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VPNs: Russia Forces Google to Delete Masses of Links Amid Ukraine Invasion
Andy Maxwell, 09 Mar 10:55 AM

google russiaBetween 2011 and 2013, protests took place in Russia in response to allegations of election-rigging and a lack of civil liberties in Russia.

The protests were targeted at Vladimir Putin so, in return, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) made requests to local social media giant vKontakte to begin blocking opposition groups on the basis they were trying to organize a revolution.

A fight for control of the online narrative began. In late 2012, Russia passed legislation enabling it to blacklist and block websites, publications, and online news outlets that dared to have opinions of their own.

Russian authorities later expanded their mission to include copyrighted material and in 2017, after the government concluded that circumvention tools were undermining efforts to control what is said and ultimately thought in the country, Russia introduced a new law to crack down on VPNs, Tor, anonymizers, proxies, allowing them to be blocked too.

Services that located themselves within Russia and provided the government with access to server data were allowed to stay. But, due to the so-called 'VPN Law', many chose to leave rather than expose their users to monitoring. Those that remained naturally became locally popular.

To deal with the many that didn't register or operated from overseas, Russia's telecoms regulator Rosocomnadzor launched, among other things, an attack on Tor and a massive search engine delisting campaign.

Following the February 24th invasion of Ukraine, all of the pieces began slotting into place. With the introduction of a new law against 'fake news', journalists who reported stories that diverted from official government propaganda faced up to 15 years in prison. And, of course, their websites would be blocked too, ensuring that the overwhelming bulk of news published locally effectively became press releases for the Kremlin.

As some citizens dared to do their own research on overseas platforms and on those locally blocked, VPNs reportedly surged in popularity. However, a long-running campaign to make these much harder to find then stepped up a gear, with Rosocomnadzor bombarding search engines including Google with orders to remove them from their indexes. Unfortunately, if Google was to stay within the laws of Russia, the company had no choice but to comply.

Major VPN Delisting Campaign Surges Ahead

As reported last summer, Russia's attack on anti-censorship tools is not new. Over the previous two years, Roscomnadzor had ordered Google alone to remove more than half a million links from its search engine, with a single notice sometimes targeting thousands of URLs.

These notices have continued periodically since then but in January and early February 2022, Russia – which had massed around 200,000 troops on Ukraine's borders ostensibly to conduct multiple 'training exercises' – stepped up the attack on VPNs too.

With the assistance of the Lumen Database, we can report that in a notice sent to Google on February 22, Google was ordered to delist 746 VPN-related URLs from its search service in Russia. The day before the invasion, additional notices targeted another 1,300+ URLs. The day after the invasion it targeted another 1,813.

And the campaign didn't stop there.

Notices on February 28 (1,267 URLs), March 1 (1,337 URLs and 891 URLs), March 2 (929 URLs and 923 URLs), March 4 (1,502 URLs and 756 URLs) continued the pressure. On March 5, a single notice targeted a further 5,540 URLs and on March 8, another targeted 2,170 more.

The remaining question is which services, platforms and websites were targeted by Russia? The answer to that is we just don't know – we're not allowed to.

Google Removes Links But Cannot Reveal Them

It is normal for the Lumen Database to redact targeted URLs in copyright notices it makes generally available. However, if one has access to a researcher account then these can usually be revealed. It's a crucial tool that shines light on the nature of requests and allows journalists to highlight abuses and their potential chilling effect. In the 'VPN Law' cases, Google simply does not provide the details since Russian law prevents it.

"Google received a request from the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) to remove over 2170 URLs from Web Search in Russia," an example notice reads.

"This request came under Russian federal law 276-FZ 'On Amendments to the Federal Law 'On Information, Information Technologies and Data Security', commonly referred to as the 'VPN law'. We are unable to publish the full list of URLs due to Russian law (Roskomnadzor order #217, appendix 3, dated October 25, 2017)."

redacted vpn removal notice russia

So the denial of access to information completes itself.

To censor access to resources that refuse to be censored or spew propaganda, they are blocked by the state. Then, to prevent access to VPN/anti-circumvention tools that uncensor such resources, they too are blocked and then deleted from search, with Russian law preventing an American company (in this case Google) from revealing what has been blocked.

Interestingly, the final piece of Russia's censorship operation may yet silence the vast majority of dissenting voices, rendering every single notice it has sent to search engines thus far against VPN-related URLs completely moot. Whether it will actually commit to its warnings is currently unknown but Russia is claiming the ability to completely disconnect itself from the outside internet by implementing another draconian plan.

Russia's 'Sovereign Internet'

As The Insider explains, VPNs are unlikely to be effective moving forward since Russia is planning something much more robust – its own restricted and highly censored internal 'internet', cut off from the outside world.

"There is no need for global international filtering, there will simply be no external traffic by default, except through gateways under the full control of Rostelecom and Co," says Alexey Shkittin, a man with a history of confrontation with the Russian government on internet matters.

"And internal traffic will be decrypted by DPI (deep filtering) and blocked as needed. It will be impossible to build a VPN tunnel, as well as to use the block bypass systems built into browsers. So the planned sovereign Internet is essentially a closed system at the logical level of network management, or a sovereign segment of the international network, which operates on the model of the global Internet, but is completely separated from it."

With Russia being increasingly economically cut off from the outside world, it could be about to disconnect itself even further.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirate IPTV 'Nitro TV' Fails to Pay Own Lawyer, ACE & MPA Move In For The Kill
Andy Maxwell, 08 Mar 08:54 PM

IPTVRunning a pirate IPTV service can be extremely profitable. One only has to look at the extraordinary wealth accumulated by Bill Omar Carrasquillo, aka Omi in a Hellcat, to see that tens of millions of dollars can be generated by a successful operation.

Hanging on to that wealth is another matter, however.

After being raided in 2019, Carrasquillo not only faces losing every penny he made, but also the prospect of a significant custodial sentence. Quite how long is currently unknown. The details of his guilty plea are currently under seal but at least in financial terms, the prospects for other IPTV operators could be even more significant.

Nitro TV Attacked on Two Fronts

Pirate IPTV service Nitro TV is currently facing two massive lawsuits. One, filed in August 2021 by DISH Network, Sling and NagraStar, could be close to a conclusion. Despite the plaintiffs only claiming a fraction of the damages available to them under the law, Nitro's operators still face a potential $100m judgment.

The second, filed by members of the Alliance for Creativity in April 2020, seems to be heading towards an even worse outcome for defendants Alejandro "Alex" Galindo, Anna Galindo, Martha Galindo, Osvaldo Galindo, Richard Horsten, Raul Orellana (better known as YouTuber 'Touchtone'), and business entity Firestream LLC.

Only Alejandro Galindo Attempted to Defend

In the face of massive copyright infringement allegations relating to movies and TV shows including The Office, SpiderMan: Homecoming, Toy Story 3, Star Trek Beyond, Homecoming, and Joker, Nitro shut down after being served with an injunction.

Only Alejandro Galindo appeared to defend himself against claims of direct and contributory infringement of 1,897 copyrighted works, for which the plaintiffs demand $150,000 maximum statutory damages for each work. What followed were allegations of discovery abuses and the production of zero responsive documents.

As a result, the plaintiffs (including Universal, Paramount, Columbia, Disney and Amazon) were advised by the court that it would be issuing sanctions but according to a recently filed joint case management statement, that is yet to happen. Nevertheless, the quagmire only appears to be getting deeper.

After hiring an experienced attorney, Galindo pleaded the Fifth Amendment which, along with other strategies, were swiftly countered by the plaintiffs.

"Defendant has asserted his 5th amendment right against self-incrimination. Plaintiff has failed to prosecute this matter in a timely manner, and the case continues to drag on with no new progress.

"The case should be dismissed for a failure to timely prosecute," the studios now inform the court, noting that the clerk of the court has already entered default against all defendants.

The movie and TV show companies say that they are waiting for the court to issue findings on their motion for sanctions before moving for default judgment against all of the defendants. Meanwhile, Alejandro Galindo – the only person to defend – now finds himself without an attorney.

Nitro Boss Hired An Attorney, Didn't Pay Him

From the beginning, Galindo was represented in the lawsuit by attorney Steven Vondran, who has a specialty in IP-related matters, as evidenced by his informative YouTube channel. Vondran is also active in other cases involving alleged pirates so was a good option if Galindo and Nitro were to at least try to manage their losses. That option now appears to be well and truly off the table.

"I have been counsel of record for Defendant Alejandro Galindo since the inception of this case. A written retainer agreement was signed between the parties calling for certain fees to be paid in a timely manner," Vondran now informs the court.

"At this time, fees have not been paid as agreed, moreover, despite several requests, no communication or other responses have been received from Defendant and he has simply gone quiet."

As a result, Vondran now needs permission from the court to withdraw from the lawsuit.

The attorney says that good cause exists to show that there has been a "complete breakdown" of the attorney-client relationship. Galindo is no longer communicating and has failed to provide instructions to his attorney that are necessary to represent him. Furthermore, he has "plenty" of time to obtain new counsel – if one is prepared to take him on, of course.

Does Galindo Have The Means to Pay?

The question of what funds are left following the Nitro shutdown remains a question but according to the movie and TV studios, Nitro and partners certainly received a lot of money.

Third-party subpoenas allowed them to discover that over $7 million in sales of Nitro TV subscriptions and reseller credits were made through accounts held in Martha Galindo's name. Defendant Firestream LLC, reportedly operated by Veronica Orellana, the wife of Raul Orellana (Touchtone), received more than half a million dollars to market Nitro online.

However, even if every penny was squirreled away somewhere, that is unlikely to make even a small dent when the lawsuit inevitably goes to a default judgment. Whether the plaintiffs will ultimately seek maximum damages and have that amount approved by the court in respect of all 1,897 works remains to be seen but if so, there's the potential for a judgment in excess of $250 million.

That's on top of the $100 million demanded in the DISH Network lawsuit.

Supporting documents can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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