Saturday, August 31, 2024

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Operation Redirect: Police Anti-Malware Action Protects Music & Pirates
Andy Maxwell, 30 Aug 01:19 PM

Most anti-piracy campaigns of the last four or five decades feature a direct order (Don't Pirate) followed by some additional information for people to consider before making an informed choice.

The direct order "Don't Pirate" has never changed, but it only becomes effective when paired with a reason to abstain, ideally something that provokes consideration of the consequences.

Most angles have already been tested. "Home Taping is Killing Music" implied that if piracy continued, people would stop making music. Other campaigns have encouraged people to think of bands just starting out, artists struggling to make ends meet, and people who paint scenery on the set of Hollywood blockbusters.

When none of those hit the spot, "Don't Pirate" was paired with "….because you're probably going to get sued." Yet even when pirates were prompted to think only of themselves, some inevitably continued to pirate.

One Anti-Piracy Strategy Consistently Performs

The best anti-piracy strategy is the a...Read More


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