms Group Wants to DDoS IPTV Pirates Off The Internet
Andy Maxwell, 14 Sep 09:27 AM

hackerLike most online services, pirate IPTV platforms use regular domains, IP addresses, websites, servers, and cloud services. But unlike most regular online platforms, they already know that rightsholders are watching their every move.

This means that they are mostly prepared for domain seizures and similar interference, IP address and DNS blocking, attempts to cut off payment processing, plus any other measures from the smorgasbord currently available.

No doubt that this is a major irritant for rightsholders attempting to shut them down. But what if there was another way, one that didn't rely on the success of any of the above but is considered a crime?

Authorities Fail to Act

In common with its counterparts around the world, the Hungarian Communications Association (MKSZ) also has to deal with illegal IPTV services. The group says it has reported more than 100 illegal distributors to the authorities in recent years, but investigations are slow and ineffective.

Since 2018, just one case has been closed and while that ended in a guilty verdict and a damages award, the accompanying one-year suspended prison sentence wasn't enough for the rightsholders looking to send a deterrent message.

As a result, they'd like to begin launching cyberattacks instead.

Cyberattacks – A Valid Option to Fight Piracy?

According to a statement sent to Hungary's Media1, the Hungarian Communications Association says it is initiating a round table discussion with domestic stakeholders, including legislators, copyright holders, neighboring rights holders, Internet service providers, and broadcasters. The aim is to discover whether it's possible to launch DDoS attacks against IPTV providers while enjoying protection under the law. The premise is as follows:

"For the sake of legal validity and international transparency, RIPE, at the initiative of the Hungarian communications authority, should designate a certain IPv4/IPv6 address range for the use of legal and registered DDOS attacks and make it publicly available," the proposal reads.

"The authority should appoint a suitable professional organization, which would be entitled – subject to the necessary level of official supervision and control – after a preliminary expert investigation based on a stakeholder report, with the appropriate legal authorization, against the detected illegal service IP addresses launched from the authorized DDoS address range for a legitimate DDoS attack."

DDoS Attack – Again and Again

If sanctioned, MKSZ believes such an attack would degrade the quality of an illegal distributor's service and ruin the viewing experience for subscribers too. The plan is to keep up the pressure so that any mitigation methods are overcome.

"If the illegal service provider detects [a DDoS attack] and changes an IP address and continues the illegal signal distribution from there, he could only do this with a significant time delay, and the process could be used continuously with IP address tracking," the proposal notes.

"By repeating this action several times, sooner or later, it would be possible within a short period of time that, on the one hand, the consumers of the person carrying out the illegal activity would stop their subscription due to the frequent poor quality and thus the perpetrator would not receive any income."

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

If the mere suggestion of launching cyberattacks isn't enough to sound alarm bells, another major red flag is that the potential for collateral damage has not only been considered, but may even be part of the strategy.

For example, disruption of innocent third-party services isn't seen as a problem since the ensuing chaos would send a message to hosting companies to pick better customers in the future.

"On the other hand, if the service is not provided from [the operator's] own server but from a rented server, the owner of the server that provides the technical background for the service should also consider it undesirable and terminate its contract with such a customer, and thus the perpetrator would not easily find a server to implement the illegal service," the telecoms group adds.

It seems highly improbable that MKSZ and partners will receive special permission to carry out what would otherwise be a highly illegal act. However, should some kind of authorization be forthcoming, it might be prudent to consider the possibility of retaliation. Having legal services to sell won't be much use if nobody can access them.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Adobe Thinks it Can Solve Netflix's Password 'Piracy' Problem
Andy Maxwell, 13 Sep 08:56 PM

netflix logoWhen online file-sharing hit the mainstream, entertainment company bosses tore out their hair in frustration.

They knew their products, ran tight businesses, and had the best possible grasp on the intricacies of their respective markets. Competing with 'free' was clearly impossible.

Today we know that by looking beyond the bare content, such as a music track or a movie, added value can be found in how content is presented, delivered, consumed, and ultimately appreciated by the customer. Legal content on its own may have problems competing with free, but as part of a premium content consumption experience, it's not an absolute requirement.

Netflix – Changing Attitudes

When Netflix was 'just' a delivery platform, its pragmatic approach to the piracy problem was well known. But as Mike Tyson famously said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. As Netflix burned through huge sums making its own content, its 'exclusives' rose up the piracy charts as quickly as Hollywood's. People don't pirate platforms, but they love pirating content.

Netflix decided to join the MPA and by extension anti-piracy coalition ACE, adopting anti-piracy attitudes more or less aligned with those of the major studios. But Netflix has a legacy problem to solve, one that precariously spans paying customers and freeloaders, with implications for growth.

'Password Sharing' was once a strategically ignored activity that helped to foster good customer relations while introducing friends and families to legal streaming. After being subjected to a cynical rebranding campaign by its detractors, password sharing is now all but dead, replaced by its boogeyman brother – Password Piracy.

Netflix doesn't use the term publicly but there is no doubt that the company wants to eliminate the phenomenon from its platform. How that can be achieved without damaging customer relations is a billion-dollar question. Adobe thinks it has the answer.

Big Problems Need Comprehensive Solutions

Adobe prefers the term 'credential sharing' to 'password piracy' but doesn't downplay its implications. Citing a 2020 study, Adobe says that up to 46 million people in the U.S. could be accessing streaming services with credentials that aren't theirs while paying nothing for the privilege.

Citing potential losses of $9bn per year – three times those of rival Disney+ – Adobe says Netflix suffers most from credential sharing. The company believes that if streaming video is to avoid the fate of streaming music where free content is expected, action is needed sooner rather than later. But it needs to be executed with care.

Existing Options Can Frustrate The Wrong People

Efforts to reduce password sharing can include repeatedly requesting login information, strictly enforcing device limits (including deactivations/reactivations), aggressively enforcing concurrent connection limits, and multi-factor authentication. While these mechanisms are meant to deter password sharing, they irritate everyone – even the person who pays the bill.

Adobe believes that since every user is different, any actions taken against an account should form part of a data-driven strategy designed to "measure, manage and monetize" password sharing. The company's vision is for platforms like Netflix to deploy machine learning models to extract behavioral patterns associated with an account, to determine how the account is being used.

These insights can determine which measures should be taken against an account, and how success or otherwise can be determined by monitoring an account in the following weeks or months.

Ignoring the obviously creepy factors for a moment, Adobe's approach does seem more sophisticated, even if the accompanying slide gives off a file-sharing-style 'graduated response' vibe.


That leads to the question of how much customer information Adobe would need to ensure that the right accounts are targeted, with the right actions, at the right time.

Account IQ – Sophisticated Machine Learning

Adobe's Account IQ is powered by Adobe Sensei, which in turn acts as the intelligence layer for Adobe Experience Platform.

In theory, Adobe will know more about a streaming account than those using it, so the company should be able to predict the most effective course of action to reduce password sharing and/or monetize it, without annoying the account holder.


But of course, if you're monitoring customer accounts in such close detail, grabbing all available information is the obvious next step. Adobe envisions collecting data on how many devices are in use, how many individuals are active, and geographical locations – including distinct locations and span.

This will then lead to a 'sharing probability' conclusion, along with a usage pattern classification that should identify travelers, commuters, close family and friends, even the existence of a second home.

Time to Take Action

Given that excessive sharing is likely to concern platforms like Netflix, Adobe's plan envisions a period of mass account monitoring followed by an on-screen "Excessive Sharing" warning in its dashboard.

From there, legal streaming services can identify the accounts most responsible and begin preparing their 'graduated response' towards changing behaviors. After monetizing those who can be monetized, those who refuse to pay can be identified and dumped.

Or as Adobe puts it: "Return free-loaders to available market".


Finally, Adobe also suggests that its system can be used to identify customers who display good behavior. These users can be rewarded by eliminating authentication requirements, concurrent stream limits, and device registrations. As an added bonus, all good users can be given a hefty 50% subscription discount.

The discount part is admittedly a poor attempt at sarcasm on my part, but the rest of the paragraph is entirely genuine.

It appears to suggest that customers who use their accounts as agreed, will be able to do so in peace. On top they will be rewarded with a whole bunch of new freedoms to enjoy, specifically those that could propel them directly to the 'password piracy' naughty step and associated corrective measures.

Having said all that, please relax and have fun watching the movie. Any aggressive monitoring is for the greater good (of streaming platforms) and to ensure that customers get exactly what they paid for – not a fraction more.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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