Saturday, February 8, 2020

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Unofficial Coronavirus Papers Archive Serves Up Half a Terabyte of Knowledge
Andy, 08 Feb 06:50 PM

The idea that scientific papers and studies should be locked up behind a paywall is a tightly held belief among the world's largest, richest publishers. To the founder of the infamous Sci-Hub – often known as The Pirate Bay of Science – that is objectionable to the point of being offensive to humanity.

Granting free access to scientific knowledge for the benefit of all mankind is a growing movement. As reported here last December, people such as an archivist known as 'shrine' are now adding significant momentum to the cause, one that a few weeks ago received a specific calling.

Having made almost continuous headlines all around the planet this year, the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak needs little introduction. At the time of writing, it has infected at least 31,500 people in 28 countries, killing more than 630. Preventing its spread is now a global matter and while doctors and scientists do their work, people like 'shrine' are doing their part to assist.

A few days ago, a thread appeared on Reddit announcing the creation of an unofficial database of coronavirus-related papers and studies.

Organized by 'shrine' with support from friends and hosting provided by 'Archivist' at archiving site, the database was compiled after scanning Sci-Hub's 80 million documents for anything related to coronaviruses and placing them in one place for easy access. The archive currently holds 5,532 studies and papers dating from 2020 right back to 1968.

A tiny sample of the coronavirus archive

"Our project is illegal, but it's the right thing to do in this crisis. We refuse to put copyright before human lives. Sharing everything we know about the virus is essential, which is why international scientists are openly sharing their coronavirus findings in an unprecedented way," 'shrine' writes.

"Developing-world scientists often work without article access due to complex and expensive contract agreements between publishers, universities, and hospitals, relying on overseas colleagues to help them hunt down PDF files. The virus is not going to wait for this, so we need to act with conviction, now."

This week, Vice reported that scientific publishers, including Elsevier, Wiley, and Springer Nature, had removed their paywalls to allow free access to some research studies on multiple strains of the coronavirus. But for 'shrine', it was too little, too late.

"Publishers kept their Coronavirus paywalls active for nearly three weeks before waking up and providing a severely limited open access release," he informs TorrentFreak.

"In our view this obstruction and delay to open research access during the crisis constitutes a crime against humanity, and should be seen as a direct attack against our life and health as a species."

Even though the project is just a few days old, visitors to the archive have been arriving from all over the world.

Traffic data shared with TF shows that users from North America are responsible for just over 42% of the database's hits, with Europe a close second accounting for almost 39%. Oceania and Asia follow in third and fourth place with 4.57% and 2.13% respectively, with South America and Africa sitting at the bottom.

At the time of writing, the unofficial archive has received more than half a million requests which in turn have consumed around half a terabyte of bandwidth (see visual logfile sample render below). According to 'shrine' the project has been well received but if just a small amount of information from the archive proves useful to anyone in this health crisis, it will be mission accomplished.

"The Coronavirus Papers release has been met with appreciation and support from anonymous virologists, and we consider the project a success if we have assisted even one scientist with access to one of these critical studies.

"We hope that the archive continues to hold value as research continues, long after the publishers forget about the threat of pandemics and put their paywalls back up," he adds.

While the archive at The-Eye is conveniently and instantly available, the entire collection of coronavirus papers – along with the earlier Libgen-archiving material – is also available via torrents. This method of sharing scientific studies is seen as crucial to maintaining access long term since it augments centralized storage with robust decentralization.

"The human right to education is enshrined in the torrents. The immutable 100-terabyte torrent collection stands as a promise of knowledge for future generations, for as long as we keep seeding humanity's library keeps standing," 'shrine' says.

"We are coming to realize that de-centralized web protocols like BitTorrent, IPFS, DAT, and others are central to the democratization of knowledge. The de-centralized protocols make it so that we're not fighting alone, people all over the world can stand up with us for humanity's knowledge."

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Anti-Piracy Coalition ACE Goes After Clipwatching and Fembed
Ernesto, 08 Feb 01:56 PM

The online piracy ecosystem is constantly evolving.

Ten years ago the entertainment industries were mostly concerned with torrent sites. Today, online streaming sites and services are the main challenges.

To tackle this threat, some of the largest companies in the world bundled their powers. In 2017 they formed the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), which lists prominent members including major Hollywood studios, Netflix, Amazon, and other entertainment giants.

The coalition has been very active both in- and outside of court. It has shut down various streaming tools, including unofficial Kodi add-ons and builds, and secured million-dollar judgments against pirate streaming box vendors.

This week we spotted a new tactic. On behalf of ACE, the Motion Picture Association (MPA) obtained a DMCA subpoena at a California District Court. The subpoena is directed at CDN provider Cloudflare and targets the video hosting services and

Both sites allow users to upload videos that can be streamed from external sites. This makes them attractive to many pirate sites, which use these platforms to host their videos.

The MPA sees these hosting sites as pirate operations. In its submission to the US Trade Representative, the industry group highlighted as one of the most notorious copyright infringers online.

"As a video host, has a generous affiliation program, offering payments of $60 for every 10,000 views in tier 1 countries. Users can pay $30 per year to access the uploaded content without advertisements," MPA wrote.

With the recently obtained subpoena, the MPA hopes to find out more about the people running these sites. Late last week it sent a copy of the legal paperwork to Cloudflare, asking it to hand over any personal information it has on the associated account holders.

"[Y]ou are required to disclose to the Motion Picture Association, Inc. (on behalf of the ACE Members) information sufficient to identify the infringers. This would include the individuals' names, physical addresses, IP addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, payment information, account updates and account history," the MPA informed Cloudflare.

According to the MPA, both sites have exploited the exclusive rights of ACE members. This includes hosting pirated copies of the movies "The Lion King" and "Daddy's Home," which remain online today.

The obtained personal information will be used to "protect" the movie companies' copyrights, the MPA notes. Exactly how that will take place is unknown, but if the information is usable, the operators can expect some legal pressure.

These DMCA subpoenas are not new. The RIAA has been using the same tactic for a few months already, with mixed success. However, as far as we know, this is the first DMCA subpoena ACE has obtained against Cloudflare.

A copy of the subpoena the MPA obtained on behalf of ACE is available here (pdf). A copy of the letter to Cloudflare can be found here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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