Thursday, June 30, 2022

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Football Piracy: Premier League Granted Extension to ISP Blocking Order
Andy Maxwell, 30 Jun 12:05 PM

Over the past several years, The Football Association Premier League has been working hard to combat the availability of illegal match streams broadcast over the Internet.

Pirate IPTV services, web-based streaming sites, and a smörgåsbord of infringing apps all create issues for the world's most famous football league. From a practical standpoint, it's impossible to shut them all down. Instead, the Premier League employs a strategy to make it appear they've been shut down in the hope it will achieve a similar result.

Working closely with UK-based anti-piracy company Friend MTS, the Premier League uses a number of interesting techniques to detect where pirate streams are coming from and then passes this data to internet service providers so they can implement blocking.

Given the interference in ISP subscriber communications, this cannot be done on a whim so Premier League obtains legal authority first. In the case of Ireland, the process is dealt with at the Commercial Court (part of the High Court) and this week the Premier League was granted permission to block illegal streams during the 2022/23 season.

Injunction Extension Awarded Under Copyright Act 2000

The blocking injunction for the forthcoming season targets Eircom/eir, Virgin Media, Sky Ireland/Sky Subscriber Services and Vodafone. It's an extension of an injunction first handed down in 2019 and over time has been tweaked to maximize blocking efficiency.

According to the Premier League, evidence provided by Sky shows that existing blocking measures are indeed an effective deterrent.

The Irish Times reports that Sky subscriber numbers (Sky has Premier League broadcasting rights) have increased since 2019 and while this isn't solely attributable to blocking, there has been an increase over the past three years.

Mr Justice Denis McDonald agreed that an extension to the injunction was justified so that the Premier League could continue to protect its rights during the forthcoming season.

Premier League's Three Years of Pressure in Ireland

After winning its first ISP blocking injunction at the High Court in London during 2017, a year later the Premier League sought to expand its program into Ireland.

In 2019, Ireland's Commercial Court gave the Premier League a green light to compel Eircom, Sky, Virgin and Vodafone to block pirate streams until June 30, 2020.

Just under a year later, Premier League won an extension to that injunction to tackle piracy during the 2020/21 season.

Following the now established pattern, in 2021 another year of blocking permission was granted, this time on an enhanced basis, using measures that given their secrecy are not available for public consumption.

Reports do not indicate that the current extension for 2022/23 grants the Premier League any additional powers but at least for the time being, the football league appears satisfied that the terms of the injunction meets its needs.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Kim Dotcom Not Happy, Says 'Mega Mass Piracy Report' is On the Way
Andy Maxwell, 29 Jun 09:52 PM

Kim DotcomThere's an old proverb that goes something like "An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city" and that "arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars."

Many of us have been there at some point in our lives but most of us don't have more than 850K followers on Twitter watching our disputes play out in public. Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom does, and in recent weeks his irritation with two former friends and colleagues has started to boil over.

Kim Dotcom, Mathias Ortmann and Bram van der Kolk, appeared to be great friends and business partners when building and running Megaupload together. Even after the US Government tore the service down in 2012, the trio worked hard to launch New Zealand file-hosting service Mega in 2013, aiming to emulate Megaupload's success, minus the legal bills.

Criticism of Mega Begins

What happened next is unclear but according to New Zealand's company register, Dotcom resigned as a Mega director on August 29, 2013. Ortmann gave up his directorship on April 1, 2015, but along with colleague van der Kolk, he still works at Mega today.

During the summer of 2013, Dotcom declared he was done with Mega and was no longer a shareholder. He wanted to concentrate on building Baboom, the music platform concept formerly known as Megabox.

A year later, Dotcom severed all ties with Baboom. Dotcom's shares in Baboom had been acquired by an early investor in Mega and just a few months later, Dotcom declared Mega "unsafe" citing a "hostile takeover by a Chinese investor."

In the years that followed Dotcom periodically criticized Mega, including in 2016 when he repeated his claims of Chinese influence while warning users to backup their files. At the time, Mega chairman Stephen Hall said he didn't know what was motivating Dotcom to make such comments but more than six years on, Dotcom is still making them.

Ortmann and van der Kolk Become New Targets

Turning his attention to former colleagues Ortmann and van der Kolk, last week Dotcom publicly blamed them for his exit from Mega, claiming they had "stolen" the company from him. How this dovetails with previous allegations related to his major falling out with former Mega CEO Tony Lentino, who also founded domain name registrar Instra, is unknown.

Local media reports suggest that Dotcom hasn't spoken to former friends Ortmann and van der Kolk for years but their recent deal to avoid extradition in the Megaupload case by pleading guilty to organized crime charges puts Dotcom in a tough spot.

"My co-defendants who claimed to be innocent for 10+ years were offered a sweet exit deal for a false confession," he said last week. And he wasn't finished there.

After a research team found that Mega was vulnerable to attacks that allow for a "full compromise of the confidentiality of user files", Ortmann himself responded via a security notification stating that the issues had been fixed.

In response, Dotcom accused Ortmann and van der Kolk of creating "backdoors" in Mega so that the Chinese government could decrypt users' files. "Same shady guys who just made a deal with the US and NZ Govt to get out of the US extradition case by falsely accusing me," he added.

Conflict Risks Collateral Damage

Whether this reference to the no-extradition-deal betrayed what was really on Dotcom's mind is up for debate but whatever the motivation, he's not letting it go. In a tweet posted yesterday, he again informed his 850K+ followers that the company he founded "is not safe" and people who think that their files are unreadable by Mega are wrong.

Shortly after, Dotcom delivered another message, one even darker in tone. It targeted Mega, the company he co-founded and where his colleagues still work. It's possible to interpret the tweet in several ways but none seem beneficial to his former colleagues, Mega, or its users.

"In addition to security vulnerabilities a comprehensive report about mass copyright infringement on Mega with millions of active links and channels is in the works," he said.


The production of a copyright infringement report related to Mega or Megaupload is something usually associated with Dotcom's rivals. Back in 2014, a NetNames report did just that and was met with a fiery response from Dotcom's former company.

In this case, however, Dotcom claims the aim of the new infringement report is to bathe Mega and Megaupload in the same light, to benefit them both. By showing their similarities, the report will demonstrate that "Mega is still like Megaupload, a perfectly legal dual use technology."

Whether technology is indeed the crux of this particular problem is up for debate.

None of the charges to which Ortmann and van der Kolk pleaded guilty are technology-reliant but instead stand on a common basis of human intent. Barring technicalities, that's often where complex copyright cases find themselves hanging in the balance.

But perhaps the most worrying thing about this new complication in an escalating dispute is its potential to affect the minority of users that actually store infringing files on Mega. Any detailed report of "mass copyright infringement" will draw negative attention directly to them, especially if the report includes active hyperlinks as Dotcom suggests.

Couple that with Dotcom's allegations that the content of user files can be read, any conclusion that this upcoming infringement report hasn't been thought through from a user perspective can be easily forgiven. That certainly wasn't the case when users were invited to join the privacy-focused site when it launched.

"Let them look at Mega. There's nothing to see (because) it's all encrypted," Dotcom told Reuters in 2014, scoffing at the prospect of another Hollywood lawsuit.

But even if user files can't be read in the way Dotcom suggests, a detailed report of live, infringing links on Mega still raises issues for users. When Mega-hosted files are shared publicly, their links carry the necessary information to access the content and those files can be traced right back to user accounts.

As usual there's a lot to unpack here, with many ifs, buts, maybes, and sundry moving parts. If nothing else though, perhaps the most important takeaway is that when friends start fighting over emotional matters, avoiding collateral damage isn't always a top priority.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


ACE Anti-Piracy Alliance Expands Into Asia to Disrupt Illegal Streaming
Andy Maxwell, 29 Jun 11:30 AM

ace-shutdown-2022In the summer of 2017, a large coalition of major entertainment industry companies announced a new phase in the war against piracy.

With a focus on web-based illegal streaming, pirate IPTV, and associated apps, the Alliance of Creativity and Entertainment embarked on a mission to protect its members rights.

Through the MPA, Hollywood studios including Disney, Warner Bros, Paramount, and MGM teamed with streaming giants Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu. Content-creating broadcasters Sky and BBC were also in the mix but ACE had even bigger plans.

At launch in 2017, ACE had 30 members but with steady growth over the past few years and the addition of two new members this week, the anti-piracy coalition now boasts 39 member companies, all of them determined to disrupt illegal streaming piracy.

ACE Adds First Two Asia-Based Companies

Hong Kong-based video streaming platform Viu is available in seven Asian markets including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar. Operating ad-supported and premium tiers, Via also produces original content under its 'Viu Original' branding.

True Visions is Thailand's leader cable satellite TV provider and in 2020 teamed with the MPA to shut down three pirate streaming sites. More recently it worked with ACE to shut down We-Play, one of the largest piracy portals in Thailand.

Both are now members of the ACE coalition, swelling its ranks to 39 companie.

MPA/ACE Chief Welcomes New Members

Charles Rivkin, Chairman of ACE and the Motion Picture Association, says the addition of Viu and True Visions is the beginning of an ACE expansion to include local media companies from key markets around the world.

"By growing ACE's footprint throughout the APAC region, we are building new relationships with local law enforcement authorities and other key partners in our ongoing effort to shut down piracy operations around the world," Rivkin says.

"These new members further strengthen ACE's global reach and collective approach to disrupting a piracy ecosystem that harms the creative economy worldwide."

Sompan Charumilinda, Executive Vice Chairman of True Visions, believes that joining ACE will allow his company to tackle piracy more effectively and improve its reputation overseas.

"We want to support Thai people, as they compete in a globalized marketplace, by protecting their work with strong intellectual property rights stewardship," he says.

"We are pleased to be the first member of ACE based in Thailand and look forward to helping drive important actions in this market that will improve the piracy landscape and pave the way for a brighter future."

Janice Lee, CEO of Viu, notes that one of her company's goals is to encourage users of piracy sites to move to legal services like Viu. The disruption services offered by ACE will help Viu to achieve that.

"As one of the leading video-on-demand services offering premium Asian content, we recognize the need to address the piracy that is widespread in our markets," Lee says.

"We are committed to ensuring that consumers move from illegal piracy sites to legal options like Viu by providing an unparalleled viewer experience and investing in the creative ecosystem."

These two new members of ACE mark the coalition's official expansion into Asia. In April 2022, ACE also broke new ground with the addition of sports broadcaster beIN SPORTS and a promise to disrupt piracy of live sporting events. More sports rightsholders are expected to join ACE in the coming months.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Piracy Domains Seized By US Because Verisign & GoDaddy Are American
Andy Maxwell, 28 Jun 06:01 PM

Department of JusticeLast week, Brazilian law enforcement agencies announced a new wave of Operation 404.

The anti-piracy initiative began in 2019 and with the assistance of law enforcement agencies in the United States and United Kingdom, Brazilian authorities claim to have put hundreds of websites and apps out of action via blocking and domain seizures.

Department of Justice Announces Seizures

Following last week's announcement by the Government of Brazil, the US Department of Justice released additional information on Monday. It confirmed that as part of ongoing efforts by the Department of Justice and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to combat copyright infringement, six website domains had been seized.

As the seizure banner now displayed on those domains shows, the official seals of IPR Center, Department of Justice, and Homeland Security Investigations are followed by that of Brazil's Ministry of Justice and Public Security, indicating the seizures were carried out to assist the Brazilian government.

DOJ-HSI-Seize Brazil

The six domains – all unquestionably linked to music piracy – read as follows:,,,, and Things get more interesting when drilling down into how the domains were seized and on what basis. But there are other questions too.

Affidavit in Support of Seizure Warrant

On June 14, 2022, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (ICE) filed an HSI Special Agent affidavit at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. It details why there is probable cause to seize the six domains by citing alleged criminal copyright infringement offenses.

The affidavit states that in April 2022, HSI received information from Brazil-based anti-piracy company Ltahub, which acts as a representative of Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, Sony Music Group, and Interscope Records in Latin America & the Caribbean.

Also in April, HSI received additional information from IFPI which, in common with its member labels, confirmed that the domains were being used to distribute copyrighted music without authorization. The Special Agent confirmed that infringing music could be downloaded in the Eastern District of Virginia.

The Infringing Domains

Given the evidence in the affidavit, there is no doubt that the domains engage in mass copyright infringement. and are linked, with the former servicing an estimated 1.1 million visitors per month but the latter, just 72K. has an estimated monthly audience of 680,000 visits, an estimated 1.8 million, around 1.6 million (more on that later), and roughly 1.4 million.

Given that pre-release piracy is considered one of the most damaging forms of infringement by the recording industry, it's worth highlighting that and are directly accused of making music available in advance of commercial release. As per the affidavit, all of the pirate music site domains easily meet the standard for criminal copyright infringement.

Domain Seizures

After showing that the domains are involved in criminality as per US law, the HSI Special Agent states that a criminal seizure warrant is justified on the basis that if the domain owners were convicted, the domains would be subject to forfeiture.

While there is nothing in the affidavit (or subsequent IFPI and DoJ press releases) to indicate that the owners of the domains are being prosecuted, seizing their domains at this stage immediately puts their platforms out of action. And as it turns out, seizing them wasn't difficult at all since they all have connections to the United States, one way or another.,, and, all utilize the '.com' top-level domain. The registry for '.com' is VeriSign, conveniently located in Reston, Virginia, meaning that these domains could be seized at the highest level.

Verisign was required to direct the domains to two specified name servers ( and and prevent any further modification or transfer, pending completion of forfeiture proceedings. The registry was also ordered to notify US-based domain registrars GoDaddy and Namecheap of the seizures so they could make the necessary administrative changes.

The seizures of and were executed differently since their domain registries are located outside United States jurisdiction. The registry for '.co' is in Bogotá, Colombia, and the registry for '.ws' is in Samoa.

These jurisdiction issues were easily overcome by ignoring these overseas registries altogether. Dropping down a level, HSI/ICE targeted the domains' registrar instead. Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, GoDaddy LLC was given the same name server and modification prevention instructions as Verisign, which provided a functionally similar end result.

Domains Seized For Brazil. Interesting

The HSI/ICE affidavit filed in Virginia makes no mention of cooperation with the Brazilian authorities or indeed Operation 404, of which the seizures were a part. This is where the seizures start to make less sense, at least considering their presentation by both US and Brazilian authorities. enjoyed around 1.1 million visits per month, confirmed by data provided by SimilarWeb. However, the same data shows that the overwhelming majority of visitors were from Peru (50%), Dominican Republic (12.4%), and Chile (9.4%). Just 6.4% came from the United States with Mexico coming in below 3%. had just 76,000 visitors per month with just over 89% coming from Peru. Less than 6% came from Spain, with the Dominican Republic and Guatemala following with 3% and 2% respectively. In short, these two domains presented in Spanish were of little interest to Brazilians who, in the main, speak Portuguese. continues a similar pattern. Presented in Spanish (around 4% of Brazil's population are speakers), around 27% of its visitors are predictably from Spain, 17% from Argentina, 11% from Mexico, 6% from Chile and 5.5% hail from Ecuador. Whichever way the traffic is cut, the share from Brazil and the United States is negligible. is also presented in Spanish and is most popular in Spain (30%), through to Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia (6%). Again, interest in Brazil is negligible. is also in Spanish but bucks the trend with 37% of its visitors coming from the US, followed by Spain, Italy and Venezuela. However, the site's traffic is much smaller than the 1.6 million visits per month cited in the affidavit. Over the past three months the platform had just 130K visits per month according to SimilarWeb data.

Traffic claims for also seem inflated. The affidavit claims 1.4 million visits per month but SimilarWeb disagrees stating between 800K and a million visits per month over the last three months. And again, the site isn't remotely popular in Brazil or the United States. Most traffic comes from Venezuela (20%) followed by Dominican Republic, Spain, Mexico and Ecuador (7%).


From the small sample of data it's difficult to draw solid conclusions but it's certainly interesting that of six domain seizures carried out by the United States, ostensibly to assist a Brazilian anti-piracy operation, none are of notable interest to pirates in Brazil. On the other hand, the recording industry outside Brazil (especially in Spanish-speaking countries) will benefit but quite why that had to be achieved through the US and Brazil is another question.

An answer may partially lie in Brazil being under continued US scrutiny for not doing enough to combat piracy. It's on the USTR's Special 301 Watch List (pdf) for failing to combat IPTV piracy, for example, and interestingly the latest phase of Operation 404 prominently featured seized streaming devices.

The other big takeaway is that if pirate sites use a domain that either has its registry or registrar in the United States, it can be taken away in an instant. That raises the question of the hundreds of pirate sites that have more traffic than even the most popular of these six seized domains, yet somehow remain completely untargeted by similar US seizures.

The seizure documents can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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