Thursday, June 2, 2022

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Shueisha & VIZ Media Target Massive Manga Piracy Site 'Manganato'
Andy Maxwell, 02 Jun 10:08 AM

pirate cardNo longer the sole preserve of Japanese consumers, manga publications (comics/graphic novels) now have global reach and massive commercial potential, but that hasn't always been the case.

Granting broad access to manga titles, especially publications translated into English, was not a key priority for publishers until a few years ago. In the meantime, unofficial 'scanlation' groups stepped in to meet demand with their scanned and translated copies, leaving official suppliers to play catch-up and pirate sites to reap the benefits.

As a result, companies including Tokyo-based publisher Shueisha and US-based publisher VIZ Media now have a big piracy problem. Manga piracy sites are now some of the largest pirate sites, period, in part because they were allowed to gain traction but also due to them being free and easy to access. But if the publishers have their way, that won't always be the case.

Publishers Target Manga Piracy Giants

This week, Shueisha Inc. and VIZ Media, LLC, opened a case at a California district court in preparation for legal action elsewhere. The ex parte application obtained by TorrentFreak seeks an order under 28 U.S.C. § 1782, a statute that empowers courts to order third-parties to provide documents and statements for use in foreign legal processes.

The application reveals that the publishers are preparing lawsuits against two pirate manga sites, one very large and another unquestionably massive.

With around 24 million visits per month according to SimilarWeb estimates, is a significant player in the manga piracy market. Just over 21% of its traffic comes from the United States with the Philippines, United Kingdom, Canada and Malaysia accounting for 5% each, give or take.

manganato, on the other hand, is absolutely enormous when compared to most pirate sites online today. During March and April 2022 it received 180 million and 167 million visits respectively, more than The Pirate Bay and Fmovies combined.

Almost a third (32.4%) of visits emanate from the United States, roughly 6% each from the Philippines and Indonesia, with Canada (3.9%) and France (3.6%) following behind.

Publishers Are Preparing Overseas Legal Action

In an application that spans several hundred pages of information, Shueisha and VIZ say they recently discovered that the owners and operators of the two sites had been uploading "an extensive amount" of their copyrighted comic books to their platforms.

"Such illegal copies mostly contain the entire pages of the book or volume and some of the illegal copies were uploaded on the Infringing Websites soon after publication," the application reads.

The publishers have several attorneys on the case, including one from Japan and another from Vietnam. They have confirmed that the applicants' works being present on the sites constitutes copyright infringement under the laws of those countries, so they intend to take legal action in one country or the other.

Identifying the Alleged Infringers Using Cloudflare

Before filing these lawsuits the publishers want to identify the alleged infringers. They attempted this earlier by filing DMCA subpoenas against US CDN company Cloudflare but they say these failed to provide sufficient information, partly due to a lack of customer verification at Cloudflare. They did provide leads, however.

Cloudflare's responses included IP address information linking the site operator(s) to telecoms companies Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group and Vietname Telecom National. However, in Vietnam it is not possible for third-party companies (such as the publishers) to obtain information on internet users based on copyright infringement allegations.

To counter this dead end, the publishers now have something bigger in mind

Applicants Seek Information From Tech & Payment Companies

Naming PayPal, Visa, Google, Braintree and Stripe as witnesses, Shueisha and VIZ seek an order compelling them to provide information, held in the United States, for use in foreign or international proceedings, including criminal investigations.


The discovery requested by the publishers is described as "narrowly tailored and limited" to only reveal materials related to the accounts held at the companies relating to the infringer(s) and infringing works, to ascertain identities and nothing more.

"To sufficiently identify the Infringer, it is crucial to obtain the information highly likely to be true, which is name, address, email addresses, and/or telephone numbers for verification purposes and the payment methods registered with the Infringers' Witnesses' accounts," the application reads.

"The Infringers are highly likely to use and provide the true information for such purposes as required to use the Witnesses' services."

Whether the publishers intend to file civil lawsuits or initiate criminal investigations is unclear at this stage but one approach does not necessarily exclude the other. In Japan, for example, harsh penalties are available against infringers in criminal cases, setting the scene perfectly for successful follow-up civil action.

The publishers' application for an order permitting discovery can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Mega Reports Surge in Copyright Takedown Requests
Ernesto Van der Sar, 01 Jun 10:36 PM

megaA year after Megaupload was shut down, Kim Dotcom launched a brand new file-hosting service called Mega.

In the years that followed the New Zealand-based entrepreneur cut his ties with the company but Mega continued to expand.

The platform, which has a strong privacy focus, is now the go-to file storage platform for millions of people. Most of these users store perfectly legitimate files on Mega but like many other services of its kind, it's being abused by pirates as well.

1,187,646 Takedown Requests.

Twice a year Mega publishes a transparency report that reveals the volume of copyright complaints. The latest release shows that in the first quarter of 2022, copyright holders sent 1,187,646 takedown requests.

This is a significant increase compared to previous periods. For example, in the first quarter of 2020 Mega received 'just' 264,483 takedown notices.

The higher volume can in part be explained by the fact that the number of files stored on the platform increased from 72 billion to 117 billion in two years. However, the percentage of targeted links also more than doubled, although that's still relatively tiny at just 0.001% of all files on the service.

"The number of unique takedown requests submitted represents a very small percentage of the total number of files stored on Mega," the company clarifies.


Mega allows its users to submit counternotices if they believe their content was removed in error. During the first quarter of the year, only two of these requests came in. This is slightly below the average of the past years.

Repeat Infringers

Mega has a repeat infringer policy when it comes to copyright infringement claims. If a user's content is targeted with three copyright takedown strikes within six months, their account will be terminated.

In recent years Mega has terminated around two to three thousand users per quarter, which is around 0.001% of the total number of users. Since the company's launch in 2013, nearly 150,000 users have lost their accounts.

This ironically included its founder Kim Dotcom, whose account was later restored.

"Mega has zero tolerance for illegal activity. While fiercely guarding the privacy of legitimate users, Mega will not be a haven for illegal activity," the company writes, commenting on its latest transparency report.

"The complete March 2022 Transparency Report clearly demonstrates Mega's market-leading processes for dealing with users who upload and share copyright infringing material or breach any other legal requirements."

Objectionable Activity

While copyright infringers are a problem for Mega, most users have their accounts terminated for sharing objectionable content. The vast majority of these people share Child Sexual Abuse Materials (CSAM).

Over the past quarters, the number of account terminations related to CSAM content is far greater than those for copyright suspensions. These users were all reported to the appropriate authorities.


Since Mega's launch in 2013, hundreds of thousands of people have been booted from the platform after sharing objectionable content.

"During the 9 years to 31st March 2022, Mega has closed 744,000 accounts for sharing objectionable content. Details of every illegal link and of every related account that was closed were provided to the New Zealand Government and relevant international authorities for investigation and prosecution."

Mega doesn't proactively share any details of alleged copyright infringers with the authorities or rightsholders. However, with a valid court order, the company can be compelled to share user data, which includes IP-addresses, chats, and other personal information.

"If we think it is necessary or we are obliged by law in any jurisdiction, then we are entitled to give Your Files, Your Chats, any Account Data and any Usage Data to competent authorities, even if those items are encrypted," Mega notes.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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