Monday, January 18, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


RIAA: Not Even Improper YouTube 'Rolling Cipher' Complaints Can Be Countered
Andy Maxwell, 18 Jan 08:20 PM

RIAAAfter the RIAA caused outraged by filing a complaint that took down the open source software YouTube-DL from Github, YouTube-ripping service sued the music industry group.

In common with its claim against youtube-dl, the RIAA had previously asked Google to delist's homepage on the basis that it too circumvented YouTube's 'rolling cipher' technology. With both Github and the EFF arguing that youtube-dl's features amount to little more than those already available in web browsers, an emboldened hoped to take the fight to the RIAA and have itself declared legal.

RIAA Fights Back: YouTube's Rolling Cipher is a TPM

In a motion to dismiss filed in a Connecticut district court, the RIAA is now attempting to remove the basics underpinning the entire action. Apparently undeterred by the controversy surrounding YouTube's 'rolling cipher' and its characterization as being somewhat ineffective, the RIAA says that according to copyright law, the threshold for a Technological Protection Measure (TPM) is already low.

"[T]he allegation that Plaintiff or others with technical expertise have figured out how to defeat the rolling cipher does not establish that the rolling cipher is ineffective for purposes of section 1201. If Plaintiff's position were correct, it would amount to a free pass because the statute would only apply to those TPMs that could not be defeated," the motion reads.

"For this reason, numerous courts have rejected the same argument upon which Plaintiff bases its claim about the alleged ineffectiveness of the YouTube rolling cipher."

In short, just because YouTube's measures are easily bypassed, it doesn't mean they can't be considered effective. According to the RIAA, this is due to section 1201 of the DMCA considering the abilities of an "ordinary" or "average" consumer, not those of "an online security engineer with a background in computer science" – a reference to Mitch Stoltz of the EFF, who authored a third-party letter in the youtube-dl matter.

"[T]he letter acknowledges that a German court has concluded, among other things, that circumventing the YouTube rolling cipher is 'beyond the capabilities of the average user,' and that it 'was on this basis that the court declared the code to be an effective technical measure under Germany's analogue of Section 1201. Plaintiff's allegations therefore allow for only one plausible inference: the YouTube rolling cipher is an effective TPM," the RIAA adds.

RIAA: Yout's Non Circumvention Claims Fail's lawsuit seeks a declaration from the court that the service does not circumvent YouTube's 'rolling cipher' but according to the RIAA, that effort should fail. Circumvention means "to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or impair a technological measure, without the authority of the copyright owner," the RIAA writes, noting that Yout's claim that it does none of these things isn't plausible.

Referencing Yout's complaint, the RIAA notes that the company admits that its entire purpose is to give users the ability to copy audio from YouTube in MP3 format locally, allowing that content to be consumed offline. The RIAA says that YouTube aims to prevent users from "turning certain streams into downloads" and the method used to enforce that is its 'rolling cipher'.

"Plaintiff concedes that it 'encounters' the rolling cipher and then 'reads and interprets the JavaScript program' and 'derives a signature value' to access the file," the RIAA writes.

"The only reasonable inference to draw from those vague allegations is that the Yout service enables users to avoid or bypass that technological measure—that is the very definition of circumventing a TPM under section 1201. For this straightforward reason, Plaintiff cannot plausibly allege a claim for declaratory judgment under section 1201."

RIAA: Even Improper Anti-Circumvention Notices Can't Be Countered

As mentioned earlier, the RIAA previously sent DMCA takedown notices to Google, demanding that Yout URLs should be delisted from search results on the basis that the Yout service itself is a circumvention technology.

Yout's lawsuit states that since it does not circumvent technical measures, the RIAA either sent the complaints without carrying out appropriate testing or already knew that the site was non-infringing. As a result, Yout is entitled to compensation due to the RIAA interfering with the relationships between Yout and its customers, partners, and potential users.

Not so, says the RIAA, as no claim is available under 17 U.S.C. § 512(f).

"Plaintiff's claim fails as a matter of law because the statutory text makes clear that
section 512(f) penalizes only misrepresentations regarding alleged copyright infringement, but not misrepresentations regarding alleged circumvention," its motion reads.

Citing the Arista Records, Inc. v. Mp3Board, Inc. case, the RIAA states that Section 512 "only penalizes copyright holders for knowingly materially misrepresenting 'that material or activity is infringing.' It does not provide a cause of action for knowingly materially misrepresenting [other claims]."

In other words, the RIAA believes it doesn't matter whether the anti-circumvention notices were improper or otherwise since claims under Section 512 are limited to when there are misrepresentations of copyright infringement, not allegations of breaching technological measures.

Furthermore, even if Yout could state a claim for alleged misrepresentations, the RIAA says that the company has failed to plausibly allege that the music group knew that the Yout service did not circumvent YouTube's 'rolling cipher'.

"Plaintiff alleges that 'Defendants failed to determine whether Yout's software platform would, in fact, circumvent [YouTube's rolling cipher] by testing the platform" with protected works. But purportedly failing to perform an adequate investigation is insufficient to establish a section 512(f) claim," the RIAA adds.

As a result of the above and other issues that rest upon them, the RIAA believes that Yout's first amended complaint should be dismissed by the court.

The RIAA's motion to dismiss can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Danish Torrent Tracker Crackdown Leads to Six New Arrests
Ernesto Van der Sar, 18 Jan 11:50 AM

asgaard downOver the past several months, Danish law enforcement authorities effectively shut down the thriving local torrent tracker scene.

It started in September and October 2020 when DanishBits and NordicBits went offline after their alleged operators were caught.

The shutdown of these sites was a major blow to the local piracy ecosystem but it didn't take long before other sites stepped up. Both Asgaard and ShareUniversity opened their doors to new members, resulting in an explosive growth of these sites.

The difference in this instance, however, was that the enforcement authorities kept up the pressure. Helped by local anti-piracy group Rights Alliance, the Government's SØIK's IP-Task Force swiftly put a target on these growing sites.

A few weeks later, both Asgaard and ShareUniversity were offline as well. Not just that, Asgaard itself found itself in the middle of a new investigation, something the site's operators already feared.

In December the tracker's staff announced that the site would shut down voluntarily. This announcement came after the Rights Alliance warned that, if the site continued, it would suffer the same fate as DanishBits and NordicBits.

"The thought of having to risk the doorbell ringing one day for a visit from the police overshadows the coziness of running this project. We will not expose you to that. Or ourselves. We have therefore chosen to close the ASGAARD project," Asgaard's staff concluded.

This fear turned out to be prophetic. A few days after the planned shutdown was announced, police arrested a 50-year-old man from Middelfart. The man, who was allegedly part of the tracker's staff, spent Christmas and New Year in prison. And that wasn't the end of it.

SØIK continued its investigation and late last week announced that six more people have been arrested under suspicion of being involved with the Asgaard torrent tracker. The six, who are between the ages of 34 and 53, are described as 'ringleaders' of the torrent site.

All seven suspects are charged with serious copyright offenses but have been released while the investigation continues. They face potential prison sentences for their alleged involvement.

Michael Lichtenstein, Deputy Director of SØIK's special IPR group, is pleased with the work of his team and sends a stark warning to people who are considering setting up a new torrent tracker.

"It is very satisfying that, on the basis of a very effective effort, we have arrested the people we believe are the responsible perpetrators so that we can hold them accountable," Lichtenstein notes.

"We hope that with the arrests and imprisonment we have sent the clear signal to the Danish pirate users that SØIK's special IPR unit is determined to target Danish services and hold both backers and users to account – no one is protected."

The arrests are also a success for Rights Alliance, which reported Asgaard to the authorities last October. Maria Fredenslund, the anti-piracy group's Director, stresses that long prison sentences await those who cross their path.

"The penalty for this type of crime is six years in prison, and the IP task force in SØIK has shown with the latest action against the Asgaard backers that no one can feel safe. They are extremely well equipped to investigate and respond quickly and effectively to this type of case," she says.

Rights Alliance previously declared victory in its war on local torrent sites and noticed that the recent efforts have affected the broader supply chain as well. For example, the release group "Xor06" reportedly threw in the towel and the same applies to "QUARK."

"We're closing and shutting down QUARK now.. this is getting too close," the group wrote on another Nordic torrent tracker just a few days ago.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Top 10 Most Torrented Movies of The Week – 01/18/2021
Ernesto Van der Sar, 17 Jan 11:30 PM

news of the worldThe data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have three new entries in the list. The Western drama movie "News of the World," starring Tom Hanks, is the most downloaded title this week.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on January 18 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (…) News of the World 6.9 / trailer
2 (1) Wonder Woman 1984 5.8 / trailer
3 (2) Soul 8.2 / trailer
4 (…) Outside The Wire 5.4 / trailer
5 (…) Synchronic 6.2 / trailer
6 (4) Tenet 7.7 / trailer
7 (5) The Croods: A New Age 7.1 / trailer
8 (8) Promising Young Woman 7.4 / trailer
9 (3) Shadow in the Cloud 4.6 / trailer
10 (9) Greenland 6.4 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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