Thursday, November 14, 2019

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Canadian Court Rejects Reverse Class Action Against BitTorrent Pirates
Ernesto, 14 Nov 08:22 PM

Movie studio Voltage Pictures is no stranger to suing BitTorrent users.

The company and its subsidiaries have filed numerous lawsuits against alleged pirates in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia, and likely made a lot of money doing so.

Voltage and other copyright holders who initiate these cases generally rely on IP addresses as evidence. With this information in hand, they ask the courts to order Internet providers to hand over the personal details of the associated account holders, so the alleged pirates can be pursued for settlements.

In Canada, Voltage tried to get these personal details from a large group of copyright infringers by filing a reverse class-action lawsuit, which is relatively rare. The movie company argued that this is a cheaper way to target large numbers of infringers at once.

The lawsuit in question was initially filed in 2016 and dragged on for years. The case revolves around a representative defendant, Robert Salna, who provides WiFi services to tenants. Through Salna, Voltage hoped to catch a group of infringers.

As the case went on the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) took interest in the case. The group, which is connected to the University of Ottawa, eventually intervened to represent anonymous defendants.

Among other things, CIPPIC argued that the movie company failed to identify an actual infringer. It targets multiple 'infringing' IP-addresses, which are not unique and can be used by multiple persons at once. In addition, unprotected WiFi networks may be open to the public at large.

Since the IP-addresses are not necessarily the infringers, Voltage has no reasonable cause to file the reverse class action, CIPPIC's submission argued.

This week the Federal Court of Canada ruled on the matter and Justice Boswell agreed with CIPPIC.

"I agree with CIPPIC's submissions that Voltage's pleadings do not disclose a reasonable cause of action with respect to primary infringement.  While Voltage alleges that its forensic software identified a direct infringement in [sic] Voltage's films, Voltage has failed to identify a Direct Infringer in its amended notice of application," he writes.

Judge Boswell also agreed with CIPPIC's critique of the class action procedure. These piracy cases deal with multiple infringers which will all have different circumstances. Reverse class action lawsuits are less suited to this scenario.

"A class proceeding is not a preferable procedure for the just and efficient resolution of any common issues which may exist.  The proposed proceeding would require multiple individual fact-findings for each class member on almost every issue." 

The Judge further notes that there are other preferable means for Voltage to pursue its claims. These include joinder and consolidation of individual claims.

Based on these and other conclusions, Judge Boswell dismissed Voltage's motion to certify the case as a reverse class action. In addition, the movie company was ordered to pay the costs of the proceeding, which could run to tens of thousands of dollars.

This is an important ruling as it takes a clear stand against the reverse class action strategy for this type of piracy case. And it may even go further than that. According to law professor Michael Geist, it can impact future file-sharing cases as well. 

"I think the decision does have implications that extend beyond this specific class action strategy as it calls into doubt the direct link between IP address and infringement and raises questions about whether merely using BitTorrent rises to the level of secondary infringement," Geist tells TorrentFreak.

CIPPIC's director David Fewer is also happy with the outcome. He tells the Globe and Mail that if the motion was accepted, it could have "seriously expanded the threat of copyright liability to anyone allowing others to use an internet connection."

While the ruling is a clear dismissal of the reverse class action approach, there are similar file-sharing cases in Canada that have proven to be more effective. As long as this practice remains profitable, it will probably not go away.

A copy of Judge Boswell's order is available here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Kodi Addon & Build Repositories Shut Down Citing Legal Pressure (Updated)
Andy, 14 Nov 11:11 AM

Being involved in the development of third-party Kodi addons and 'builds' (Kodi installations pre-customized with addons and tweaks) is a somewhat risky activity.

Providing simple access to otherwise restricted movies and TV shows attracts copyright holders, and that always has the potential to end badly. And it does, pretty regularly.

On November 1, 2019, UK-focused Kodi platform made an announcement on Twitter, stating briefly that "Something has happened this morning. Sorry!" While that could mean anything, an ominous follow-up message indicated that a statement would be released in due course "detailing the future".

Several hours later, confirmed what fans already knew, that it had taken down its site. Why that happened remained open to question but a few hours ago the group confirmed that legal action was to blame.

"We took our website offline 10 days ago closed our repo and the builds due to legal demands against us," announced on Twitter.

"We will say more when we can bring the site back up safely. But the builds & repo will not be back nor will we host any add-ons anymore for anyone."

dad life kodi build

The closure is particularly bad news for anyone who used the popular DadLife Kodi build that was previously installable via the group's repository. Whether it will find a new official home somewhere else is open to question.

But there is more bad news too. In an announcement posted a few hours ago to its Facebook page, Kodi builds and addon repository OneNation revealed that it too had shut down, again as a result of legal pressure.

"Unfortunately due to outside Legal pressures this group will close with immediate effect along with our Repository etc. We would just like to thank each and every one of you for all your support over the years," OneNation wrote.

Noting they'd had an "absolute blast", OneNation added they were going out with their "heads held high" having done things their way, without "robbing links from others" or accepting payment in any "shape or form".

OneNation: another one bites the dust

OneNation went down with strict instructions for no-one to contact the team for any further information and to treat any additional information published online as "hearsay." That means that confirming who applied the legal pressure will be reliant on word from the anti-piracy groups most likely to be have been involved.

TorrentFreak has contacted the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment and the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) for comment. We'll post an update here if any confirmation or denials are received from either group.

Update: FACT has confirmed that it was indeed behind the action. TF is informed that the anti-piracy group sent notices to individuals engaged in running these and other as-yet-unnamed groups. In this round of action, the players were chosen based on their size and volume of activity.

"Our message is clear and consistent; we will act to prevent pirated content appearing on illicit streaming devices. FACT continues to monitor channels used to advertise, market, sell and distribute apps, devices and streams and will take action against the suppliers and operators," says FACT CEO Kieron Sharp.

"There is now more choice than ever for consumers to enjoy sports, movies and TV and we encourage people to use legitimate services that are safe to use and also properly remunerate the creators of the content."

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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