Saturday, May 30, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Netflix Impostor Bombards Google With Fake DMCA Takedown Notices
Ernesto, 30 May 08:07 PM

Earlier this month we reported on an interesting trend. Suddenly, the number of DMCA takedown notices sent by Netflix to Google shot through the roof.

As a possible explanation, we suggested an increase in enforcement following the surge of piracy during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there were also some signs that hinted towards possible abuse by a third party.

After our publication, the number of 'Netflix' DMCA notices sent to Google only increased. Two weeks ago the streaming platform reportedly flagged 1.2 million pirate URLs in a month, a sharp contrast to the few thousand it filed a few weeks earlier.

Google Takes Action

At the same time, however, Google started to pick up the issue as well. Where all reported pirate links sent by "Netflix" were previously removed, the search engine has now started to reject more and more requests.

In fact, Google's Transparency Report is actively flagging several Netflix notices as abusive. While they do contain links to pirated material, Google believes they were sent by impostors.

"We believe that an impostor or someone else abusing the process submitted this request. We report it here for the sake of completeness and to provide a view into one kind of abuse of the DMCA process," Google writes.

netflix impostor

The notices that are flagged show the same fishy characteristics we highlighted in our earlier article. They generate separate 'reporting organization' listings in Google's transparency report, submit long lists of URLs from the same domains, and often identify content that's not owned by Netflix.

Also, the message that comes with these notices isn't exactly proper English and reads: "All works on this website is copyrighted for netflix and this website not allowed to share this content."

Competing Pirate Sites?

Who is responsible for these abusive notices remains a question. It seems very likely, however, that they're being sent by the owner of a pirate streaming site, who wants links from competing sites removed from Google search.

Given that most reported sites are French we assume that the sender – pirate or not – is French-speaking as well.

It's good to see that Google is now aware of the problem. However, this is not the first time this type of abuse has come up, so it would be good to know if it can be prevented going forward.

Google Is Taking Action

Google obviously doesn't like this type of abuse, but in some cases it's unavoidable. The company says its DMCA removals process aims to strike a balance between making it easy and efficient for rightsholders to report infringing content, and protecting free expression on the web.

"This system has been effective at significantly reducing access to infringing content via Search, but there are bad actors who attempt to abuse this system and limit access to information, which is something we actively fight against," a Google spokesperson informed TorrentFreak.

"Over the years, we've continued to invest in new tools and establish processes like the Trusted Copyright Removal Program to tackle this issue at scale, while also developing new ways to counter abuse, which continues to evolve."

As a result of these measures, Google rejects all requests it believes were sent by impostors. That said, many of the 'dubious' notices that were sent previously have not been flagged, or the URLs that were reported remain deindexed.

Google says that there are various types of abuse, some effecting legitimate content, and others target pirate content. While reported links form abusers are not always reinstated, affected sites can always submit counternotices. However, Google will not reinstate pirate URLs.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Watch Tower DMCA Subpoena Row Settled After Judge Hands Out Vulgarity Warning
Andy, 30 May 12:55 PM

Back in March we reported that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the publisher for the Jehovah's Witness religious group, had gone to court to obtain a DMCA subpoena.

The aim of the group was to discover the personal details of a self-declared 'apostate' who uploaded Jehovah's Witness sermons to YouTube in breach of copyright. These are usually open-and-shut cases but when an anonymous movant stepped in to contest the application, things got pretty stormy to say the least.

As reported in April, the anonymous individual filed a series of documents with the court, branding leaders of the religious group as 'pedophiles' and suggesting that Judge Cathy Seibel's alleged friendship with Watch Tower's attorney could be undermining the judicial process. While largely irrelevant to our copyright-focused reporting, it should be noted that those claims were just the tip of the iceberg.

Profanities aside (and they were present in abundance), the anonymous movant declared protection under fair use doctrines and drew attention to the fact that despite filing applications for 59 DMCA subpoenas, Watch Tower had never followed up with an actual copyright lawsuit. These matters and more were subsequently addressed by Watch Tower and Judge Seibel.

Watch Tower: DMCA Subpoena Process Was Used in Good Faith

In a memorandum and declaration, Watch Tower attorney Paul D. Polidoro said that beginning June 2018, the religious group undertook "concentrated efforts" to address the "global theft" of its intellectual property. Part of this was exercising its rights under the DMCA, including applying for subpoenas. According to Polidoro, however, these didn't bear much fruit.

Using the words of the anonymous movant against him, the attorney noted that things like "VPNs, anonymous proxies, and TOR exit nodes" frustrate Watch Tower's enforcement efforts to discover the true identities of alleged infringers.

"When some identifying information was obtained, usually the infringer resided outside of the United States, such as in South America or Europe," Polidoro wrote.

"At the end of last year, Watch Tower's Legal Department was finally able to identify a few potential domestic defendants to bring a copyright infringement action. Undertaking litigation with its attendant expenses was and is carefully considered because Jehovah's Witnesses' efforts are 'supported entirely by voluntary donations'."

In the end, however, Watch Tower decided that legal action against someone was required and in December 2019 took the decision to sue an alleged copyright infringer. According to the filing, work on the case has been taking place since the beginning of 2020 but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the complaint was delayed.

"Watch Tower's forthcoming copyright infringement lawsuit will not end its efforts to take steps to address other ongoing continued infringements. To this end, Watch Tower will continue to avail itself of its statutory rights to pursue DMCA subpoenas to identify other potential defendants," Polidoro warned.

Watch Tower: No Fair Use in This Case

What followed was a case-by-case analysis of five videos posted by the movant to YouTube. In previous filings, the movant stated that the videos were "undercover" recordings of Jehovah's Witness sermons but according to the religious group, they were all posted in their entirety and without criticism, as might be the case when attempting to make a fair use claim.

Only making matters more complicated was a subsequent motion to quash by the anonymous movant which stated that the DMCA subpoena itself was invalid because the five videos referenced by Watch Tower had already been removed from YouTube by YouTube itself, before the notices had been issued.

"[B]y the time Watch Tower had issued its DMCA notices for the five allegedly infringing videos in the case at hand, the five videos had already been removed by Google/YouTube because Google is a huge piece of shit who doesn't have to do their fucking jobs right," the motion notes.

"So 'Hooray for the pieces of shit at Google for being so quick on the trigger and heavy-handed with their ban hammer!' But I guess that means that this subpoena must be quashed."

No, Possibly, and Mind Your Language, Judge Declares

"Having heard further from the parties, I deny the motion to quash," Judge Siebel wrote in her recent order settling the matter.

"Watch Tower has provided an explanation for why it has not pursued more cases, as well as evidence that the alleged infringement would not constitute fair use because the videos are full-length and not accompanied by criticism. That there may be criticisms in the comments section [on YouTube] does not render the initial postings fair use."

On the validity of the DMCA subpoena, the anonymous movant may enjoy more success, but only within tight parameters.

"Movant argues that the subpoena is unenforceable because the videos were all taken down before Google received notice. I am dubious, because this allegation contradicts what Movant alleges elsewhere — that the videos were taken down only after the notices were received — and because in Watch Tower's initial declaration, it attached a letter it sent to Google asking it to take down the videos," the Judge notes.

"But the subpoena would be unenforceable if the material had been taken down before the notices were received, so Watch Tower's counsel should provide Google with a copy of this text order, and Google is advised that compliance with the subpoena is not required if in fact the videos were taken down before Google received any notice of the possible infringement."

With the matter of the DMCA subpoena now apparently over, Judge Siebel took the time to add some personal advice to conclude her order. Having made no attempt to rein in any of the language used in the dispute thus far, she had the last word indicating she was far from happy.

"Finally, some free advice for Movant: Inflammatory, vulgar and abusive language in court filings is not a good idea."

Related court filings can be found here and here (pdf)

Image credit: Pixabay

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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