Saturday, February 22, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Canal+ Warns Torrent Site Not to Pirate Upcoming TV-Series
Ernesto, 22 Feb 10:14 PM

It's commonly known that copyright holders regularly send takedown notices to torrent sites, asking the operators to remove pirated content.

While not all sites comply with these, many do, to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention.

This week we were contacted by the operator of one of the larger torrent sites, who prefers to remain anonymous. He also processes takedown notices regularly. However, one request he received this week seemed a little out of the ordinary.

The site operator was contacted by the anti-piracy department of the entertainment company CANAL+. Unlike other notices, where the site is asked to remove content, this request was sent to protect content that hasn't even aired yet.

The notice in question mentions the Polish series Mały Zgon (Little Death) to which Canal+ has the exclusive rebroadcasting rights. However, the company fears that it will end up at the targeted torrent site as well.

Canal+ stresses that the torrent site and its users don't have the right to distribute the upcoming series. If the site's operator fails to remove or disable content when it's made available, it can be held liable, the company explains.

"Thus, this letter gives you actual knowledge of illegal activity or information as regulated in [the EU e-commerce directive] and its receipt obliges you to act expeditiously and remove or to disable access to any of the above mentioned files from the Website – otherwise you will not be able to take advantage of the release from liability for unlawful sharing of files containing the episodes of the Series on the Website," the letter adds.

In order to help the site operator a bit, Canal+ shared the series release schedule. The first two episodes are set to come out on March 8 and it ends on April 5, with two new episodes coming out every week.

In addition, the anti-piracy department has another tip. The letter notes that most illegal activity will likely take place shortly after the episodes come out, so Canal+ encourages the site operator to be extra vigilant during that time.

"Based on the experience gained during work on the protection of copyrights and related rights vested in the Company, I can point out that the highest probability of increased activity of the Website's users will occur within a few days of the release of the subsequent episodes – for this reason I recommend special vigilance in these periods," the notice adds.

These type of preemptive takedown notices are rather unusual. At this point, there is nothing for the site operator to take down. While Canal+ may hope that the site will install some kind of filtering mechanism, we doubt that this will happen.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

MPA Targets Pirate App TeaTV, Asks Github to Consider Repeat Infringer Policy
Andy, 22 Feb 11:58 AM

Accessing regular websites in order to stream copies of the latest movies and TV shows is still popular among Internet users but the rise of set-top boxes and portable devices has fueled the uptake of app-based piracy tools.

It's a cramped marketplace but last year TeaTV gained notable traction and was installed by hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of pirates looking to access video at zero cost. This momentum earned TeaTV a place in an October 2019 CNBC feature, something which triggered even more interest in the tool and its disappearance from the web.

In the wake of that piece, a source close to TeaTV informed TF that the software (which is available for Android, Windows and macOS) would be back, a promise that was later fulfilled. However, it now transpires that Hollywood is attempting to disrupt access to the tool via complaints filed with code development platform Github.

A notice filed by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) this week begins by referencing the CNBC article, noting that TeaTV "is an app notoriously devoted to copyright infringement." It reveals previous correspondence with Github during October and November 2019, and January 2020, and thanks Github "for its additional guidance" offered by the Microsoft-owned platform late December 2019.

"We previously provided you links to the Github repositories that TeaTV is using and are now providing you with the attached file titled 'GitHub-Code' which shows code hosted on Github that provides links to pirate sites with infringing copies of motion pictures and television shows that are scraped by the TeaTV app to provide access to the infringing content users are looking for," the complaint reads.

Four repositories listed by the MPA in previous notices have already been taken down but the MPA has now taken further action by demanding the deletion of repos carrying the three executable files for the Android, Windows, and macOS variants of TeaTV.

"Also attached is a file titled 'GitHub-Executables' which shows that the final version of the app is available for download from the GitHub platform. These executable files are pre-configured to infringe copyright-protected motion pictures and television shows that are owned or controlled by our Members," the MPA writes.

Additionally, the Hollywood group says it carried out a network traffic analysis on the TeaTV app and found that its API connected to accounts on Github, located at three URLs, all of which should be removed.

After the MPA reminded Github of the 2005 MGM v. Grokster decision, noting that "the distribution of a product can itself give rise to liability where evidence shows that the distributor intended and encouraged the product to be used to infringe", Github removed all of the URLs listed in the complaint, leaving the familiar "unavailable" notice behind.

While the MPA will be satisfied with the suspension of the pages, its takedown notice also asks Github to consider 17 U.S.C. § 512(i)(1)(A), which grants an exemption from liability for service providers when they take action against repeat infringers.

"The limitations on liability established by this section shall apply to a service provider only if the service provider…has adopted and reasonably implemented, and informs subscribers and account holders of the service provider's system or network of, a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers and account holders of the service provider's system or network who are repeat infringers," the code reads.

The main TeaTV account and repository are currently active but with no content available., however, is still online, as is the .XYZ domain from where the clients can be downloaded and movies and TV shows streamed, albeit in a cumbersome fashion when compared to the app.

TorrentFreak requested comment from the operators of TeaTV as to whether the MPA had been in touch directly. At the time of publishing, we were yet to receive a response.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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