Wednesday, October 27, 2021

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Hollywood Demanded $16.3m From Pirate IPTV Services, Judge Awards 'Just' $272,500
Andy Maxwell, 27 Oct 11:12 AM

IPTVAs part of their ongoing efforts to shut down or disrupt pirate IPTV services, Universal, Amazon, Columbia, Disney, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, and other content creators sued Jason Tusa, the operator of the Area 51, Digital UniCorn Media, Singularity Media, and Altered Carbon services.

Tusa had been on the radar of the studios for some time and had previously shut down Area 51 after reaching a settlement agreement with anti-piracy coalition Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment. Tusa failed to honor that agreement by continuing in the pirate IPTV business, the lawsuit ensued, and in August the studios won a preliminary injunction to restraint Tusa moving forward.

Last month the plaintiffs filed a motion for default judgment, seeking maximum statutory damages for willful infringement ($150,000 per copyright work) for a total of $16,350,000. They also sought execution of a confidential settlement sum previously agreed with Tusa, a permanent injunction, interest, and attorney's fees in excess of $330,000.

United States District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips this week ruled in favor of the studios but it seems unlikely that the outcome will be enthusiastically welcomed by the plaintiffs.

Judge Summarizes Tusa's 'Particularly Egregious' Behavior

Judge Phillips begins by accepting that Tusa ran various pirate IPTV services offering 2,600 channels and PPV events without having any license to do so. Then, despite agreeing to shut down Area 51, launched Singularity Media, a service that was shut down after he was confronted by ACE. Tusa then signed a settlement agreement but went on to launch Digital UniCorn Media but denied he had anything to do with it.

In February 2021, ACE/MPA investigators found that Tusa was running Altered Carbon, despite having taken a number of steps to hide his involvement. After the plaintiffs filed their lawsuit in July, Tusa engaged counsel but failed to answer or respond to the complaint. So, in August 2021, a clerk entered a default against Tusa leading the Judge to consider whether a default judgment was warranted.

Each of Plaintiffs Claims Considered

In respect of direct copyright infringement, Judge Phillips says that since Tusa streamed the plaintiffs' copyright works on Altered Carbon without authorization, the plaintiffs were likely to succeed in their claim. When considering whether their contributory copyright infringement claim would succeed, several factors come into play.

With direct infringement already established, the Judge says that Tusa had "actual knowledge" that his 24/7 streams were unlicensed yet continued to provide them to his customers. As a result, he materially contributed to the infringement of his stream suppliers

"By operating the Altered Carbon websites and supplying the IPTV Service, Tusa facilitates, encourages, and enables the direct infringement of Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works," the Judge writes, adding that both the contributory copyright infringement and inducement claims are also likely to succeed. Tusa knowingly distributed the Altered Carbon service for the purpose of infringing copyrights, Judge Phillips adds.

Since Tusa breached his earlier settlement agreement, he is also liable for a breach of contract that caused the plaintiffs "irreparable harm and concrete damage in additional costs to bring Tusa into compliance."

Copyright Infringment Damages

As previously reported, the plaintiffs demanded maximum statutory damages of $16,350,000, representing $150,000 for Tusa's willful direct infringement of the 109 copyrighted works in suit. The Judge acknowledges that this is just a small sample of the works infringed by Tusa and that his overall infringing activity was "continuous" and took place on a "massive scale".

After considering all of the above, Judge Phillips concludes that a default judgment is indeed warranted. Noting that Tusa's conduct involved running a pirate service, breaching a settlement agreement, relaunching new services, offering massive volumes of pirated content, and then failing to mount a defense, the Judge accepts that a "substantial financial penalty" is appropriate. It seems unlikely the studios will be delighted with the outcome.

"The Court awards $2,500 for each of 109 copyrights at issue, for a total of $272,500. Despite the egregiousness of Defendant's behavior in this case, the Court declines to award the statutory maximum in damages because the number of copyrighted works at issue would amount to an excessively large award of $16,350,000," Judge Phillips writes.

"The Court concludes that statutory damages of $272,500 for direct and secondary copyright infringement are sufficient to compensate Plaintiffs for financial losses incurred from Defendant's infringement of Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works and deter Defendant from future infringement."

Other Damages and Awards

The terms of the settlement agreement with Tusa are redacted from court documents but the Judge accepts that while the studios upheld their side of the deal, Tusa did not. As a result it appears that they are owed 'something', but precisely what that 'something' is remains confidential.

In addition, Judge Phillips was happy to hand down a permanent injunction but in respect of the plaintiffs' demands for attorneys' fees and costs, wasn't prepared to award the amounts requested. In short, the studios demanded $330,600 but the Judge finds that just $9,050 is an appropriate amount.

Tusa IPTV judgment

Given that the plaintiffs previously described Area 51 as the "then-largest stand-alone pirate IPTV service by traffic in the United States," and that massive damages are not uncommon in such cases, Tusa appears to have walked away in relatively good shape.

The terms of the confidential settlement agreement may provide important nuance but whatever the agreement, the financial terms clearly weren't enough to deter ongoing infringement.

Judge Phillips' order and judgment can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

MPA Wants Cryptocurrency Exchanges To Help Identify Online Pirates
Ernesto Van der Sar, 26 Oct 09:51 PM

anonymous cardAnonymity is a great good on the Internet but increasingly there are calls for stricter identity checks.

Such requirements are not new. In daily life, many people encounter situations where they have to prove their identity. When opening a bank account, for example. But online it is still rare.

At the start of this year, then-President Donald Trump signed an executive order that could help change this. Titled: 'Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities,' aims to tackle online cybercrime including copyright infringement.

IaaS Providers Should Verify Customers

The executive order aims to stop foreign cybercriminals from using US-based Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) products. Specifically, this can be achieved by requiring such services to properly verify and retain the identities of non-US customers.

This proposal is music to the ears of large copyright holder groups, including the Motion Picture Association (MPA). Rightsholders often complain that anonymous operators of pirate sites and services use American services such as domain registrars, hosting companies, CDN and proxy services, and even cryptocurrency exchanges.

So, when the U.S. Department of Commerce launched a public consultation on the implementation of the executive order, Hollywood's anti-piracy group was keen to respond. According to the MPA, the proposal will help to deter piracy, but only under the right conditions.

MPA Proposes Strict Requirements

Under the DMCA, online services can already be required to identify potential copyright infringers. However, the MPA notes that operators of pirate sites and services often use false information.

"In our experience, malicious cyber actors – including operators of piracy sites and services – almost always misrepresent their identity to IaaS providers. The regulations should therefore ensure that the verification of their identities generates a high degree of confidence that the recorded identities are genuine," MPA writes.

Among other things, IaaS providers shouldn't just verify personal information when an account is opened. The services should make sure that this information remains accurate while the customer uses its products.

In addition, the MPA would like these robust identity checks to apply to all customers, not just foreign ones. After all, pirate sites aren't merely operated by people from other countries.

"While a significant share of malicious cyber activity – including copyright infringement – is perpetrated by non-U.S. commercial actors, U.S. business customers represent a non-negligible share of perpetrators of malicious cyber-enabled activities."

Ensuring Effective and Correct Policies

The MPA suggests three measures that should help to ensure that the new requirements are effective and correctly implemented by IaaS providers.

Firstly, online services should offer a tool that allows interested parties to notify them if their clients are potentially using false or misleading identities. Secondly, services should terminate the accounts of clients whose information is false or misleading, and who fail to correct these errors.

The third measure is targeted at the IaaS providers themselves. If they fail to comply with the regulation, financial penalties should follow.

The MPA wholeheartedly supports the efforts to require IaaS providers to identify customers. However, the group is concerned that the current IaaS definition used by the Government isn't broad enough.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges and DNS Servers

For this reason, the regulation should ensure that it covers a wide range of services, including web hosting, reverse proxies, CDNs, DNS servers, anti-DDoS services, domain registrars, payment processors, advertising networks, and cryptocurrency exchanges.

The role of hosting providers is obvious, but the Hollywood group stresses that cryptocurrency exchanges and DNS servers also play an important crucial role in the piracy ecosystem.

"Cryptocurrencies have become a popular method among malicious cyber actors – including copyright infringers – for anonymously receiving payments and storing profits," MPA writes.

"[DNS] servers 'resolve' a web address into the corresponding IP address. DNS resolution is an essential networking function of the internet and infrastructure that is essential to operating a website," the group adds.

At the moment, many cryptocurrency exchanges already have thorough verification procedures, but the MPA clearly sees room for improvement. For DNS servers this may be harder to implement, as these generally don't have site operators as customers. But perhaps these could be otherwise urged to stop resolving pirate sites?

If implemented, the MPA has good hope that the new regulation will help to track down cybercriminals and significantly deter piracy. In due course, this should help protect entertainment industry revenues while keeping the public safe from piracy-related malware threats.

A copy of the Motion Picture Association's comments and suggestions in response to the U.S. Department of Commerce consultation is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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