Wednesday, February 17, 2021

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ACE Targets Popular 'Watched' Streaming App Add-Ons in US Court
Andy Maxwell, 17 Feb 09:57 PM

WatchedIn recent years, software applications that provide access to the latest movies, TV shows, live TV and premium sports events have become increasingly popular.

Most commonly available for Android, PC, and iOS platforms, these tools often come pre-configured for piracy meaning that when they installed, the latest content is just a few clicks away. This approach means that such apps can be quickly ejected from Apple's App Store and Google Play on the basis they are self-contained piracy tools. However, there is another way.

Evading App Store and Google Play Removal

Exposure on official app stores is a tried-and-tested method to grow public awareness of an app but if they are quickly removed for infringement, that all falls apart. To prevent this from happening, apps have been appearing on both platforms that are capable of supplying infringing content but have crucial components missing at the point of download. These need to be added in at a later point to provide functionality.

One example is the 'Watched' streaming app which at the time of writing is in the Top 30 most popular entertainment apps on Apple's App Store. No content is presented in the app but after installation, users are prompted to supply a 'bundle' via a URL of their choosing. No information is provided as to what this URL should be but a little searching online reveals that certain URLs make 'Watched' much more useful.

'Watched' Bundle Available at

One of the more popular 'bundle' URLs is and when this is entered into 'Watched' it transforms the app in much the same way as adding a third-party repository/addon to Kodi might. The website at this URL contains the necessary components to fill 'Watched' with movies, TV shows and live TV channels, which are all accessible via the provided interface.

(Before adding ' on the left, after on the right)Watched With Oha

While the 'Watched' app remains accessible on app stores and via the software's homepage, there are moves by global entertainment industry companies to target bundle URLs, including

ACE Goes to Court in the United States

The Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) is a global anti-piracy coalition that brings together dozens of the most powerful entertainment industry companies in the world. These include the major Hollywood studios plus Netflix and Amazon, all of which aim to disrupt the illegal streaming market to protect their businesses.

Yesterday, ACE members filed an application for a DMCA subpoena against Cloudflare in a California court and the complaint itself shows how convoluted these matters can become.

Cloudflare provides services to but at least as far as we can tell (and like Cloudflare), doesn't carry any infringing content either. Instead, provides a service that enables end-users of 'Watched' to find content to which ACE members hold the rights.

"We have determined that individuals operating and controlling have infringed ACE Members' Copyrighted Works by using Cloudflare servers, networks, and other services, to connect end users of the 'Watched' mobile application to websites containing infringing content," explains MPA Executive Vice President & Chief of Global Content Protection, Jan van Hoorn.

"The service receives requests for infringing content from the Watched application, scrapes various links to identify cyberlockers containing the requested infringing content, and returns a response containing the scraped links to the application, which allows users of the Watched application to stream infringing content."

ACE Wants To Unmask The Operator(s) Of

The purpose of the ACE legal action is to find out who is behind the repository/bundle. In common with similar requests, it requires Cloudflare to hand over the personal identities of the people behind the website, including their names, physical addresses, IP addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, payment information and account histories.

Whether Cloudflare will have any useful information to hand over is unclear but this is not the first time that ACE has gone after component services that allow 'Watched' to function.

As reported last November, ACE previously filed an application for a similar DMCA subpoena against the Tonic domain registry in an effort to discover the identities of the individuals behind

This domain operates in a similar if not identical manner to, in that people who use the 'Watched' app can enter the domain when prompted to supply a 'bundle' URL, prompting the 'Watched' app to do something useful. It's unknown whether Tonic was able to provide any useful information in this case but the domain is fully functional at the time of writing.

The ACE application for DMCA subpoena can be found here (1,2)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Reddit Piracy Takedowns and Subreddit Bans Skyrocketed in 2020
Ernesto Van der Sar, 17 Feb 11:19 AM

reddit logoWith millions of daily users, Reddit is without a doubt one of the most visited sites on the Internet.

The community-oriented platform has "subreddits" dedicated to pretty much every topic one can think of, including several that are linked to online piracy and related issues.

A few years ago copyright holders paid little attention to these discussions. In 2017, the site 'only' removed 4,352 pieces of content in response to copyright holders' complaints. Three years later, however, this number has skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands.

This surge in takedowns is highlighted in the social media platform's latest transparency report, published just a few hours ago.

The company reports that it received a total of 86,866 takedown notices, which resulted in 375,774 pieces of content being removed. This is a 300% increase compared to the previous year.

While the number of takedown notices and removed content has skyrocketed, Reddit also rejected many complaints. Last year, the site decided not to remove roughly 27 percent of the 517,054 items that were flagged.

The reasons to reject takedown requests vary. The vast majority were duplicate requests, but Reddit also refused takedowns because an entire subreddit was targeted, the reported link wasn't a Reddit URL, or simply because no infringement was found.

reddit reject

In addition to links and other content taken down, Reddit also reports how many users and subreddits were removed from the platform on copyright grounds. This typically happens when they are classified as repeat copyright infringers.

"We have a policy that includes the removal of any infringing material from the Services and for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of users of our Services who are repeat infringers," Reddit writes.

In 2020, Reddit removed 303 users following repeat copyright infringement complaints, which is a small increase compared to last year. The number of subreddits that were taken down under this policy saw nearly a fourfold increase, from 137 in 2019 to 514 last year.

In the past we have seen several instances of subreddits being removed for repeat copyright infringements, including /r/mmastreams. Other subreddits, such as /r/piracy, were repeatedly warned and had to clean house in order to survive.

Finally, Reddit also received several 143 counternotices from users who argued that their content had been removed without a proper reason. It's not clear how many of these were reinstated.

All in all, copyright takedowns only result in a small fraction of all content that's removed from the platform. In total, Reddit admins and moderators removed more than 225 million pieces of content for a variety of reasons.

The full 2020 transparent report, which also covers law enforcement requests, is available here

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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