Friday, May 15, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Pirate Release Group 'TRUMP' Promises the Best From the US, but Don't Count Out 'HILLARY'
Ernesto, 15 May 10:31 PM

For decades the top of the piracy pyramid was the territory of release groups. While these come in all shapes and sizes nowadays, it all started with The Scene.

Scene groups tend to be highly organized and only share content among themselves through topsites. At least, that's what they are supposed to do.

For most Scene release groups reputation is key. Their goal is not to share files with as many people as possible, but to beat other groups by releasing content first. While the stakes are high, the game is simple.

In recent months a new name appeared among these groups while catching the attention of a broader audience. Tucked in between names such as ALiGN, CAFFEiNE, KILLERS and LEViTATE, the name TRUMP appeared.

Needless to say, a group carrying this name is bound to get people talking. And indeed, when TRUMP releases made their way to torrent sites, people started to associate them with the U.S. President.

Some people think TRUMP is the best thing ever, others hate the name and all that comes with it. Just search for 'Trump' on any social media platform and you get a pretty good idea.


Of course, the word TRUMP has been around much longer than the President, so it's not 100% certain that Donald Trump is the inspiration. However, there are some interesting observations to make.

For example, in their release notes, TRUMP used the following tagline: "Bringing you the best from the US." Also, TRUMP's first release ever was an episode of the TV-show "American Ninja Warrior."

It seems plausible that the release group in question supports the US President. Or perhaps they're just stirring things up. Whatever the reason, it didn't take too long before another familiar name entered the scene.

A few months ago, the group HILLARY showed up, which directly competes with TRUMP in getting pirated copies of the latest TV-shows online. A coincidence?


Whatever the case, it's certainly not the first time that US political elements have appeared in pirate circles. Back in 2006, was one of the most popular torrent sites. That was clearly inspired by the then incumbent president.

TorrentFreak has it on good authority that this site was operated from Russia, which adds another intriguing element to the mix. Not to mention the many fake torrents that were shared there.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also help you to find the best anonymous VPN.

Wrong Pirate Bay URL in BBC Video Report Triggers Malware Warnings
Andy, 15 May 12:54 PM

During these uncertain times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, people are increasingly turning to pirate sources for their entertainment fix.

As previously reported, downloads of the movie Contagion skyrocketed, and torrent-based piracy went up in several countries in line with their lockdown measures.

This morning the BBC published a video news piece titled 'Why I'm downloading pirated films in lockdown'. It begins with a short interview with MUSO CEO Andy Chatterley, who discussed data captured by his monitoring company during the lockdown indicating that piracy had increased significantly. The piece also features 'Freddy', a disguised 29-year-old New Yorker who explains why he's downloading films during the pandemic.

To illustrate the process, the BBC report shows 'footage' of The Pirate Bay in action, revealing that movies including 1917 and Bad Boys For Life are available on the platform. However, instead of showing The Pirate Bay's true domain, the BBC fell into the trap of showing the wrong site.

BBC shows the wrong domain for The Pirate Bay

At first view, this may not appear to be a significant blunder but the publication of the wrong domain is likely to have prompted some people who aren't aware of The Pirate Bay's real domain (or may not have even heard of the site before) tapping the URL into their browser in search of movies to watch. Unfortunately, movies might not be the only thing on offer.

People who visit the URL in question who have MalwareBytes installed are informed that the domain quickly accesses another domain,, which immediately triggers a trojan warning from the anti-malware software, blocking the platform. malware warning

TorrentFreak has contacted Malwarebytes for more information on why it considers and/or unsafe and will update this article when that response comes in. However, we can confirm right now that there a no malware warnings at all on, The Pirate Bay's true domain.

Importantly, this isn't really a question of the BBC making a massive error here. Rather, it appears they may have been led into a search trap, a by-product of anti-piracy activities that force Google to make pirate popular sites harder to find and gives prominence to lesser-known domains.

For some time and under massive industry pressure, Google has been downranking pirate sites in its search results. The precise algorithm is unknown but Google says it uses the number of DMCA notices received against a domain as a marker to show that the site is problematic to rightsholders and should be pushed down in search results.

In fact, if one carries out a search for 'the pirate bay' on Google from a UK IP address (where the BBC is based), won't appear in at least the first 10 pages of results. Instead, due to the downrankings, Google now prioritizes a Wikipedia and entry and two sites that claim to be The Pirate Bay but are not.

Both of them trigger the same malware warning and one of them is the domain published by the BBC.

Google results for The Pirate Bay search

While only the creator of the BBC video will know why he or she included the wrong URL for The Pirate Bay, it seems likely that they expected a very high-ranking Google search result to be authoritative. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with these types of Google searches anymore. That will be music to the ears of copyright holders for a number of reasons.

Firstly, true pirate sites with plenty of quality releases are already harder to find in many regions, something entertainment companies have been trying to achieve for a long time. Also, poor quality results are pushed from the bottom to the top of search results, leading to dissatisfaction among people looking for content.

Finally, the claim that pirate site visitors are vulnerable to malware can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as the sites where that is least likely to happen are disappeared and the ones that are in it to make money from any means possible get more and more traffic.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also help you to find the best anonymous VPN.

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