Sunday, April 26, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Anti-Piracy Lawyer Offers to Withdraw Twitter Complaint Against Popcorn Time in Exchange for a Settlement
Ernesto, 26 Apr 09:52 PM

Earlier this month we reported that a popular Popcorn Time fork had its Twitter account suspended over an alleged trademark violation.

As it turned out, this was the work of Hawaiian anti-piracy lawyer Kerry Culpepper, who used the "Popcorn Time" trademark as ammunition.

This trademark was recently registered by the attorney in name of the Hawaiian company '42 Ventures.' When we inquired about the reason for this peculiar move, the attorney's answer was clear.

"42 has partnered with various content providers to deliver a platform of LEGAL streaming media. One or more of these providers have been providing content since 2009 under same or related trademark," Culpepper said, adding that the company will continue to protect its rights in the future.

The content the company refers to can be found on, which links to content from the YouTube channel Popcorned Planet. The channel's operator, Andy Signore, later informed us that he has a distribution deal with 42 Ventures, but he seemed to be unaware of the trademark issues.

It is safe to say that using a trademark as a tool to combat online piracy – using the name of a piracy app against itself – is quite unusual. However, this was just the beginning. It turns out that an even more bizarre discussion was taking place behind the scenes.

TorrentFreak spoke to the Popcorn Time operators who handed over a long chain of email communication they had with Mr. Culpepper at the beginning of April. This shows that the attorney was willing to 'license' the trademark to the Popcorn Time team, and more.

It started when Popcorn Time complained about the trademark registration, threatening to file a complaint at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The attorney responded to this, by offering Popcorn Time a license to use the trademark, under certain conditions.

In an email, Culpepper explained that he doesn't only represent 42 Ventures but also other clients, including several movie companies, such as Millennium Films and Voltage Films. These copyright holders would like to have their films removed from Popcorn Time.

Popcorn Time replied that it was willing to remove the films. However, the license was a different issue.

The anti-piracy lawyer, however, framed the deal as a win-win and sweetened it by offering to drop the Twitter complaint. This meant that Popcorn Time could get their Twitter handle back, while the accounts of their competitors stayed down. In addition, Culpepper promised not to go after Popcorn Time's domain name.

"If you agree to a license 42 Ventures will withdraw the complaint against your twitter handle or other social media account. The other popcorn time twitter handles will be removed so only yours would remain," the attorney wrote.

"Also, 42 will not institute a domain dispute against your domain. Please let me know if you still refuse to pay for a license to 42," he added.

42 Ventures' licensing offer is intriguing, considering the earlier mentioned focus on "LEGAL streaming" and copyright enforcement. Popcorn Time also appeared to be interested.

When the developers asked what this license would cost, Culpepper replied that it depends on the app's monthly earnings. This would be $500 a month at most, according to the developers.

The lawyer responded that a typical license fee would usually be tens of thousands of dollars, and opted to settle the matter with a "covenant not to sue." That would cost Popcorn Time $4,900.

"I propose a payment of $4,900 for covenant of 42 not to sue and to let you have your twitter profile," he wrote, later adding that an agreement was being drafted and that money can be transferred to a Bitcoin address.

Not much later the agreement, seen in full by TorrentFreak, did indeed arrive. It doesn't include a licensing deal but spells out other terms, including a promise to keep the settlement amount confidential, and the covenant not to sue.

Under the terms, 42 Ventures agrees not to sue Popcorn Time as long as it doesn't violate US copyright law [which seems meaningless]. In addition, the company stresses that it doesn't give "any opinion on the legality of Infringers'website or related operations."

As promised, 42 Ventures will also withdraw its complaint at Twitter and agrees not to file any domain disputes over and

Interestingly, the agreement doesn't mention that Popcorn Time is required to remove any torrents, not even those that point to movies of the attorney's clients. That said, the agreement is only valid if Popcorn Time doesn't violate US copyright law, something that wasn't made explicitly clear in the email communication.

Today, several weeks have passed but the Bitcoin address remains empty. The Popcorn Time team decided not to sign the agreement.

"We were unable to get the money," Popcorn Time informs us. Another complication was that, one of the app's sponsors, wasn't happy with the proposed agreement and the demands of the lawyer.

As a result, Popcorn Time's Twitter account remains suspended. It is possible that Culpepper will eventually file a domain dispute over the Popcorn Time domains, or even a copyright infringement lawsuit.

TorrentFreak also spoke to Culpepper, who confirms that he offered to settle the trademark issue. According to the attorney, Popcorn Time indeed stopped responding after he requested more details regarding the link between the app and

The attorney also said that he recently requested GitHub to remove the Popcorn Time repository. For now, however, that's still online.

Without taking any sides here, it will definitely be interesting to see this email chain and the proposed agreement being brought up in court. Given the circumstances and the unique situation, we have a feeling that the fingers of some attorneys are itching already.

Get the popcorn ready…

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

Anti-Piracy Outfit Looking For 'Ethical Hacker' to Reverse Engineer Pirate Technologies
Andy, 26 Apr 01:28 PM

The existence of many thousands of pirate-focused sites and applications available on the Internet today shows that there's no shortage of skilled individuals interested in the piracy scene.

On the other hand, there's also no shortage of copyright holders and anti-piracy groups keen to disrupt their activities using any means at their disposal. At least on the 'battlefield', these opposing parties are not entirely dissimilar, with a shared interest in piracy but always at the expense of the other.

An example can be found at Danish anti-piracy group Rights Alliance. While their arch-rivals are beavering away developing the next Popcorn Time, Kodi add-on, TV app, or YouTube-ripper, Rights Alliance wants to keep up with all of these developments so that strategies can be put in place to deal with them.

"We are dealing with an area that is always evolving and where the people behind the services we try to stop are creative and often very technically proficient. This places great demands on us, as we must proactively follow the latest trends in the online marketplace for illegal content sharing and adapt our activities accordingly," a job listing posted this week explains.

"Here you will have a big role to play, as you need to keep an eye on the new technologies and help find solutions to obstruct their functionality and organize our enforcement strategy."

The successful candidate will also be required to dissect 'pirate' apps and the systems behind them. This is so the anti-piracy organization can present an analysis to law enforcement and in some cases, the courts.

"One of the other important tasks of the position will be to 'reverse engineer' technology / computer programs so that the functionality can be described and explained to judges and authorities. In addition, there will be ample opportunity for programming of crawlers, plugins and other automation tools," the listing reads.

This is only part of the responsibilities for the position of IT Investigator, however. Leveraging data collected from publicly available sources, the candidate will be expected to unmask the often anonymous entities behind piracy tools and services, as well as those who use them to obtain copyrighted material.

"Our work requires a great deal of investigative efforts on various internet forums and platforms, and your work will therefore largely be to use OSINT and other investigative tools to describe the methods and uncover the identities behind the operators of platforms and people who illegally share our members' content," Rights Alliance adds.

While the anti-piracy group says that an "ethical hacker" or computer scientist could have the necessary qualities for the job, there are numerous cases where former pirates have changed sides. So, for fun, we approached someone who previously built and ran a torrent site and tracker, to see if he could ever be tempted by a job offer from the 'other side'.

"I'm good thanks (lol) but you can see why someone like me might be a good fit. Some might balk at the idea but given the chance to do what we like and get paid for it in a new environment could be really interesting," he explained.

"My problem would come at the end watching someone in court because of my work so I'll pass if you don't mind. Anyway, I don't want them Googling me."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

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