Saturday, February 20, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Hollywood & Netflix Win New Streaming Piracy Blocking Order at UK High Court
Andy Maxwell, 20 Feb 10:29 PM

MPAAfter years of regularly visiting the High Court in London in search of injunctions to compel ISPs to block pirate sites, the MPA appeared to lose interest in the strategy.

Interested in why this was the case, in 2019 we approached the MPA requesting information and background on the reasons for the hiatus. We were informed that the Hollywood group would use a "range of methods as appropriate in the UK" to ensure that filmmakers everywhere "are compensated for their work."

A Year Later, Little Had Changed

Given that the UK is often held up by the MPA as a prime example illustrating how blocking can be implemented effectively, it came as a surprise that a year after our inquiries on the topic, many pirate sites were flourishing in the absence of new blocking orders.

So we spoke with the MPA again but the group was remaining non-committal, describing site-blocking as "just one pillar" of its anti-piracy strategy.

New Action in the UK High Court

While the Hollywood studios and the MPA are yet to make an official statement, it appears that site blocking in the UK is now back on the agenda. Unsurprisingly, the targets are web-based streaming portals operating under the '123Movies' branding. It is currently unclear whether these sites have any connections other than their names, but four appear to have been considered a big enough problem for the MPA to return to the High Court.

The news was revealed quietly by Sky Broadband, a UK ISP that is regularly required to block 'pirate' sites of all kinds, from torrent and streaming portals to considerably more fluid subscription-based IPTV providers.

According to Sky, following an application at the High Court by Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.; Disney Enterprises, Inc.; Netflix Studios, LLC; Paramount Pictures Corporation; Universal City Studios Productions LLLP; and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., it is now blocking four more streaming portals.

They are:,,, and

Sky 123Movies Block

The big question, given the general prevalence of streaming sites, is why this quartet was singled out for action by the movie and TV show companies.

The MPA Previously Showed Interest in These Sites

Back in November 2020, TorrentFreak learned that the MPA and Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment had obtained a DMCA subpoena from a US court.

The aim of the request was to compel Cloudflare, which all of the sites used, to hand over the personal details of individuals believed to be operating the platforms. Within that list were several '123Movies' branded sites, including and, which now form part of the injunction reportedly obtained by the MPA – presumably due to their significance in the UK market., for example, currently enjoys millions of visits per month, with around a quarter of those hailing from the UK. is an even bigger affair, with around six million visits per month according to SimilarWeb. Again, close to 25% of its traffic comes from the UK. and are considerably smaller traffic-wise but the studios clearly see them as a problem to be stamped out.

Second UK Blocking Injunction This Week

This is the second time in a matter of days that the existence of a website-blocking order has been revealed by UK ISPs. Earlier this week, ISP TalkTalk reported that it would be blocking following an application for injunction filed by publishers Elsevier and Springer Nature.

The court is yet to publish that decision or the latest one involving the MPA. The existence of the injunctions hasn't been acknowledged by the companies involved either but confirmation and the relevant details are expected in due course.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

University Runs Massive BitTorrent Seedbox to Showcase Music Streaming App
Ernesto Van der Sar, 20 Feb 10:27 AM

trustchain app musicThere is no denying that file-sharing has in large part helped reshape the music industry into what it is today.

The iTunes music store was embraced by the music industry as a weapon in the war against piracy, and the same is true for the streaming services that surfaced later on.

These new music outlets certainly helped to keep some people away from pirate alternatives. At the same time, however, they also reduced the massive profit margins that were once common. And they also made it easier for independents to publish music.

In recent years this development has continued. Increasingly, artists publish their own works, leaving out the major record labels. This is a trend that is likely to continue in the future, as new tools and outlets become available.

Trustchain and Music Streaming

This hasn't gone unnoticed at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, the Tribler lab in particular. Over the years the researchers spent millions of euros on P2P and blockchain-related projects, with the Triber BitTorrent client as their flagship tool.

The goal of the projects is to show what's technologically possible. This hasn't resulted in widespread adoption, but their ideas and experiments are worth highlighting. That also applies to the new Trustchain app that was released in the Google Play Store.

Trustchain is basically a collection of mini-apps that use P2P networking and a blockchain to share and present information. There is a chat tool, for example, but also a music app.

The music app, a Master's thesis project of Tim Wissel, immediately caught our interest for several reasons. Unlike traditional torrent clients, it is restricted to a specific subset of music torrents that are not copyright infringing. It includes only creative commons licensed tracks.

Instant P2P Streaming with Cryptocurrency Tips

There are more differences too. For example, all the albums and tracks in the app can be streamed instantly with help from the underlying BitTorrent technology. That's totally free, but users can leave a 'tip' if they like what they hear. These tips use an in-house cryptocurrency, which is entirely decentralized too.

The app is still in the experimental phase and people shouldn't expect the slickness of modern streaming platforms. However, it is the idea behind the app that makes it stand out.

TorrentFreak spoke to Dr. Johan Pouwelse, leader of the university's Tribler Lab, who notes that the music app shows how all middlemen can be taken out of the equation. Musicians can publish and monetize their content, without paying any fees, not even for hosting.

Fixing the Predatory Intermediary Problem

search play donate

"We see that music labels, big tech platforms, and credit card companies skim up to 90% of the artists' income. We fixed this 'predatory intermediary problem' by showing that music industry overhead can be as low as 0%," Pouwelse says.

"All money donated in the ecosystem ends up with the artist themselves. No other solution offers this," he adds.

After this bold statement, Pouwelse quickly corrects himself. The app uses its own DAO Bitcoin fork which offers mining rewards, so in reality, 99.999622% ends up as artist income. That's still better than any alternative.

Still Early Days

The researchers are not under the illusion that their app will replace anything instantly but the concept is solid. It is possible to create a system where artists are better rewarded.

For now, however, there are still quite a few restrictions. First and foremost, the system isn't open to creators yet. If that happens in the future, they will obviously have to be vetted for legal reasons.

At the moment the app relies on Creative Commons content are there are currently a few hundred albums in the system. The team hopes to expand the library to half a million tracks in the near future.

University Seedbox

The tracks are shared by users and the entire system can operate decentralized. However, to kickstart this process, there's currently a massive seedbox running 24/7 at the university.

It's an ambitious project, to say the least, but even if everything works and artists can join, success is far from guaranteed. Musicians and other artists need some kind of exposure, and an unknown app is not going to offer that right away.

Put differently, earning 25% of $100 is still better than 100% of $10. That's a challenge that will have to be overcome for this concept to work.

Decentralized Future

Nonetheless, Dr. Pouwelse is confident that the various decentralized technologies they develop will help to shape the future one way or another. Not just for file-sharing, but also payments, and even voting.

Thus far, 187 students and scientists have contributed to the code. Pouwelse hopes this will eventually put people in control again, not big tech and large media corporations.

The music industry is also aware of the developments and this new music streaming app shouldn't come as a surprise. They've had their time to shine.

"For the past 18 years, we have been warning them that their roaring party will end," Pouwelse says.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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