Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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Cox Knew About Pirating Subscribers, Court Concludes
Ernesto, 20 Nov 09:12 PM

Last year Cox settled its piracy liability lawsuit with music rights company BMG.

While the company hoped that this would be the end of its copyright woes, the next legal battle was already being prepared.

This time, the ISP was up against 53 music companies, including Capitol Records, Warner Bros, and Sony Music.

The rightsholders complained that Cox categorically failed to terminate repeat copyright infringers and that it substantially profited from this ongoing 'piracy' activity. All at the expense of the music companies and other rightsholders.

A year later the case is heading to trial where Cox will have to defend itself once again. However, not before some final issues are resolved.

In August, both Cox and the music companies requested summary judgments on several crucial issues. Among other things, the ISP requested a ruling that it's not vicariously liable for copyright infringement.

This week US District Court Judge Liam O'Grady ruled on the requests. He decided to deny most, stating that these issues will be resolved at trial. The Judge did, however, issue a ruling on whether Cox had "knowledge" of the allegedly pirating customers.

The music companies asked to have this issue resolved before trial. It is a crucial question, as it determines whether the ISP can be held contributorily liable for pirating subscribers or not.

Cox first argued that the notices failed to identify many copyrighted works. For example, in some cases, the music companies only identified one song from a torrent that contained more works. In addition, the notices only highlighted infringements of sound recordings, not the compositions.

The court, however, waved away this defense and concluded that the notices are certainly specific enough when it comes to specific sound recordings. They include a title, timestamp, date, notice id, IP-address, and hash, among other things.

"Based on the level of detail included in the notices directed at Cox and its subscribers, there is no doubt that Defendants had more than just 'generalized knowledge' of infringement," Judge O'Grady writes.

"Thus, the Court finds as a matter of law that there is no genuine issue of fact regarding the sufficiency of the RIAA notices in this case, and that they can support the knowledge element of a contributory infringement claim," he adds.

The second question is whether these notices, which the RIAA sent, can lead to the conclusion that Cox had knowledge of the infringements in a legal sense. The ISP denied this, but according to the court, it's clear that the notices are sufficient.

"It would be farcical to argue that Cox had no knowledge of the hundreds of thousands of notices it received indicating infringement for the works in suit," Judge O'Grady writes.

"The notices were sent to an email address Cox created for the very purpose of receiving this information, and were processed by a corporate department dedicated to abuse and security for Cox."

Finally, Cox also argued that it can't be liable for alleged infringements that occurred through business subscribers, as it can't identify individual users of these businesses. However, the court ruled that there is no ground to exclude business subscribers at this point.

All in all, it is clear that Cox had specific enough knowledge of pirating subscribers to hold it contributorily liable. However, to do so, a jury must also conclude that the ISP contributed to or induced the infringements. That will be decided at trial.

In addition to the "knowledge" question, Judge O'Grady also ruled that the music companies own or control the exclusive rights to all works that are part of the case, something Cox contested.

With these issues 'resolved' the case is yet another step close to trial, which is currently scheduled to take place next month.

A copy of US District Court Judge Liam O'Grady's memorandum opinion and order is available here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Police Arrest Three in Prolonged Movie2K Piracy Investigation
Andy, 20 Nov 11:53 AM

Way back in 2013, Movie2K was not only one of the most-visited pirate sites, but also one of the most popular platforms on the entire Internet.

Offering all of the latest movies and TV shows in a convenient interface, during February that year Movie2K was the 240th most popular site in the world.

In Germany, where the site was particularly well-received, it was the 19th most popular site, period, pulling more traffic than Twitter, Amazon, Apple and PayPal. Understandably, the site attracted plenty of anti-piracy attention but suddenly, at the end of May 2013, the site shut down without warning.

In its wake appeared Movie4K, a site that bore more than a passing resemblance to its similarly-named predecessor, but it now appears that the authorities in Germany had not simply forgotten about Movie2K or bringing those behind it to justice.

According to the Attorney General's Office in Dresden, two men aged 44 and 37 were arrested last Thursday in the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria. The men are suspected former operators of Movie2K.

The men are reported to have distributed 880,000 copies of movies and TV shows between the fall of 2008 when Movie2K was founded and May 2013 when it closed down. They are also suspected of operating the streaming site

Movie2K before its closure

A spokesperson for the Prosecutor General's Office told SWR that the man from Rhineland-Palatinate had been living there for some time and that extensive evidence had been seized including computer equipment, cell phones, cash and documents.

Investigators claim that the suspects generated "several million euros" from advertising and other methods via Movie2K, which stepped in to become one of the world's largest illegal streaming portals after the demise of That site was shut down following one of the most significant anti-piracy operations in history.

The Attorney General's Office further revealed that a third man was arrested in Berlin last week. He is described as a 37-year-old real estate entrepreneur who was detained under suspicion of money laundering offenses.

It's claimed that the individual worked with the former operators of Movie2K in the fall of 2013, managing some of the revenues generated by the men by making financial investments and obtaining real estate in Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin.

The numbers under discussion are significant, with the authorities claiming that the alleged money-launderer received more than 5.1 million euros from the other suspects through a Dutch mailbox company alone by mid-2016.

The home and business addresses of the defendants were searched with the support of officials of the Land Office of Criminal Investigation Berlin and the Criminal Investigation Police Bamberg.

As highlighted by Tarnkappe, the Prosecutor General's Office was previously involved in the case brought against It's suspected that there were links between that now-defunct site and the operators of Movie2K.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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