Thursday, March 17, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Two More 'Ringleaders' of Torrent Site 'Asgaard' Sentenced in Denmark
Andy Maxwell, 17 Mar 10:58 AM

asgaard downPrivate torrent sites are members-only platforms that usually facilitate sharing of copyright content between a tightly-controlled network of like-minded individuals. Focused on the Danish market, Asgaard was one of the more popular local platforms.

Asgaard was founded in May 2019 and those who were able to gain access became part of a thriving sharing community. However, due to a tightening enforcement environment in Denmark, 2020 became a year to forget for most pirate torrent sites in the region.

Investigations carried out by Danish anti-piracy group Rights Alliance and the government's SØIK's IP-Task Force led to the closures of both DanishBits and NordicBits. In response, Asgaard opened its doors to new members and swelled in size, but the party wouldn't last for long.

With Rights Alliance monitoring the site and its growth, just weeks later Asgaard announced it would close down in preference to having the "doorbell ringing one day" with the police on the other side of the door. The shutdown did not prevent that from happening.

Seven Arrests in a Matter of Weeks

Days after the announcement, a 50-year-old from Middlefart was arrested and spent Christmas 2020 and the New Year in prison.

In June 2021 at the court of Odense, the man was convicted of copyright infringement offenses related to the sharing of thousands of films, TV series, music tracks, comics, and books. He rented a server, set up payment services, and handled customer support requests. For this, he received a four-month prison sentence of which three months were conditional.

In February 2022, a 43-year-old man was handed a three-month conditional prison sentence and community service by the court in Odense for his contributions which included server management and coding work.

Of the seven arrested, two had been brought to justice but following new convictions this week, that has now swelled to four.

Two More Convicted For Criminal Copyright Infringement

According to an announcement by Rights Alliance, two more 'ringleaders' of Asgaard were convicted of criminal copyright infringement offenses this week. On Tuesday, the men (aged 54 and 35) were both handed three-month conditional prison sentences and 80 hours of community service.

The 54-year-old from Assens helped to manage the website and categorized torrent files to optimize the user experience. He also faces a confiscation order for DKK 2,282 (US$338) and a mobile phone and must pay DKK 35,000 (US$5,195) in compensation.

The 35-year-old from Odense was a moderator on Asgaard's Discord channel. He too faces a confiscation order for DKK 2,282 (US$338) and a mobile phone and must pay DKK 35,000 (US$5,195) in compensation.

One of the men accepted the verdict while the other is considering whether to appeal.

Then There Were Three

According to Rights Alliance, the convictions of four men leave three prosecutions to go.

One man, a 46-year-old, is described as the Asgaard 'press officer' for his role in writing and publishing news items for members of the site. The second is described as a 50-year-old 'accomplice' who acted as a moderator of the site until he was "thrown out" by the others. The details of the final person are yet to be revealed.

asgaard ringleaders-eng

The anti-piracy group says the identities of all people behind the "criminal network" are known, marking the first time that all operators of a single Danish file-sharing site will be brought to justice.

"The behind-the-scenes cases for Asgaard clearly illustrate that rights holders' media content, film series, etc. are used to drive systematic, organized crime," says Maria Fredenslund, Director of Rights Alliance.

"For each completed case, a clearer picture emerges of how the people behind the file-sharing service organize themselves and what methods they use. We are becoming increasingly aware of the illegal market and the behind-the-scenes cases may contribute insights that will be crucial in the IPR unit's future efforts to prevent copyright infringement on the Internet."

The National Unit for Special Crime (NSK) says that the convictions will please the movie company clients of Rights Alliance.

"It is gratifying that the prosecution's handling of the cases has led to financial compensation for the Rights Alliance, which represents a large number of members, including Nordisk Film, Zentropa, Scanbox Entertainment and SF Studios," adds prosecutor Christian Raaholt Hahn.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirates Who Lost $90m IPTV Lawsuit Sued Again For Launching More Services
Andy Maxwell, 16 Mar 08:33 PM

IPTVBack in 2018, broadcaster DISH Network sued the people behind pirate IPTV service SetTV.

Within months, defendants Nelson Johnson and Jason LaBossiere found themselves on the wrong end of $90 million judgment for breaches of the Federal Communications Act. The court also issued a permanent injunction that prevented the defendants and any cohorts from operating a similar service in breach of DISH's rights.

DISH believed the injunction was airtight but according to the broadcaster, that didn't stop former Set TV owners Jason LaBossiere, Sean Beaman and Stefan Gollner from launching new pirate IPTV services. DISH's allegations, which are supported by evidence including recorded telephone conversations obtained from a jailhouse, are detailed in our earlier article.

In summary, DISH believes the men are behind ExpediteTV, Mundo TV, and Must TV, something that amounts to contempt of court, deserving of the case being reopened, and sanctions of $1,000 per day. But it appears that is just the beginning of the new interactions with the broadcaster's legal team.

DISH Files Brand New Piracy Lawsuit

Filed by DISH, Sling TV and NagraStar in a Florida court this week, the lawsuit names Jason LaBossiere, Sean Beaman, Stefan Gollner and Osivette Brito as defendants, together doing business as ExpediteTV, Mundo TV, and Must TV.

It references the earlier SetTV lawsuit, noting that Beaman and Gollner were co-owners of the corporate defendant Set Broadcast LLC, along with LaBossiere. Brito is identified as a reseller of the SetTV service. According to DISH, the defendants rebranded SetTV as ExpediteTV and sold its services via

Mundo TV and Must TV are described as rebranded versions of ExpediteTV that were sold to subscribers via the domains and, in breach of the agreed settlement and court injunctions in the earlier lawsuit.

New Lawsuit Goes Deeper Than The Original

In common with the SetTV case, it's alleged that DISH programming was illegally obtained from DISH satellite transmissions and illegally broadcast on ExpediteTV. If proven, these actions constitute violations of the Federal Communications Act but the new lawsuit also alleges copyright infringement offenses too.

According to the complaint, the DISH or Sling programming retransmitted on Mundo TV and Must TV was obtained via the internet communications of these companies since watermarks were detected in their output channels. The source of the channels were official DISH and Sling accounts that were leveraged to breach access controls (DRM).

"The DRMs are believed to be circumvented using either a differential fault analysis attack where faults are injected into the DRM to disrupt its operation and create pathways to extract the keys necessary to decrypt DISH Programming and Sling Programming, or a man-in-the-middle attack whereby customized software is used to bypass the DRM by intercepting DISH Programming or Sling Programming passing from the DRM's decryption library to the user's viewing platform", the complaint explains.

Whichever method was utilized, this constitutes a breach of the DMCA's anti-circumvention provisions, DISH and Sling say.

Sales of 'Device Codes'

In all similar DISH lawsuits, subscriptions to pirate IPTV services are described as 'device codes' and this one is no different. According to the broadcaster, device codes for all three services were sold for around $24 per month. The services reportedly require users to download Lenox Media Player and Ultra Media Player, viewing software that was reportedly developed by Brito.

Sales of the 'device codes' for Expedite TV were deposited in a bank account established by Gollner and credit card payments were processed through a Florida fictitious business name linked to LaBossiere and Beaman. Codes for Mundo TV and Must TV were reportedly processed through entities linked to LaBossiere, Beaman, Gollner and Brito. (additional details)

Claims for Relief

DISH says that when its satellite broadcasts were obtained and device codes were sold without authorization, that constituted willful violations of the Federal Communications Act (47 U.S.C. § 605(a)). Assisting others to receive programming that they weren't entitled to via the media players amounts to willful violations of 47 U.S.C. § 605(e)(4).

On the copyright infringement front, DISH and Sling claim that gaining access to programming by bypassing DRM represents willful violations of the DMCA's anti-circumvention provisions under 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(A).

As a result, the plaintiffs are requesting a broad permanent injunction and an order finding the defendants in contempt of court in the SetTV case, plus sanctions.

In addition, DISH is seeking damages in excess of $100,000 for each violation of the FCA on one count and DISH and NagraStar up to $100,000 on a second. DISH and Sling are also seeking up to $2,500 for each violation of the DMCA.

The precise level of the overall damages will need to be determined following discovery but given the earlier $90m judgment, the final amount will be considerable, especially given the DMCA breaches and alleged contempt of court.

The complaint can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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