Friday, January 1, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Pirate Site Search Traffic Tanked Following Google Updates
Ernesto Van der Sar, 01 Jan 10:46 PM

When the file-sharing boom started twenty years ago, most 'sharing' took place in dedicated applications such as Napster and Limewire.

This software was embraced by millions of people, mostly through word-of-mouth advertising and news reports.

A few years later, when the first torrent sites appeared online, the piracy ecosystem expanded. Some of these sites were private and closed communities but others marketed themselves to the masses. This is where search engines came in handy.

Search Engines 'Help' Pirate Sites

Unlike apps, the content on torrent sites is easy to find through search engines. This also applies to the pirate streaming sites, direct download portals, or link sites that appeared later on.

This discoverability is great for site owners but copyright holders are not pleased. Over the years they have repeatedly asked search engines to ban pirate sites. While that has yet to happen globally, pirate sites have become less and less visible over the years.

Google, for example, actively downranks sites for which it receives a relatively high number of takedown requests. That has hurt pirate site traffic, but this year it seems that things have gotten worse, much worse in fact.

With help from the piracy tracking company MUSO, which also provides data for the EU's piracy research, we are able to get some more insight into the pirate site traffic from search engines. This is not limited to Google but given its high market share, Google's traffic is most visible.

Pirate Sites Visits Dropped in 2020

Below is a graph of all visits to public torrent, streaming, linking and download sites between December 2019 and November 2020, excluding traffic from search engines. This shows a gradual decline of roughly 10%.

Pirate site visits excluding search referrals

pirate site traffic no search 2020

This downward trend is in line with what we've seen in previous years. The data also show the temporary March/April coronavirus spike, which we have covered in detail earlier this year.

Search Referrals Dropped Even More

When we look at the pirate traffic graph that just shows the referrals from search engines, a different picture emerges. As shown below, the overall trend is still down but the effect is much stronger.

From December 2019 to November 2020, search traffic to pirate sites dropped by roughly a third. Not just that, there are some interesting patterns as well.

Search Traffic to Pirate Sites

pirate site traffic search 2020

The trend down first started mid-January, with a temporary spike when the coronavirus pandemic hit. This is followed up by another freefall at the start of May, which did the most damage.

Google Algorithm Updates

These dates don't appear to be coincidental. In fact, they align with the first two major algorithm updates Google announced last year. The first one started on January 13th and the second one on May 4th.

If we zoom in on May 2020 we see that search traffic to pirate sites dropped more than 20% during that month alone.

While Google hasn't officially confirmed that algorithm updates targeted pirate sites, the data suggest that there's a clear link. Especially when one keeps in mind that this also includes search traffic from other search engines. Whether this was intentional is another question, of course.

To confirm our findings we spoke to the operator of one of the largest torrent sites, who prefers to remain anonymous. Without sharing our findings, he reported a 35% decline in Google traffic over the past year, which is in line with MUSO's data.

A few weeks ago Google rolled out yet another algorithm update but the MUSO data doesn't cover this period yet. We'll keep an eye on the overall trend, however, and may follow up on it later.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more. We have some good VPN deals here for the holidays.

Japan's Brand New Anti-Piracy Law Goes Live: Here's How it Will Work
Andy Maxwell, 01 Jan 10:24 AM

Japan flagIn 2012, Japan passed legislation that made it illegal to download unlicensed movies and music from the Internet.

The move, to criminalize these activities with a prison sentence of up to two years, was widely welcomed by copyright holders. However, for many others operating in less protected niches, the law didn't go far enough.

Wildly popular manga (local comics), magazines and other literary works (such as academic texts) were not covered by the law. It would take another eight years for legislation to catch up.

In the summer and after years of work, Japan's parliament passed new copyright amendments that bridged the gap. Punishments for the unlicensed downloading of manga, magazines and academic texts from the Internet were brought into line with the previously outlawed media categories, with violators facing a theoretical sentence of two years in prison or a fine of up to two million yen (US$19,366).

New Law in Effect Today: Who Will Be Tracked Down and How?

The new law came into effect today, January 1, 2021, so in preparation for the event, TorrentFreak caught up with Masaharu Ina from Japan-based anti-piracy group CODA to find out who will be affected by the new law, and what kind of penalties infringers could potentially face.

While uploading pirated content has always been illegal, the new law is quite specific in that it criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed content. While that could take place in a simultaneous upload environment such as BitTorrent, it seems most likely that people will obtain content from websites instead.

That presents some roadblocks to enforcement so we asked Ina how, from a technical perspective, will the authorities track, obtain evidence, and prosecute people who simply download content (comics, movies, music etc) to their machines but don't distribute?

"The authorities shall use digital forensic technologies to track suspects' activities and collect evidence. The details of such technologies have not been publicly available," he explained.

"There are certain special units specialized in cyber crimes in each prefecture. For example, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police has its own Cyber Crime Control Unit. But the police do not investigate unless the person commits the crime repeatedly, intentionally and maliciously, i.e. innocent light downloaders shall not be prosecuted."

Similar Laws Already in Place for Other Entertainment Content

Given that simply downloading movies and music has been illegal in Japan since 2012 and this new law, to cover manga and other content, has been aggressively pursued since then, one might assume movie and music downloaders have been widely prosecuted.

According to Ina, however, that hasn't been the case because certain criteria need to be fulfilled for prosecution, including proof of malicious intent such as repetitive and continuous downloading. In fact, to date, no one has been prosecuted for simply downloading movies or music.

Despite Harsh Penalties, Common Sense Should Prevail

Given that Japan's authorities have already proven that casual downloaders will not be prosecuted over small-scale downloading of movies and music, there seem few reasons for regular Internet users to unnecessarily panic over the new law covering manga, magazines, and other texts.

Ina says that safeguards have been built into the legislation, precisely so that the serious penalties available won't apply to casual downloaders such as those who grab a few frames of a comic or when their downloading doesn't negatively affect copyright holders.

"Of note is the criteria for prosecution, i.e. there are certain exemptions to avoid prosecution of innocent light users who happen to download works without the intention of committing a crime. And the police shall not investigate unless the right holder requests the police to do so," he says.

"All in all, the law (and its amendment to include still images) is intended to deter crime," Ina concludes.

A New 'Hello Kitty' Educational Video

As reported last August, Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs, a body of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, hired Hello Kitty as its Copyright Ambassador.

To mark the introduction of the new law, Kitty (with script and production help from Masaharu Ina) has released a new video. It's a far cry from some of the anti-piracy videos released in the West and it's hoped its cuteness will strike the right tone with content consumers.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more. We have some good VPN deals here for the holidays.

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