Thursday, February 27, 2020

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Pirate IPTV Box Seller Arrested By LAPD, ABS-CBN Files Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuits
Andy, 27 Feb 09:18 PM

ABS-CBN is the largest media and entertainment company in the Philippines but is regularly active in US courts as it attempts to disrupt online piracy.

In April 2019, for example, a district court in Florida ordered the operators of 27 pirate sites to each pay $1 million in damages.

Then, last December, ABS-CBN sued a Texas man for millions of dollars after he allegedly sold pirate streaming devices via Facebook. It now appears that the media giant is set to expand the campaign against those involved in the supply of pirate IPTV devices.

According to ABS-CBN, on February 7, 2020, Los Angeles Police Department carried out a sting operation during which undercover officers purchased five 'pirate' set-top boxes from Romula Araneta Castillo, also known as Jon Castillo. The media company reports that the suspect was arrested for alleged violations of California Penal Code 593(d), which relates to "intercepting, receiving, or using any program or other service carried by a multichannel video."

Just days later, ABS-CBN filed two lawsuits in US district courts, one against Castillo in California and another against his alleged cousin, Alberto Ace Mayol, in Texas. Both lawsuits allege violations of 47 U.S. Code § 605 (unauthorized publication or use of communications) and other offenses under state law.

"Upon information and belief, Defendant has been engaged in a scheme to, without authorization, sell Pirate Equipment that retransmits ABS-CBN's programming to his customers as Pirate Services," both of the complaints read.

"[I]n order to gain access to ABS-CBN's protected communications and copyrighted content, Defendant's Pirate Equipment is designed to illegally access ABS-CBN's live communications. This system allows for the circumvention of ABS-CBN's encryption technology and the reception, disclosure, and publication of ABS-CBN's protected communications and copyrighted content."

Together, the lawsuits against both men are worth millions of dollars in damages, should the full amounts be awarded. ABS-CBN appears to have made covert purchases itself and has published photographic evidence on its site.

"This arrest and accompanying civil lawsuits mark the first actions this year by ABS-CBN in a coming wave against the nationwide epidemic of IPTV box sellers," the company said, commenting on the lawsuits.

"ABS-CBN conducted a months-long investigation into the scheme perpetrated by Castillo and his cousin, Alfaro, including undercover purchases from the targets. The lawsuits allege that Castillo and Alfaro engaged in this multi-state scheme to sell these pirated set top boxes to the unsuspecting public."

ABS-CBN Global Anti-Piracy Head Elisha Lawrence thanked US police for their assistance.

"We are thankful for the cooperation of the LA Police Dept. in investigating and arresting Castillo, a kingpin in this pirate box scheme. Defrauding the public by selling these fake boxes is a scam operation and preying on innocent people. We are very happy to have the cooperation of the police to enforce against these pirates," Lawrence said.

The civil lawsuits filed by ABS-CBN can be found here and here (pdf)

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Amazon Fire TV Stick is the Preferred Device for Pirate IPTV Subscribers
Ernesto, 27 Feb 11:02 AM

In recent years, unlicensed TV subscriptions have been flourishing, with hundreds of vendors offering virtually any channel imaginable for a small monthly fee.

This phenomenon has become a grave concern for entertainment industry outfits, who launched the global anti-piracy coalition ACE to counter the threat.

ACE has booked some successes in recent years, both through lawsuits and by reaching out to key players directly. Similarly, over in Europe, law enforcement agencies have brought down large-scale IPTV operations. However, despite these efforts, the problem persists.

This week, Canadian broadband management company Sandvine released a new report on the state of pirate IPTV subscriptions. The company gathered data in Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, monitoring traffic from six major networks that have a total of 65 million fixed internet subscribers.

The company uses similar data to prepare its Internet traffic reports but in the most recent whitepaper it focuses specifically on pirate IPTV subscriptions.

The new data, collected last year from July to the end of September, show that 6.9% of U.S. subscribers accessed pirate IPTV subscriptions. In Canada, this is even more prevalent, 9.3% of all sampled subscribers.

In both countries, the percentages have increased significantly compared to the previous measurement from 2018. However, they are substantially lower than in the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey (MENAT).

Of all subscribers in the MENAT region, 23.4% could be linked to pirate IPTV services. According to Sandvine, this is in part because the availability of legal services is more limited. In general, decreased availability triggers more piracy.

The Sandvine report also reports European IPTV data for the first time. It finds that, across its limited sample of 100,000 subscribers, 5.8% could be linked to pirate IPTV services. However, the company adds that this may go up during the football season.

Aside from the geographical popularity of these unauthorized IPTV platforms, Sandvine also looked at the devices people use to access these services. This shows that Amazon's Fire TV Stick comes out on top, followed by the MAG box and general Android devices.

The fact that more than a third of all pirate IPTV subscriptions run through Amazon devices is noteworthy, as Amazon is a member of the ACE anti-piracy coalition, which tries to shut down this type of illicit activity.

The problem is, of course, that many perfectly legal technologies such as the Fire TV Stick and MAG box can also be used for illegal purposes. For example, the Fire TV Stick is also the third most popular device to access licensed services, behind Roku and operator-owned set-top boxes.

Finally, Sandvine also reports where most pirate IPTV servers are located. Surprisingly, the United States comes out on top with the most servers. However, looking at the actual bandwidth that's transferred the US is in third place, behind Canada and the Czech Republic.

Overall, the whitepaper provides a unique insight into the pirate IPTV ecosystem. According to Sandvine its a clear and growing problem that's well worth monitoring closely.

"While legal services like Netflix are still more widely adopted, subscription pirate television services have grown rapidly after having no adoption five years ago," Sandvine notes.

Sandvine considers the reported data as a floor and not a ceiling. It doesn't cover any on-demand piracy that takes place through these set-top boxes and doesn't capture any streaming activity generated by traditional web browsers either.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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