Friday, November 22, 2019

TorrentFreak's Latest News


French Court Orders ISPs to Block Torrent Sites and File-Hosters
Ernesto, 22 Nov 08:36 PM

Pirate site-blocking has become a prime measure for the entertainment industries to target pirate sites on the Internet.

The practice has been around for over a decade and has gradually expanded to more than 30 countries around the world.

This is also true in France, where The Pirate Bay was one of the first targets five years ago, but not the last. Several site-blocking applications followed, mostly on behalf of the local anti-piracy group La Société Civile des Producteurs Phonographiques, or SCPP as it's more commonly known.

The organization, which represents over 2,000 music companies, including Warner, Universal, and Sony, is also behind the most recent blocking efforts.

In three separate orders, a Paris court recently ordered Internet providers Bouygues, Free, Orange, SFR, and SFR Fibre, to prevent customers from accessing piracy-linked websites.

The first order is targeted at six relatively small file-hosting services:,,,,, and The sites in question all share the same simple design.

The term file-hoster or cyberlocker can have a broad meaning. In this case, the sites also provided a search function, which makes pirated content easier to find. Also, Zippyshare is no stranger to the music industry, as the RIAA previously listed it as a 'notorious' pirate site.

While SCPP didn't respond to our request for comment, the Finnish anti-piracy group TTVK notes that the ruling is unique, as it's the first court order that requires ISPs to block a file-hosting service in Europe.

"The decision of the French court confirms the view that blocking orders should be available for all pirated content services, regardless of the technology," TTVK Executive Director Jaana Pihkala says.

The other two orders, which were released on the same day, target the torrent sites,,,, and, as well as the linking site

Interestingly, NextInpact notes that the court suggested that the use of the word "BitTorrent" assumes bad intent, as the file-sharing protocol is often associated with piracy. This is rather broad, as there are also many legitimate BitTorrent services.

The orders (1, 2, and 3) are valid for 18 months. The Internet providers will have to pay the blocking costs themselves but did not oppose the orders in court.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

DISH Sues Multiple 'Pirate' TV Streaming Sites
Andy, 22 Nov 12:17 PM

When it comes to tackling 'pirate' sites and services, US broadcaster DISH Network is one of the most active litigants in the United States.

The company has targeted Kodi add-on repository TVAddons, Kodi add-on developers, IPTV suppliers, IPTV resellers, and players in the satellite card-sharing space.

This week the company filed a new lawsuit in a Texas district court targeting the operators of 15 domains that allegedly stream DISH content to the public without appropriate licensing.

DISH's complaint says that 15 'Doe' defendants are behind the websites,,,,,,,,,,,,, and

Checks against the domains indicate that the Freetvall domains are connected to the same platform, currently operating at The site is a goldmine of free embedded TV channels, not only from DISH, but from broadcasters around the world including Sky and ESPN, to name just two.

The second batch of 'Livetvcafe' domains appear to redirect to the same website, It bears a striking similarity to the site located at albeit with slight variations in content. and triggered malware warnings in our tests, so were skipped.

In respect of streaming, A1livetv is currently non-functioning, likewise and currently offers no video content but does display a notice stating the following:

"DMCA: This site only contains links and embeds to TV channels from 3rd party sites which are freely available on all Internet. We are not affiliated in any way with the broadcasted channels nor responsible for their content. All content is copyright of their respective owners."

Despite the seemingly hopeful position of this apparent disclaimer, the above statement is precisely what DISH considers to be infringing when it comes to these platforms.

"Upon information and belief, Defendants search the Internet for unauthorized sources of the Protected Channels and identify links to that content. Defendants then upload these links for the Protected Channels onto the Free TV Websites," the broadcaster's complaint reads.

It appears that DISH has been working since September 2013 to have all of these sites taken down. The company says it directly sent the platforms "at least" 49 notices of infringement demanding that they cease their activities but none were responded to.

DISH also sent the same number of notices to the sites' hosts, at least some of which were passed on to the defendants. However, even when the service providers acted to remove content, DISH says it faced "interference", such as the defendants switching hosts or links to content.

As a result, DISH says that the defendants have "actual knowledge" that the transmission of its channels infringes the broadcaster's exclusive rights so are therefore liable for inducing and materially contributing to copyright infringement.

The company is demanding a permanent injunction against the defendants and anyone working in concert with them from "transmitting, streaming, distributing, publicly performing, linking to, hosting, promoting, advertising or displaying" any of DISH's protected content in the United States, and/or inducing others in respect of the same.

DISH is also demanding statutory damages of up to $150,000 for each of 112 or more registered works and profits attributable to the infringement of any unregistered works. In addition to attorneys' fees, the broadcaster also wants to seize all of the domains listed in the lawsuit.

A copy of DISH's complaint can be found here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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