Sunday, March 1, 2020

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U.S. Court Denies $28,500 Default Judgment Against Accused Pirate
Ernesto, 01 Mar 09:16 PM

In recent years, adult entertainment outfit Malibu Media has often been described as a copyright trolling operation.

The company, known for its popular "X-Art" brand, has gone after thousands of alleged file-sharers in U.S. courts. Many of its targets settle their cases out of court, but others choose to ignore them.

Not responding at all can be quite risky. If a defendant is named in a lawsuit and properly served, the court typically requires a response. If that doesn't come, the complaining party can request a default judgment.

This is also what happened to New Jersey resident Amiram Peled, who was accused of downloading 19 titles from Malibu Media after the company linked his IP-address to unauthorized BitTorrent activity. Peled was made aware of these allegations but didn't show up in court to offer a defense.

As a result, Malibu Media submitted a motion arguing that it's entitled to $28,500 in statutory damages for copyright infringement and an additional $467.55 in costs.

In many cases, courts grant default judgment requests, as there is no defense. This has allowed Malibu Media to collect dozens, if not hundreds of default judgments. However, in the present matter, a judge decided otherwise.

In a recently released opinion, U.S. District Judge Katharine S. Hayden denied the motion, concluding that Malibu Media isn't entitled to anything.

The denial is based on a culmination of rulings in similar BitTorrent piracy cases. While Malibu Media portrayed the defendant as the copyright infringer, the Court wasn't convinced that Peled is the one who actually downloaded the files.

"[T]he Court is concerned that, no matter how reliable the tracing technology is, Peled's status as the subscriber of the IP address is insufficient to prove that he was in fact the infringer of the copyrighted materials," Judge Hayden writes.

Judge Hayden carefully reviewed how other cases handled similar allegations. While some ruled that geolocation data and an IP-address is sufficient for a default judgment to be granted, other rulings were more critical.

The order specifically cites the highly critical opinion of Judge Royce C. Lamberth, who threw out a similar case in the District of Columbia.

"In a scathing opinion, Judge Lamberth described Strike 3 as a 'copyright troll,' and accused it of using bad technology to support predatory litigation," Judge Hayden writes, also referencing the part claiming that Malibu appears to use the courts "as an ATM."

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in the Cobbler Nevada v. Gonzales case is mentioned as well. There, the court ruled that identifying the registered subscriber of an IP-address is by itself not enough to argue that the person is also the infringer.

This order trickled down to lower courts, with several judges demanding "something more" than just an IP-address in these cases. This includes a previous denial of a default judgment in New Jersey, and also the present case against Mr. Peled.

"Because Malibu Media has not made a sufficient showing to conclude that Peled in fact infringed its copyright, the Court denies the request for default judgment," Judge Hayden concludes.

A copy of the opinion written by U.S. District Judge Katharine S. Hayden is available here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

What Type of Anti-Piracy Campaign Is More Likely to Work on Infringers?
Andy, 01 Mar 12:23 PM

Over the past couple of decades, campaigns aimed at discouraging people from accessing infringing content online have come in all shapes and sizes. Whether they are effective is still up for debate.

It could be argued that since copyright infringement is now easier than ever, with even novices able to access almost any content they like without paying, none of these campaigns have really worked. On the other hand, however, who knows where infringement would be today without a certain level of overt discouragement.

This week the UK's Intellectual Property Office published its latest Online Copyright Infringement Tracker report, aspects of which we covered in an earlier article. Interestingly and in addition to a truckload of statistics, the report also covers consumer opinions on what type of anti-piracy campaigns might be effective with the general public.

Framed as "behavior change" mechanisms, the report looked at two broad types of anti-piracy campaigns – those that make it clear that downloading or streaming infringing content is illegal and others that set out to highlight the consequences or repercussions of the illegal behavior.

"Responses to campaigns depended somewhat on the level of experience and frequency of infringing, as well as moral standpoint. Two broad segments emerged," the report reads.

"Cautious Infringers: Those who worry about infringing the law and the risks of illegal activity [and] Savvy Infringers: Those who are more tech savvy and knowingly access content illegally without much concern over related dangers or consequences."

It makes perfect sense that different types of campaigns would work on these two groups. Those who are less well-informed and worry more about the chances of getting caught are probably easier to convince. The more tech-savvy bunch often have a tendency to see past scare-tactics, for example, and may even have the means to mitigate most threats.

According to the research, campaign imagery was effective in several areas, such as when the campaign was made more personal by centering it around an everyday scenario, such as watching a football match.

Relevancy is also listed as a matter of importance. For example, it was considered more effective to elicit an emotional response from the viewer (becoming a victim of identity theft) than to err more towards facts, such as being infected by malware.

Furthermore, campaigns must be clear.

"Campaigns with straightforward and uncomplicated messages are preferred. Any form of confusing rhetoric or double meaning runs the risk of taking attention from the core message (e.g. 'You wouldn't buy a digital virus…')," the report notes.

Perhaps most importantly, the tone of campaigns must be carefully considered. The report states that while most believe that detailing the consequences of accessing content illegally needs to be spelled out, "a few take issue with the use of 'scare tactics'
and feel the ads are too accusatory."

Perhaps the most obvious example of scare tactics and overly-dramatic tone to date is the 'You Wouldn't Steal/Piracy is a Crime" campaign. It has been the subject of various parodies, such as the most well-known one featured in the IT Crowd.

Interestingly, another even more outrageous example surfaced just recently on Reddit and while intentionally offensive in parts, it really drives home the message that going over the top is more likely to elicit mockery rather than change.

So how best to deal with the different types of infringers?

For 'Cautious Infringers' it's suggested that simple messages are best, particularly ones that identify which behavior is illegal and then sign-posting further information and detail. "This is especially important for those who are sent content by others and/or use services where there is some ambiguity around legality (e.g. Kodi boxes)," the report notes.

When it comes to 'Savvy Infringers', it's suggested that giving real-life examples of people who were caught and fined (or were victims of hacking) may help to address the perception that "it will never happen to me." It's also noted that simply stating that the behavior is illegal or that people could become a victim of fraud may not be enough.

Instead, there may be some mileage in talking about "potential impact on credit score, losing money, or accessing personal photos etc."

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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