Tuesday, October 17, 2023

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Sky Targets *47* Pirate IPTV Providers, Specifics Prevail After Police 'Gagging'
Andy Maxwell, 17 Oct 12:54 PM

iptv-smallIn the absence of sudden momentous events, shaping entrenched public opinion requires astute calculations and considerable patience, built on a foundation of financial power.

Right now and most likely for the foreseeable future, the corporations behind the BeStreamWise anti-piracy campaign believe that given enough time, attitudes towards pirate IPTV devices can be shaped in favor of legal alternatives.

The main strategy observed to date aims to increase sensitivity to risk by constantly associating piracy with crimes against the individual; malware-infested devices stealing banking details, IPTV operators' involvement in wider, exponentially more serious crime, and messaging that portrays subscription payments fueling that criminality, whatever it might be.

Sensational Can Work, Unbelievable Does Not

The final piece of the jigsaw uses practical actions in the physical world to show that IPTV operators and their customers face a genuine risk of legal action. Nurturing perceptions that prosecutions are both real and expanding are nothing new to the anti-piracy scene yet continue to face significant challenges.

In January, amplification led to widespread belief that police were visiting the homes of 1,000 Premier League pirates. Not only was that untrue but the end result was a doubled-edged sword. On one hand, huge numbers of people were exposed to a 'new reality' of heightened, imminent risk. On the other, the numbers were simply too big to survive a cheap calculator and common sense.


That no obvious effort was expended to correct the reports wasn't a surprise from a commercial perspective. However, given the direct involvement of the police, tackling misinformation arguably forms part of the service.

Interestingly, it now transpires that police forces around the UK were under instruction to remain silent on specific details of the operation. Before we address that, here's some fresh news for context.

FACT and Sky Target IPTV Service Providers

In a press release Monday, FACT and Sky announced details of a new operation conducted with support from regional police forces in the UK. After identifying "almost 50 illegal IPTV service providers" offering live TV and movies, the operators were issued with legal warnings "delivered in person, by post, and by email."

The 'cease-and-desist' notices instruct those running the services to immediately stop their illegal streaming activity otherwise risk facing criminal prosecution. Addresses across the UK were visited in person, from London, Dorset, Cambridgeshire, West Midlands, North Midlands, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and to one address in Scotland.

FACT and Sky went on to clarify that exactly 47 legal notices were issued and that led to the majority of the illegal services being taken down. Such specifics are increasingly rare but welcome nonetheless; details expressed in non-ambiguous language build confidence and trust in the message being delivered, a plus for the overall goal.

Under pressure to tackle what is clearly a major problem for rightsholders, similar press releases worldwide trend towards vague language vulnerable to misinterpretation and reporting that portrays events as bigger, more dramatic, and ultimately more consequential than they really are. That can be a welcome bonus, but not always.

Metropolitan Police: "Don't Disclose Details on Numbers of Visits"

The misinterpreted "1,000 homes" claim that exploded from news of a similar cease-and-desist campaign in January is now all but the truth according to Google's search results. Whether early outreach to the media could have prevented the spread of misinformation is unknown, but it appears that police were under specific instruction not to discuss the scale of the operation.

Evidence appears in a document published by the Greater London Authority's London Assembly, a 25-member elected body that scrutinizes the work of the Mayor and Mayoral advisers and holds them to account.

In February 2023, politician Susan Hall, a councillor on Harrow London Borough Council and then leader of the London Conservatives on the London Assembly, sought information from the Mayor on the "1,000 homes" operation. The question itself shows that even those with direct access to powerful political leaders are susceptible to misinformation.

"It was recently reported that the police are set to visit 1,000 homes to talk about their use of illegal online streams. How many of these visits will be/have been in London?" the question reads.

The official response, reproduced verbatim below, confirms that 1,000 homes were not visited. More importantly, it reveals that London's Metropolitan Police asked forces around the UK not to disclose details on the number of visits carried out.

Date: Friday 10 March 2023

Between 9th – 24th January 2023, Operation Raider Plus, a national campaign to protect the public from harm online, led by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) and supported by the City of London Police's Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU), the Government Agency Intelligence Network (GAIN) and West Mercia Police, identified over 1,000 subscribers to illegal sports streaming services.

These individuals either received an in-person visit or were sent a cease-and-desist letter. Officers from the Metropolitan Police Services (MPS) accompanied FACT on visits in London, warning individuals of the consequences of cybercrime, which include funding criminal organizations and exposing themselves to fraud, scams, inappropriate content, viruses and malware.

FACT have asked forces not to disclose details on the number of visits made and letters sent, so as not to reduce any deterrent effect, and the MPS would ask that this position be respected.

Operation Raider Plus

On an ordinary level, deterrent effects are both valuable and worthy of protection, but this is no ordinary case.

While the campaign itself tackles a specific type of crime, first and foremost it's described as "a national campaign to protect the public from harm online." Nowhere is it mentioned that this and similar operations are initiated on behalf of rightsholders with the primary aim of reducing piracy and increasing sales.

Public/private partnerships like these are being promoted as the future of anti-piracy enforcement worldwide.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Police Raid Pirate IPTV Provider Offering Sky TV, Seized Material "Identifies Users"
Andy Maxwell, 16 Oct 08:43 PM

gdf-iptv-bust-2The Italian government, lawmakers, telecoms regulator AGCOM, broadcasters, and football leagues invested considerable resources to get new law over the finishing line in July.

While one aspect of the law focuses on blocking access to pirate services, another ramps up punishments for those caught supplying illegal streams and customers who buy subscriptions to watch them.

Financial Police Raid Pirate IPTV Provider

In what may be the first major action following the introduction of the new law, Italy's Guardia di Finanza (GdF) says it has shut down an IPTV provider in the southern Italian town of Canosa di Puglia.

"The financiers of the Barletta Group, as part of an initiative dedicated to combating television piracy, following extensive investigative activity, discovered an illegal transmission center for the channels of the SKY platform," GdF (Financial Police) reports.

After being named in connection with similar operations in 2022, investigators of the Fiamme Gialle are also credited here for the discovery of a server room in Canosa.


Equipment Seized

According to GdF, the Barletta Provincial Command investigators' work led to a raid and the discovery of five high-powered computers, 33 decoders used to acquire the original broadcasts, plus 12 video encoders used at the rebroadcasting stage.


Aside from computers, a maze of cables, and nine power adaptors perilously plugged into a single mains power extension, one of the images provided by GdF reveals a monitor displaying a purple interface. Once zoomed in, the image offers more detail on how the service operated.


The text and interface in the image suggest that the sources of at least some original streams were satellite broadcasts decoded on-site using relatively cheap receivers configured for card-sharing (CCCAM).

The image below is not associated with the raid but shows the interface of a similar decoder when connected to a card-sharing server; the one in the police image has been disconnected.

clear iptv

In the police image the name of the card-sharing provider is in view but too blurry for positive identification at the resolution available.

The decoders, on the other hand, appear to be GT Media V8 devices, most of which have the protective film still in place. They're inexpensive and widely available.

GT Media V8

Equipment Was Fully Operational

Whether the suspect was taken by surprise or busy elsewhere isn't made clear, but GdF says the equipment was fully operational when officers arrived.

"The equipment identified, functioning and operational at the time of the Financiers' access, was used to illicitly transmit the pay TV contents to thousands of users, who are currently being identified," GdF says.

The operator has been reported for copyright violations and if found guilty will face enhanced penalties under the new law. Police are suggesting that the provider's customers may also face action; thanks to "seized materials it will be possible to identify the names of the end users and evaluate any proceedings against them," GdF notes.

Italy has a lot of experience prosecuting suppliers but much less on the consumer side. For members of the casually-pirating public reliant on the media for information and guidance, legal detail and nuance tend to be lacking. As a result, the next few months could present a very steep learning curve for the less tech-savvy.

For those who signed up to the service with their real name, accurate contact details, and/or easily traceable payment methods, regret is likely to follow if the authorities take action.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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