Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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How LaLiga's Anti-Piracy Tools Led To Two More Pirate IPTV Arrests
Andy Maxwell, 06 Apr 12:51 PM

IPTVSports leagues and their TV broadcasting partners all over Europe are working hard to combat the supply and sale of pirate IPTV subscriptions.

Available for just a few euros, pounds or dollars per month, pirate IPTV subscriptions allow users to watch all the live TV content they'll ever need, plus PPV events, movies and TV shows in one convenient package. Rightsholders see them as a threat to their survival so significant resources are expended to bring IPTV providers and distributors to justice.

LaLiga Strikes Again

Top-tier Spanish football league LaLiga is now tackling live streaming piracy on all fronts. From a few early steps in 2016/2017 and more recently in 2022, services are being dynamically blocked and many individuals have been arrested for broadcasting or selling access to the league's games without permission.

An announcement this week by Spain's National Police reveals that La Liga is keeping its foot on the gas. In 2019, LaLiga launched an investigation into a website advertised on social media that was being used to illegally market football content plus other material belonging to a "well-known" on-demand television platform.

According to police sources, the site offered subscriptions to illegal IPTV and CCCAM services. Where IPTV streams contain actual video content, CCCAM services capture encryption codes from legal subscriber viewing cards and then, via the internet, distribute them to set-top boxes that have access to a source (such as a satellite) but don't have a legal subscription – so-called 'card sharing'.

In addition to selling both types of subscriptions, the site also had a blog where technical support was given to users.

LaLiga Investigation Goes in Two Directions

To target the individuals involved, LaLiga's investigation went in two directions. In the first instance, it sought to identify the person behind the pirate network and discover the technical infrastructure supporting the illicit broadcasts.

LaLiga then took a 'follow-the-money' approach to determine how subscribers paid for subscriptions, leading investigators to a financial payment platform. This enabled the identification of two individuals in Malaga who are believed to be the main people behind the operation.

National Police Make Two Arrests

On Monday, Spain's National Police said that following LaLiga's investigation, two people had been arrested on suspicion of illegally selling access to premium audiovisual content distributed via the Internet and satellite.

"They have been arrested for crimes against intellectual property, against conditional television broadcasting services, and electric power fraud. They had a high degree of technological specialization. To carry out their illicit activities they used a sophisticated infrastructure to provide services to their clients," a police statement reads.

Gross revenues generated by the suspects are yet to be revealed but at least for now, police say that the profit made exceeds €87,500 (US$95,400).

Given that LaLiga's anti-piracy efforts are increasing and enjoying success on multiple fronts, it's worth looking at how the league is tackling piracy using in-house tools.

LaLiga Develops Its Own Anti-Piracy Tools

In February 2015, LaLiga launched a piece of web-spidering software called 'Marauder'. It scans the web looking for hot terms such as team names (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, etc) and assesess whether any 'hits' are related to piracy. If they are, Marauder identifies the provider/server and sends automatic infringement notices to web-based platforms and apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to have the content removed.

LaLiga says that Marauder can also detect illegal IPTV streams and card sharing operations. In these cases, infringement notices are sent to infrastructure providers to have the related servers blocked or taken down. The system is also used to identify sites selling illegal subscriptions. As previously reported, these are then sent to Google for delisting from its search engine.

Marauder can also provide a visual map that helps LaLiga geo-locate illegal websites but more recently LaLiga has discussed its 'Blackhole' tool which appears to map illegal IPTV services at a national and international level. Finally, LaLiga's Lumière tool assists with investigations by extracting and signing digital evidence and preparing evidence for legal action.

Technology created by LaLiga is also being used by other industries to protect their intellectual property. In February, LaLiga said its LaLiga Tech subsidiary (which operates LaLiga Content Protection) had signed a deal with CEDRO, an association representing creators in the publishing sector.

"LaLiga Content Protection will detect and analyse illegal domains using artificial intelligence monitoring software across the world's major search engines and social media platforms, allowing it to identify the source of illegal content and speeding up the process through which CEDRO can request the disabling and blocking of pirated material," the company said.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Music Industry Flags Discord and Reddit as Primary Piracy Threats
Ernesto Van der Sar, 05 Apr 08:08 PM

cassette tape pirate musicFollowing the example of the United States, the EU started publishing its very own piracy watchlist a few years ago.

This 'Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List' is put together by the European Commission. As in the US, it relies on stakeholder groups to nominate several problematic sites and services for inclusion.

The third iteration of the EU watchlist will be published towards the end of the year and several interested parties have already submitted their nominations. This includes the music industry group IFPI, which represents roughly 8,000 music companies around the world.

IFPI submitted a 36-page document that begins by highlighting the harm piracy does to the music industry. This includes economic harm affecting investments in the industry and talent development. The report then continues with examples of concrete threats.

Not surprisingly, the list of problematic sites and services includes YouTube rippers, direct download sites, cyberlockers, and torrent sites. However, another category of platforms is seen as an even bigger enforcement challenge.

IFPI Flags Top Piracy Problems

According to IFPI, a group of social media platforms and messenger services have become increasingly problematic. Platforms such as Discord, Reddit and Telegram are often used to share and sell pre-release content, which is a top concern.

"Although there are huge numbers of services that infringe our members' rights, due to the grave economic harm caused by pre-release piracy, the services mentioned above – Discord, Reddit, and Telegram – are considered enforcement priorities for the music industry and are a particular focus in this submission," IFPI writes.

The music industry group notes that social media can also be beneficial to artists. However, it has seen an emergence of platforms where pirates exploit these services to share infringing content in recent years.

This content isn't necessarily stored by these 'social' platforms. Groups of pirates often share links to external cyberlockers such as Dbree and Onlyfiles that don't respond to takedown requests.


IFPI discusses several platforms in more detail, stressing that the operators should do more to prevent piracy. Shutting down servers, groups, subreddits and channels where pre-release content is shared, should be a top priority.


Discord is seen as a serious concern because there are several servers, often private, where people share pirated music. This also includes pre-release content that is occasionally sold through the platform.

"Most notably and problematically for the music industry, Discord has rapidly become an underground marketplace for the distribution and crowd funding of stolen, unreleased or prerelease content, through so-called 'Group Buys'. This is where users use a Discord server to operate an auction to sell unreleased or pre-release content," IFPI notes.


The infringing content is often stored on external sites but IFPI believes that Discord contributes to the problem. Since many of the groups are private, the platform is also hard to monitor, so the scale of the infringing activity could be even larger than has been detected to date.

The music industry group stresses that Discord should to more to police its platform and prevent illegal activities. When bad actors are found, they should be banned and prohibited from reappearing on the service.


Copyright infringement is a problem on Reddit too, according to IFPI. The popular social media platform is used to discuss virtually every topic imaginable and pre-release music piracy is no exception. This includes dedicated 'leak' communities.

"We have detected many instances of pre-release content distributed across the platform, including on leak-specific subreddits. REDDIT is used in combination with other services such as Discord and Twitter to promote the distribution of pre-release content," IFPI writes.

Reddit is well aware of the copyright issues on its platform and responds to takedown requests. It also has a repeat infringer policy and permanently banned 2,813 users and 2,625 subreddits last year.

The music industry is aware of these efforts but believes it can do more. Ideally, it wants the platform to take "proactive" steps to prevent piracy.

"Reddit needs to take further steps to identify and address the illegal sharing of content, especially pre-release content, on the platform," IFPI notes.

Twitter and Telegram

While Reddit and Discord are not typical pirate sites, IFPI is listing them hoping that this will trigger the companies to take action. It previously did the same with Telegram, which subsequently took action against infringing channels and bots.

However, IFPI's latest recommendation notes that Telegram's efforts are just a start; more should be done.

"While this [takedown] process appears to be working, it barely tackles the problem given the large amount of infringing content remaining on the platform, including via bots, and because of right holders inability to find the infringing content in the first place," IFPI writes

This also applies to Twitter. The social media platform removed hundreds of thousands of tweets, but IFPI also wants the company to prevent "future infringements."

"Twitter still does not take steps to prevent future infringements of content that has been notified. Consequently, IFPI and its member companies spend a significant amount of time and resources identifying and notifying reappearances of the same content."

'EU Law Requires a Proactive Stance'

Preventing something that hasn't happened yet might sound complicated but we assume that the music industry is again hinting at upload filters.

Upload filters are a familiar topic in the EU, as they are indirectly required by the DSM Directive, which was adopted in 2019. Under European law, online service providers either have to obtain licenses or take proactive steps to prevent infringing content from reappearing on their platform.

IFPI notes that many of the aforementioned platforms and services claim that "safe harbor" legislation protects them from being held liable. However, that is not necessarily the case in Europe.

"[The DSM Directive] is particularly relevant to many social media services with infringing functionalities since it confirms that they have to modify their EU-facing operations and either get licensed for the music content made available on their platforms or ensure that no such unlicensed content is available there.

"While Europe led the way in providing this clarification, it is evident that many services, notably some based in the US, often view their obligations as limited to compliance with US safe harbour laws and not the new EU standards of protection," IFPI adds.

A copy of IFPI's submission for the European Commission's 'Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List' is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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