Thursday, April 23, 2020

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Pirate IPTV Supplier Raided By Spain's National Police, Seven Arrested
Andy, 23 Apr 09:50 PM

With pirate IPTV services still managing to capture the imaginations of people looking for a premium TV package at a fraction of the usual cost, authorities across Europe and the United States continue to crack down.

Spain has carried out a number of enforcement actions over the past several years and this week the country's National Police added another scalp to its collection.

The investigation reportedly began in May 2019 following a criminal complaint filed by EGEDA, a non-profit association and collection society that manages the rights of audiovisual producers. The group sought police action against local supplier Comprarccam, a pirate IPTV supplier that also appears to have offered card-sharing subscriptions.

According to a police report, initial inquiries determined that the group, which advertised and sold its services via a website and social networks, serviced at least 15,000 customers in Spain. Its two leaders were identified and then traced to the cities of Salamanca and Zamora.

The dismantling of the service was reportedly actioned in two phases, one during February which netted documentation and accounts and then a second during March. The operation ended with searches carried out on six locations, during which seven individuals were arrested in various areas of the country – two in Zamora and Salamanca, one in Córdoba, three in Valencia and another in Málaga.

The individuals were detained under suspicion of a range of offenses including intellectual property crimes and telecommunications fraud. During the raids, police seized numerous items of computer equipment and mobile phones, around 11,000 euros in cash, plus seven gold bars.

At the time of the searches, police also disconnected a total of 5,673 users from the pirate service, closed down the group's website, and froze online payment and related bank accounts.

"This is the most important operation of this type in Castilla y León [community in the north-west of the country] and one of the most important carried out to date in Spain," the National Police said in a statement.

"It has dealt a blow to the illegal distribution of audiovisual and television content throughout Spain through closed groups on social networks, which greatly hinder this type of investigation due to the anonymity that their use confer.

"Anonymity was increased due to the fact that the main instigators used the identities of third parties without their knowledge, to appear as the owners of the phones and accounts in the financial institutions they used."

Police estimate that during the last year alone, the pirate IPTV operation cost rightsholders around 11.8 million euros in revenue, with the country's treasury losing out on more than 3.14 million euros in taxes.

However, this appears to presume that all 15,000 subscribers would have paid around 800 euros a year to official suppliers for the same kind of service, had they not had access to a vastly cheaper offering that almost certainly gave them a broader range of content too.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

YouTube Ripper '' Loses Site Blocking Case, Despite Putting Up a Defense
Ernesto, 23 Apr 09:28 AM

In recent years website blocking has become one of the most widely-used anti-piracy enforcement mechanisms in the world.

The process was pioneered in Denmark over a decade ago and was optimized and expanded in the following years.

For example, all major ISPs signed a voluntary agreement to block a site when there's a court order against one provider. Also, in 2018 the Scandinavian country became the first country to block so-called YouTube rippers.

Last summer a new court order was issued following a complaint from the anti-piracy group Rights Alliance. This order targeted a new set of YouTube rippers, including Converto and MP3-YouTube. Interestingly, however, the court deferred the judgment against, which decided to intervene in the case.

This type of intervention is quite unusual. Blocking cases are generally between copyright holders and ISPs. Although the affected sites are notified, they generally don't get involved.

Yout operator John Nader chose a different path, one that was already forecasted four years ago in an interview on Reddit. Responding to potential copyright issues, Nader said the following.

"You may be right, and I may not see the gravity of the situation I am in. But if I get to the point where this becomes an issue, I will fight for a cause I believe in, and I'm content with that."

A few years later, Nader boarded a plane to Denmark, to defend his site, without a lawyer. This trip turned out to be in vain, as Rights Alliance provided Nader with the wrong date for the hearing, but the case went on.

The Yout operator eventually hired a lawyer and defended his site in court. Among other things, he argued that Yout never stores any copyright-infringing content on its servers. It merely offers a 'pipeline' to enable users to grab YouTube audio or video.

This stance was backed up by an extensive expert testimony from Luis Peter Wahl Knudsen, who works as a technical manager at the Danish software company Minuba.

"From the analysis of the source code for's recording function, it can be concluded that does not contain any functionality which stores/saves content from media sources on's servers," he informed the court last November.

Rights Alliance responded by presenting testimony from Georg Nolte, Google Germany's Senior Legal Counsel. He stressed that downloading copies is prohibited in YouTube's Terms of Service.

"In order to prevent unauthorized downloads on a technical level, YouTube implements so-called 'cipher' technology to mitigate unauthorized access to YouTube content," Nolte wrote, adding that this encryption was implemented to protect copyright holders.

Yout's witness didn't deny this but stressed that the technical protections are rather weak, reiterating once again that Yout doesn't store any files. Rights Alliance, for its part, said that Nader was well aware of the potential copyright complications while pointing to the Reddit interview we mentioned earlier.

After reviewing the positions from both sides, the court agreed with Rights Alliance. In an order issued last month, Judge Kinna Eidem orders Internet provider Fibia to block

"The Court finds that, by means of the method described, in breach of the exclusive rights held by the holder, is making protected works available to a new public by means of a new technical method whereby they are communicated to the public.

"The Court also finds that, via its mode of operation, plays an essential role in the communication of protected works," the order adds.

According to Judge Eidem, helps users to retrieve files from YouTube and store these on their computers. As such, it is classified as a "stream ripping service." The defense argued that should be seen as a recording tool, similar to Xbox Game Bar, but the court disagreed.

"This facilitation is not comparable to the recording functions found in e.g. Xbox Game Bar, whereby the users, in real-time, can record what is being played locally on the users' own computer," the order reads.

Judge Eidem also highlighted Google's testimony, which makes it clear that users are not allowed to access protected YouTube videos., however, offers a tool to do just that, by circumvention the technical protection measures.

In addition to granting the blockade, is also ordered to pay the legal feeds of Rights Alliance, which total roughly $4,350 (30,000 DKR). Nader's request to be compensated for his pointless trip to Denmark was denied, however, as the defense failed to provide more details on the incurred costs.

TorrentFreak reached out to Nader, who is disappointed with the verdict but prefers not to comment on the matter at this time., meanwhile, is blocked by all major Danish ISPs now.

In addition to the Danish case, also appealed a blocking decision in Italy on similar grounds. This appeal was rejected last summer. A final decision is not expected to be released before the end of the year but, meanwhile, the site remains blocked in Italy.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, torrent sites and more. We also have an annual VPN review.

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