Wednesday, December 25, 2019

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Funding a Pirate Business's Lawsuit is Mostly Unpopular With Pirates
Andy, 26 Dec 05:25 AM

For as long as there have been torrent sites, streaming platforms, 'pirate' apps, download sites, services, and any variation thereof, there have been lawsuits attempting to hinder, paralyze, or shut them down.

It's hardly breaking news to state that defending such legal action can be a punishing affair, not just emotionally but financially too. Usually brought by powerful entertainment companies and broadcasters, anyone tackling the above needs not only a steely disposition but also the deepest of deep pockets.

As a result, people facing lawsuits for operating such platforms have regularly run fundraisers, invariably claiming that they need huge sums of money to battle what are frequently depicted as marauding copyright bullies intent on destroying the free Internet.

While in some cases that might be at least partially true, many rely on the same language as their aggressors in an effort to rally the masses to part with their cash. In some cases people have a reasonable argument. In others they do not.

Nevertheless, these situations are always interesting, particularly when one factors in the response from the public.

Platforms that have always provided a free service, for example, are often considered more worthy of a donation when it comes to fighting 'Goliath'. The same can be said of those who operated in a perceived gray area, such as unblocking platforms that have never offered any copyright works, or dual-use open-source projects.

Indeed, one rarely needs to be in receipt of a law degree to assess a platform and decide whether the litigation at hand is warranted or a true case of bullying that warrants a bit of moral and financial support. Equally, spotting the most ridiculous of 'causes' shouldn't be hard for anyone.

For example, take the matter of iStreamItAll that is currently trying to raise $10,000 via a GoFundMe campaign to battle Hollywood and the US Government.

"We need all the help we can to fight Hollywood, and the federal charges brought upon one of the owners Darryl Polo. Any help would be appreciated and will go towards our legal defense," it reads.

Ignoring the not insignificant fact that the defendants have already pleaded guilty, $10,000 won't go anywhere in a case like this. It would take perhaps several hundred thousand dollars to fight in any meaningful way but it would be money down the drain – people do not easily win cases like this in the US. That's why there are others that are aiming higher – a lot higher.

A couple of months ago we reported on the case of Boom Media, a full-blown pirate IPTV reselling business that is now being sued by DISH Networks in the United States. Boom Media is asking for $250,000 in donations to get things started in what is being portrayed as a battle to prevent DISH getting its hands on subscriber data.

If the broadcaster does get what it wants (and to be fair this seems likely) that could mean subscribers to the service receiving demands for cash settlements. This, of course, is somewhat akin to copyright-trolling, with low-level users being pursued for thousands of dollars to make supposed lawsuits go away.

That's why the response to this plea for donations was of particular interest. Even when scouring the usual 'pirate' haunts, discussions, forums and chats, finding a supporting voice for the fundraiser is particularly hard.

The general consensus seems to be that this was a business that has never shared a single penny of its profits with its users yet is now asking for donations to fight off a lawsuit on the basis that doing so will prevent subscribers' details ending up on the desks of DISH lawyers. The irony, particularly when viewed in the light of copyright trolls' actions in general, is not difficult to spot.

Companies like Boom Media knew very well what they were doing. They knew the consequences of running a pirate IPTV service or selling access to one. Lawsuits like this one should've been expected, prepared for, with litigation costs factored in as a cost of doing business. You know, like regular properly-run businesses do every day.

That the costs of keeping user data safe should now fall to the users of those services, some of whom will have had no idea that Boom wasn't legitimate, is as offensive to users as the copyright holders complaining about their activities. But for other users, who knew they were buying into a cheap "black market" service (Boom's own words), there should be zero surprises that this was a potential outcome.

Paying the company's legal fees, which will then get swallowed up by lawyers in a case that cannot be reasonably won, is the choice of the donor. But the fact is that these fundraisers rarely raise any notable funds and in every case – every case – donors get absolutely nothing back, not even a free subscription in the million to once chance the service reappears offering the same thing.

This isn't really about fighting for freedom, for the Internet, or helping David beat an evil Goliath, it's about supporting people who knew from the start that what they were doing was illegal and now want yet more money to bail them out of a hole. And from the dozens of posts we've read on the topic, pirates everywhere know that and do not appreciate it.

All pirates have their causes, from the lowly "media is too expensive" to the militant "sticking it to the man". But funding a for-profit 'pirate' LLC's fight against a for-profit broadcaster which is also an LLC is clearly not on most pirates' agendas.

Funny that….

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

BitTorrent Tokens: The Last Minute Christmas Gift, Now Extortionate on eBay
Andy, 25 Dec 03:13 PM

It's December 25, 2019, so Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best to everyone from us here at TorrentFreak, wherever you may be and whatever you may be celebrating.

Sadly, for some of you today it won't all be fun and games. Some will experience an awful sinking feeling, one prompted by the arrival of an unexpected guest bearing an equally unexpected Christmas card or, worse still, one accompanied by a Christmas gift, all beautifully wrapped with a little bow on top.

You won't have prepared for this so panic will quickly set in. You'll probably have a spare card you can quickly scribble on but no appropriate gift. This will cause acute embarrassment and raised blood pressure. Will a hastily prepared turkey sandwich or glass of wine suffice, or will something more substantial be required?

First of all, calm down. After assessing the value of the incoming gift, you can head off to Amazon to send an emailed gift card of roughly equivalent value. However, if your gift-bearer is a file-sharer, there is a more novel option.

As readers will be aware, earlier this year BitTorrent Inc. launched its BTT token. Reportedly, these could be earned in the new uTorrent client by seeding lots of content and then spent to obtain faster torrent downloads elsewhere. We couldn't find much evidence of anyone earning much or getting faster transfers but since when did an emergency gift have to be useful?

The problem here, however, is that you need some BTT now – right now – so how can that be achieved without panic-seeding terabytes of content and hoping for the best?

Easy. Quickly log into eBay and buy some.

As the image above shows, it is possible to buy 45,000 BTT tokens in one go. Think about it – your guest brought only one gift, so they can't fail to be impressed by the scale of your offering. Unless they get out a calculator and realize what a scam this is.

While the deodorant gift set, socks, wine, or chocolates you're trying to balance out are probably worth much less than €89.99 (US$100.44), the BTT haul on offer here represents such poor value it's an absolute joke, and not a very funny one either.

As the image below shows, at the time of writing BTT tokens are worth less than $0.0003 each.

…..which means that 45,000 of them are worth around $12.78 (€11.45). Clearly, this is a massive profit for the numerous people on eBay offering to sell them, even when factoring in your gift vulnerability situation on Christmas Day.

But there are other problems too. While it may look like the BTT are up for sale, what you're actually buying is a "contract to mine" BTT. The issue here is that unlike bitcoin or similar cryptocurrencies, there is no mining involved with the BTT utility token. They cannot be mined.

The bottom line here is that while 45,000 BTT may sound like a lot – even at $12.78 for this huge amount – they currently aren't a particularly useful commodity. According to even the most experienced users who seed massive amounts of content constantly, it's hard if not impossible to earn BTT and downloads don't run noticeably faster when people spend them either.

This is a mystery that even torrent experts have puzzled over for months but this week a tweet from BitTorrent Inc. inadvertently revealed the root of the problem. When the BTT-powered BitTorrent Speed project was announced, CEO of BitTorrent Inc. Justin Sun said that "more than 100 million users" would soon reap the benefits.

However, it seems that interest in BTT is so minimal that meeting up with other BTT-powered users in a swarm is extremely unlikely.

This almost complete lack of interest in BTT may yet turn around but as Christmas presents go, this token won't set hearts racing in 2019. So to avoid embarrassment today, you should've kept a few blank Christmas cards back, pre-wrapped several bottles of half-decent wine, while continually reminding yourself never to panic-buy gifts off eBay.

Especially ones you can't return when you sober up.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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