Tuesday, January 5, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Nintendo Mass DMCA Takedown Removes Hundreds of Fangames from Game Jolt
Ernesto Van der Sar, 05 Jan 09:57 PM

game jolt logoAs one of the most iconic gaming manufacturers in the world, Nintendo has been fighting piracy for decades.

The company has an in-house anti-piracy division that signals the latest threats to steer enforcement actions in the right direction.

In recent years it's gone after sites and stores that offer pirated games and has assisted in the criminal prosecution against alleged members of the hacking group Team-Xecutuer. However, the smaller fish are not being ignored either.

Nintendo Targets Non-profit Fangames

A few days ago, Nintendo's legal department sent DMCA notices to the game publishing community Game Jolt. The site, where hobbyists and indie developers share their creations for free, was notified that hundreds of fangames infringed Nintendo's trademarks.

game jolt dmca notice from nintendo

The takedown spree, which was published publicly by Game Jolt co-founder and CEO Yaprak DeCarmine, notes that the games in question use copies of Nintendo's intellectual property without permission. Game Jolt allegedly profits from this.

"These web pages display images of Nintendo's video game characters in connection with unauthorized online games that copy the characters, music, and other features of Nintendo's video games.

"The web site at gamejolt.com generates revenue from advertising banners displayed on the site and advertisements played while users wait for the games to load," the takedown notices add.

379 Games

This certainly isn't the first time that Nintendo has targeted fangames, but the scope of this recent effort is massive. In total, the two notices posted by Game Jolt target 379 game URLs, which were all taken down. Game over.

The developers of the games and many of their fans were taken by surprise. Players were suddenly greeted with a 404 error message like this one and developers received an alert notifying them that their game had been targeted.

game jolt remove

The mass removal is a hot topic in the Game Jolt community. Many people don't understand why Nintendo would target some of its most dedicated fans. That includes the indie developers who spent weeks or months on their projects.

Game developer 'Eeveeloverdoesgaming,' who publishes several Nintendo-inspired games, wasn't targeted but summarizes the general feeling towards Nintendo quite well.

No Sympathy for Nintendo

"They'll get no sympathy from me, this isn't the first time they've pulled a stunt like this. They've made it clear they hate their fans and repeat it time and time again never learning from it."

The developer will continue to work on his "Five Nights At Team HQ series" but fears that it will be targeted eventually. That doesn't stop the developer though, and he encourages others to simply flood the Internet with copies.

"Nintendo if you think taking down everyone's games will help your image and get people to buy more of your games then you're sorely mistaken! I'll keep making and reuploading fan games even if you try to take them down, so DEAL WITH IT!

"All people who have copies of the fangames that were taken down take them and reupload them all over the internet so they stay up no matter what!"


Although some developers prefer to lie low and stay out of Nintendo's hairs for the foreseeable future, some have indeed brought their games back to life. For example, 'Jeb Yoshi', the developer of "Five Nights at Yoshi's," re-uploaded it with ads disabled.

"After looking into it, I believe the fact there was profit being earned from advertisements on the game page was the reason for the takedown of this game among countless others," the dev writes.


'Jeb Yoshi' refers to Nintendo's mention of the advertising element in the DMCA takedown request, which is mentioned by other people as well. They are not sure whether that's indeed the case though. "Let's hope this goes well," the dev wrote on Discord.

In pursuit of more clarity TorrentFreak reached out to Nintendo for a comment but, at the time of writing, we have yet to receive a response. We also reached out to Game Jolt to hear their thoughts on Nintendo's DMCA requests but the company didn't immediately reply.

We will update this article if more information becomes available.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Sci-Hub: Scientists, Academics, Teachers & Students Protest Blocking Lawsuit
Andy Maxwell, 05 Jan 11:10 AM

Sci-HubFollowing in the footsteps of the entertainment industries, publishers are increasingly trying to have pirate sites shut down or blocked to prevent the unlicensed spread of academic and scientific papers.

Their main targets are Sci-Hub ('The Pirate Bay of Science') and Libgen (Library Genesis), platforms with a key aim of distributing such papers freely to the masses for the purposes of spreading knowledge.

Of course, this runs counter to the publishers' business model, as a lawsuit filed in India by several publishing giants explained last month.

Complaint Filed at High Court in Delhi

On December 21, 2020, Elsevier, Wiley, and American Chemical Society, filed a lawsuit hoping to have the court compel Indian ISPs to block both Sci-Hub and Libgen. Accusing the platforms of blatantly infringing their rights on a massive scale, the publishers said that due to the defiant nature of the platforms, ISP blocking is the only effective solution to hand.

The massive complaint, which runs to 2,169 pages, was received by Sci-Hub with little time to review its contents. This not-insignificant issue was quickly pointed out to the Court, with counsel for Sci-Hub asking for an extension. After Sci-Hub assured the Court (pdf) that "no new articles or publications, in which the plaintiffs have copyright" would be uploaded to the site in advance of the next hearing, more time was granted to respond.

Scientists, Academics, Teachers and Students Protest

The case is set for a hearing tomorrow but in advance of that, interested parties are attempting to put the government under pressure to intervene by preventing a blockade that, according to them, would cause damage to education and society in India.

Speaking on behalf of thousands of scientists, academics, teachers and students, the Breakthrough Science Society (BSS) is expressing dismay at the publishers' efforts to prevent the "free flow of information" between those who produce it and those who seek it.

"International publishers like Elsevier have created a business model where they treat knowledge created by academic research funded by taxpayers' money as their private property," its statement reads.

"Those who produce this knowledge — the authors and reviewers of research papers — are not paid and yet these publishers make windfall profit of billions of dollars by selling subscriptions to libraries worldwide at exorbitantly inflated rates which most institutional libraries in India, and even developed countries, cannot afford.

"Without a subscription, a researcher has to pay between $30 and $50 to download each paper, which most individual Indian researchers cannot afford. Instead of facilitating the flow of research information, these companies are throttling it," the non-profit Breakthrough Science Society adds.

Instead of demonizing Sci-Hub founder Alexandra Elbakyan, the group describes her work as an effective solution to make research papers available to all for the benefit of humanity. As a result, the Breakthrough Science Society says it actually supports the work of Sci-Hub and Libgen, arguing that their work is not illegal and should continue unhindered.

"We support their initiative which, we contend, does not violate any norm of ethics or intellectual property rights as the research papers are actually intellectual products of the authors and the institutions," BSS writes.

"We strongly oppose any form of commoditization of research information that is a hindrance to the development of science and the humanities. In the interest of the advancement of knowledge, Sci-Hub and Libgen should be allowed to operate in India."

Petition To Pressure the Government

In an effort to pressure the Indian government to intervene on behalf of the people, the Breakthrough Science Society has launched a petition, calling on everyone from scientists and academics to teachers and students, to declare that knowledge should be accessible to all, not just those who can afford to pay the publishers' rates.

Dr. Ashwani Mahajan, an Associate Professor at the University of Delhi, who among other things describes himself as a policy interventionist, says that if the ISPs are compelled to block Sci-Hub and Libgen, Indian researchers' access to information will be seriously undermined.

While acknowledging that the government spends large sums of money to subscribe to journals, Mahajan says that researchers and students are heavily reliant on Sci-Hub and Libgen for information that the publishing industry itself does not pay for.

"Content is generated by the academic community working in research institutes and universities which are mostly Government funded. Most of the peer reviewers are also not paid. As a result, the publishing houses' expenditure is very low, and they earn high profitability," he writes.

"Publishing houses ask the researchers to assign their copyrights to the publishers as a pre-condition to publish articles. Then use these assigned copyrights to maintain a monopoly over the scholarly works."

"Copyright Law Allows for Injunction to Be Denied"

In his statement, Mahajan argues that the Court has the power to deny the blocking injunction sought by the publishers. For example, he notes that the majority of Sci-Hub and Libgen users are accessing the information offered by the sites for non-commercial purposes, primarily study and research.

Citing Section 51 of the Copyright Act, Mahajan says there is an exception that allows users to import one copy of any work for their private and domestic use. Furthermore, there are additional exceptions that provide for fair dealing, which includes research and review.

Furthermore, Mahajan believes that the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) obligates member countries, including India, to ensure the right "to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications", specifically by eliminating laws, policies and practices that "unjustifiably limit access by individuals or particular groups to facilities, services, goods and information related to science, scientific knowledge and its applications."

Whether the Court will consider the above options for denying an injunction remains to be seen. However, there is considerable opposition in the scientific community and it's difficult to argue that academics and students will be better off if ISPs are ordered to block the sites. The publishers, of course, have clearly stated that the opposite is true, so they will oppose every move that could undermine their business model.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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