Wednesday, March 18, 2020

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Cox Maintains That $1 Billion in Piracy Damages is Excessive
Ernesto, 17 Mar 09:30 PM

Last December, Internet provider Cox Communications lost its legal battle against a group of major record labels.

Following a two-week trial, the jury held Cox liable for the copyright infringements of its subscribers, ordering the company to pay $1 billion in damages.

Heavily disappointed by the decision, Cox later asked the court to lower the damages. This triggered a scathing response from the music companies, which said that Cox deserved to be punished and that the billion-dollar damages award could have been higher.

The labels countered that Cox's copyright infringement policy was a "sham," effectively offering a safe haven for pirates. The ISP's internal documentation showed that subscribers were let back in after being disconnected, quoting the head of the abuse department saying "f the dmca!!!"

Late last week Cox responded to this reply, stressing that its position is unchanged. According to the ISP, the opposition lacks a proper legal basis and only confirms that the damages amount is too high.

"Plaintiffs' opposition confirms the need for remittitur to reduce the historically excessive damage award, which undisputedly dwarfs any previous award in a comparable case—or indeed in any case," Cox writes.

The ISP argues that, even though there are 'only' around 10,000 infringements in this case, the labels are holding the company liable for piracy losses across the entire industry. That's not justified, Cox argues, adding that its claimed piracy profits are overblown.

"Plaintiffs strove to convince the jury that the 10,017 infringements they could prove were evidence of millions more infringements they could not prove, and that the appropriate measure of damages was the harm not to Plaintiffs from Cox's infringement but to the entire music industry from all infringement," Cox states.

One of the key points of the reply focuses on the allegations that Cox didn't have a proper repeat infringer policy as it let terminated subscribers back in. However, the ISP counters that many of its policies were in line with the Copyright Alert System (CAS), the voluntary agreement rightsholders struck with other US Internet providers.

"Plaintiffs call it 'incredible' that Cox allowed terminated subscribers to return to Cox's service with 'a clean slate,' but CAS too allowed a 'reset' for an infringing subscriber after a period without notices, no matter how many times that subscriber had previously infringed.

"And Plaintiffs' claim that Cox's 'never-suspend and never terminate' policy for business customers 'was even more outrageous' rings hollow given that CAS imposed no obligations at all with respect to ISPs' business customers," the reply reads.

While there certainly are some differences with CAS, Cox believes that it could have simply escaped liability by joining the program. Because it didn't, it now faces a billion-dollar judgment, even though its policy wasn't that different, it says.

"The fact that Cox could have joined CAS and thereby avoided any liability for the conduct at issue here (it is undisputed that Plaintiffs have not sued any of the ISPs who signed onto CAS) makes readily apparent the gross disproportion between the culpability of its conduct and the $1 billion award."

The record labels blasted Cox's initial request to lower the damages award, which was sprinkled with shaded language such as "outrageous," "egregious," "flagrant," "sham." However, the ISP says that adjectives are not facts. It, therefore, urges the court to look at the evidence and properly weigh it in context.

This includes the way the damages are calculated, Cox's conduct, but also damages awards that were handed down in similar copyright infringement cases. In this light, the ISP believes that a billion-dollar award is not justified.

"Fair consideration of the record establishes that the $1 billion award is excessive, not only by comparison to analogous awards, but in light of the trial evidence on which it must be based," Cox concludes.

It is now up to the court to make a decision. If it decides not to lower the damages, Cox would like to have a new trial. In addition, the ISP also has a separate request outstanding for the court to issue a judgment as a matter of law, which effectively bypasses the jury.

A copy of Cox's reply to the labels' opposition to its motion for remittitur can be found here (pdf).

Drom: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

Cyber Police Raid Advertising Agency For Working With Pirate Sites
Andy, 17 Mar 01:17 PM

There are some exceptions but most pirate sites exist due to their ability to make money.

While breaking even is enough for some, many operate on a for-profit basis, generating revenue for their owners as any business might.

In the majority of cases, funding comes from advertising and there is a considerable effort around the world to prevent brands from appearing on pirate sites, thus depriving them of revenue. In Ukraine, however, matters have just escalated to a level not seen before.

The government reports that officers from its cyber police unit in conjunction with the National Police have carried out raids on an advertising agency in Ukraine. The currently unnamed company reportedly helped finance pirate sites by placing advertising on them, police say.

"The cyber police have revealed the creation and functioning of a number of online cinemas in Ukraine. The sites provided users with access to a library of films and series, without the proper permission of the copyright holders. In doing so, they violated their copyrights and related rights and caused considerable material damage," a statement reads.

"The basis for the profits of such online theaters was advertising. In particular, the sites of these online cinemas featured links to advertising agencies that provided relevant online advertising services. In addition, the most well-known advertisements of well-known international brands were discovered. Thus, the agencies funded the illegal activities of online cinemas."

Images and a video released by Ukrainian authorities show masked and armed officers entering and searching what appears to be a modern office space in the capital Kiev. Employees of the agencies, whose faces are blurred out to protect their identities, can be seen sitting on bean bags and chairs while the searches are carried out. They are later herded out of the building.

The Ukraine government reports that the advertising and related payments were carried out using an "international platform" ranked among the top three in the market by audience reach. Revenue generated was disbursed via e-wallets using a range of payment systems.

"Law enforcement officers found that the offices of the advertising agency were located in the center of Kiev with a staff of about 50 people. Workers are advertising on pirated resources and transferring money to online wallet administrators' wallets," the government adds.

During the raid, police seized servers, computer equipment, documentation, plus other records connected to the alleged criminal offenses. An unspecified amount of cash was also seized on the basis it was obtained from illegal activities.

An aggravating factor, the government says, is that the companies were involved in placing advertising for illegal online gambling platforms on the pirate sites. Lottery games aside, online gambling was outlawed in Ukraine back in 2009.

As the investigation continues, police warn that those found guilty of breaches of copyright law could face prison sentences of between three and six years, with the possibility of additional restrictions that can prevent those convicted from occupying certain positions or engaging in specified activities.

In a separate announcement this morning, police revealed the completion of a pre-trial investigation into the activities of a 30-year-old man said to have operated more than two dozen pirate video sites.

"The person involved administrated the websites and gave Internet users access to watch and copy movies without the permission of the copyright holder," the statement reads.

"The income of the suspect was paid for by advertising that was placed on his online resources. The material damage caused to the rights holders, represented in Ukraine by the Ukrainian Anti-Piracy Association, is about four million hryvnias (US$150,000)."

Having appeared on the United States Trade Representatives' Priority Watch List again last year, authorities in Ukraine are acutely aware of the need to show they are taking action against piracy.

"It should be noted that Ukraine has been included in the list of countries that violate intellectual property rights and harm the economic interests of the rights holders. Therefore, the cyber police are making every effort to minimize the use of pirated content within the state," the government concludes.

Drom: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

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