Thursday, November 30, 2023

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ICANN Simplifies Requests For Hidden Domain Name Registration Data
Andy Maxwell, 30 Nov 09:01 AM

ICANNMuch like regular websites operated by governments, companies, organizations, and the general public, most internet-based piracy services can be accessed using a domain name.

From a user's perspective, domain names are more easily remembered than IP addresses and remain the same despite IP address changes behind the scenes.

Domain names also play an important role in conveying branding and as a result can be worth considerable sums of money. For companies enforcing their intellectual property rights, determining who owns a domain can prove invaluable as part of a wider investigation.

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018, it aimed to protect the personal data of EU citizens. That included those whose names appeared in public WHOIS databases as registrants or owners of domains.

ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, responded with restrictions that on one hand protected registrants' privacy, but on the other came at the expense of rightsholders' being able to conduct meaningful WHOIS-based investigations.

ICANN Accused of Hindering Rightsholders

Potential problems had been flagged way ahead but workable solutions remained elusive. Increasingly vocal rightsholders including the RIAA and MPA criticized WHOIS restrictions and piled on with other shortcomings; WHOIS proxy/shielding services that hide registrant information, for example, and the lack of an effective system to ensure the accuracy of collected data.

In an August 2023 joint submission to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Hollywood, the recording industry, TV companies, the gaming industry and publishers left little doubt that patience had run out.

ICANN failures?

RDRS: Registration Data Request Service

With WHOIS protocols set to be replaced by RDAP (Registration Data Access Protocol), a technology designed to improve Registration Data Directory Services (RDDS), this week ICANN launched RDRS, an all new service to simplify access to non-public domain registration data.


"Due to personal data protection laws, many ICANN-accredited registrars are now required to redact personal data from public records, which was previously available in 'WHOIS' databases," ICANN explained.

"With no one way to request or access such data, it can be difficult for interested parties to get the information they need. The RDRS helps by providing a simple and standardized process to make these types of requests.

"The RDRS can be an important resource for ICANN-accredited registrars and those who have a legitimate interest in nonpublic data like law enforcement, intellectual property professionals, consumer protection advocates, cybersecurity professionals, and government officials," ICANN added.

Probably Not What Rightsholders Are Pleading For

There appears to be little restriction on who can sign up for RDRS, something that already has some worried about what that could mean for their privacy. ComLaude confirms anyone can file a request but it doesn't necessarily follow that information will be provided.

RDRS is effectively a case management system for handling WHOIS data disclosure requests, rather than a database which can be interrogated, as WHOIS has been. Anyone can make a request, via the system, for certain non-public domain registration data. RDRS identifies the sponsoring registrar for the domain name and routes the request to them, subject to the registrar having signed up to be part of the system. Then, subject to applicable law, the registrar will make a determination on what, if any, requested data will be disclosed.

Some rightsholders may be disappointed that the system only covers gTLDs such as .com, .net, and .org, plus new gTLDs including .xyz, .online and .horse. Common ccTLDs deployed at pirate sites, including .ag, .am, .cc, .me, .pw, .re, .sx, and .to, are excluded from the system.

Hands-On Test

Kevin Murphy at Domain Incite took RDRS for a spin and posted his first impressions of the service.

"The system is defined largely by what it isn't. It isn't an automated way to get access to private data. It isn't guaranteed to result in private data being released. It isn't an easy workaround to post-GDPR privacy restrictions," Murphy explains.

"It is a way to request an unredacted Whois record knowing only the domain and not having to faff around figuring out who the registrar is and what their mechanisms and policies are for requesting the data."

Murphy also got the impression from interface settings that simply walking in off the street and requesting domain registration data might not be what ICANN has in mind. As a tool for rightsholders demanding so much more, it's certainly nothing like what they have in mind.

"The RDRS merely connects Whois data requestors — the default settings in the interface suggest that ICANN thinks they'll mostly be people with court orders — with the registrars in charge of the domains they are interested in," Murphy concludes.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Site Blocking Fallout Keeps GitHub Unusable for Some Indians
Ernesto Van der Sar, 29 Nov 11:52 PM

github barredLike many other countries around the world, India's copyright law allows rightsholders to limit access to pirate sites.

Major entertainment industry companies regularly obtain injunctions that require local Internet providers to block websites to prevent piracy.

In essence, these measures are straightforward as specific domains are identified for blocking. However, injunctions can be issued before infringements take place and can be dynamic or temporary, depending on the situation.

In the early years, blocking injunctions were used as a blunt instrument, instructing Internet providers to block legal platforms such as Vimeo, while GitHub and the Internet Archive also ended up in the crosshairs years ago.

GitHub Blocking Troubles

Accuracy-wise, some progress has been made over the years but that doesn't mean that overblocking is no longer an issue. Throughout this year, several GitHub users have reported persistent problems accessing the platform.

The issues related to GitHub appeared in January of this year, when several Indian developers noted that they could no longer use the site properly. The main domain was still accessible but, where code is typically stored, was blocked.

This made it impossible for developers to work on projects and several applications that used GitHub-hosted code started to return errors.

"This URL has been blocked under the instructions in compliance with the orders of a Hon'ble Court," a typical error message read.

Since some pirate apps use GitHub it's possible that was listed in a copyright-related injunction, resulting in massive overblocking. As far as we know, the court order in question hasn't been published but several ISPs were affected.

Problems Persist Despite Reversal

After some backlash, the underlying order was reportedly retracted, after which GitHub started working properly again for most Indians; but not for all. After nearly a year, there are still widespread reports from people who can't use the site.

The problem is discussed repeatedly on social media and local news outlets with users from ISPs such as JIO and Hathway complaining that is not accessible.

"From the past few weeks I am unable to access on my Jio network," one Redditor writes, with many others sharing a similar experience. On X, several users are reporting that they continue to have issues too.

github madras

Not all subscribers appear to be affected and other Internet providers don't appear to have the same issue. This suggests that the affected ISPs didn't properly unblock the URL earlier this year when the court order was retracted.

GitHub Responds

GitHub is aware of the problems in India. The Microsoft-owned platform informs us that it's investigating the issue to see if full access for all users can be restored.

"As the global home for all developers, we firmly believe that everyone should be able to contribute to the future of software development regardless of where they live," GitHub informed us.

"We are aware of reports that there may be issues with accessing the domain in India and are investigating to determine how access can be restored."

Transparency / Speculation

The lack of transparency regarding Indian court orders and retractions doesn't help to solve the problem. To the public at large, it still isn't clear on what grounds GitHub was partly blocked.

One potential tie-in could be the PikaShow app. After becoming the official sponsor for the Afghani cricket team during last year's Asia Cup, Indian rightsholders pulled out all the stops to block the app.

Through an injunction, GitHub was ordered to disclose information on the developers behind the PikaShow account, but it's possible that a separate blocking order also targeted the site's URL.

The above is pure speculation, which emphasizes the need for more transparency. That's especially important now that Indian authorities are requiring domain registrars to comply with blocking orders too if they want to continue operating in the country.

Meanwhile, the developers affected by the continuous blockade have to find ways around the technological restrictions. Luckily, that's not too hard for this tech-savvy audience.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Operation 404: USDOJ, PIPCU, ACE, MPA, IFPI, ESA, EPL & More Target Pirate Sites
Andy Maxwell, 29 Nov 08:40 AM

operacion404-6Over the past four years, anti-piracy campaign Operation 404 has become a permanent fixture in the enforcement calendar with the results of new phases announced every few months.

The results of the fifth wave of Operation 404 were released in March 2023; around 200 illegal streaming and gaming sites, 128 domains and 63 music apps were reported blocked, with raids on locations across Brazil leading to 11 arrests.

While Brazil has been the focus of Operation 404 from the very beginning, the campaign has received considerable support from international rightsholders, government bodies and law enforcement agencies. The latest results relating to the sixth wave (Operation 404.6) released this week reveal progress and continued support from a laundry list of international contributors.

They include: City of London Police, United States Department of Justice, UK Intellectual Property Office, Peruvian anti-piracy group Indecopi, Argentina's Public Ministry, a dozen Civil Police forces in Brazil, Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, MPA Latin America, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, US Patents and Trademarks Office, Brazilian Pay TV / Telecom Association, Latin American anti-piracy group Alianza, Premier League, Brazil's National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes Against Intellectual Property, the Entertainment Software Alliance, and Brazilian anti-piracy body APDIF.

Sixth Wave of Operation 404

404-policeA statement from IFPI notes that Operation 404 remains one of the largest campaigns of its type. Thus far the operation has resulted in the suspension of nearly 1,500 domains, the removal of 780 infringing music apps, and delivery of more than 100 search warrants, IFPI says.

Action against 12 major stream ripping and MP3 download apps supported the music industry in wave six, with IFPI reporting that collectively the apps received over 4.3 million downloads in Brazil alone. While the apps go unnamed, the global music industry group says that they were removed from major app stores and other sites offering them for download.

Reports By Authorities in Brazil

Information obtained from government and law enforcement resources reveals the execution of 24 search and seizure warrants; 22 in Brazil, and one each in Argentina and the United States. Reports indicate a total of 606 websites and applications blocked or suspended for illegal content streaming; 238 in Brazil, 328 in Peru and 40 in the United Kingdom. In some cases sites were deindexed from search engines and their accounts removed from social media by court order.

How many of the affected domains are currently redirecting to the latest seizure banner is unclear. We can confirm the banner is hosted on a subdomain of, the Brazilian government's website, and we include it below for reference and for being perhaps the most comprehensive notice of its type ever seen online.

operation404-6-seize banner

Local law enforcement agencies provide additional detail on operations carried out in their regions, some of which are summarized below.

Premier League Piracy, IPTV Operator Raided

Civil Police forces in several states are reported to have targeted the operators of websites and IPTV services offering illegal streams of Premier League matches.

In Mato Grosso, a large state in west-central Brazil, police targeted what appears to be an illicit IPTV provider. Authorities say that the service's records show it had more than 60,000 customers; its operators face potential prosecution for intellectual property crimes, money laundering, and criminal association.

The Civil Police of Paraná (PCPR) report two search and seizure warrants executed against individuals suspected of 'digital piracy' offenses in the municipalities of Londrina and Assis Chateaubriand. Electronic equipment including cell phones and computers (image below) were seized as evidence.

operation 404 evidence

Police also carried out a search-and-seize operation at an apartment in Ponta Verde, Maceió. Their targets were a couple from Brazil's smallest state, Sergipe, said to have been living locally for the past several months. Police believe the pair are guilty of copyright infringement offenses but at the time of the raid, only a 26-year-old woman, her daughters, and their nanny, were at home.

According to his wife, the man was visiting the capital, Aracaju. That's likely to have come as a disappointment to the Premier League, which had been reportedly working with police to target a pirate IPTV service and its operator at the Ponta Verde address. Nobody was arrested.

Other targets reported locally include the VidMate stream-ripping app said to have been downloaded 870 million times worldwide with over 1.1 million active users in Brazil.

Finally, reports indicate that the Peruvian government body Indecopi took action to block 157 domains dedicated to music piracy and stream ripping. There doesn't appear to be any recent official reports of that nature but Indecopi has previously published lists of domains subject to blocking (1) including as part of Operation 404 (2).

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Shopify Files Fresh Lawsuit over DMCA Takedown Harassment
Ernesto Van der Sar, 28 Nov 09:56 PM

shopifySigned into law a quarter century ago, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) aimed to equip copyright holders with new tools to protect their works online.

A key element of the law requires online service providers to remove or disable access to infringing content in response to a takedown notice.

The system isn't bulletproof. Rightsholders repeatedly complain that their content swiftly resurfaces after it's removed. At the same time, the takedown process is abused by bad actors to censor or remove material in bad faith.

Shopify DMCA Harassment

DMCA abuse is nothing new, but it's rare for online platforms to take public action against it, let alone take the matter to court. In an attempt to protect its vendors, e-commerce giant Shopify is one of the rare exceptions.

Last month, we reported that Shopify had filed a lawsuit against a "John Doe" who used DMCA takedown notices to remove listings from third-party stores. According to Shopify, the senders of these takedown requests did so without owning the rights.

This alleged scammer isn't the only one wreaking havoc on the platform. A few days ago, Shopify filed a fresh DMCA abuse complaint at a Florida federal court. This time, the e-commerce platform has a named target; Orlando resident Amir Mokrian, a.k.a Clayton Burnz.

"Defendant Mokrian has repeatedly harassed, and continues to harass, Shopify merchants and Shopify itself through knowingly false allegations of copyright infringement. This lawsuit seeks to halt that misconduct and hold him accountable for the damage he has caused," Shopify writes.


Dozens of False DMCA Notices

Shopify informs the court that it takes copyright infringement very seriously. The company receives thousands of notices each month and regularly removes shop listings deemed to be infringing. If a store owner is repeatedly targeted, they're at risk of having their store closed completely.

The e-commerce platform relies on a mix of both human and automated reviews to process DMCA takedowns. This works well in most cases but the process is not bulletproof, as this lawsuit exemplifies.

Using several aliases including "Clayton Burnz", Defendant Mokrian allegedly sent dozens of DMCA takedown notices to Shopify containing false claims. These requests targeted stores selling snore-reducing mouthguards and footwear insoles over alleged copyright infringement.

However, according to Shopify, these notices were littered with false information. They didn't include any legitimate copyright complaints but were merely intended to harm other merchants.

Taking Out Competitors

The reason for this behavior is obvious; according to Shopify, Mokrian was running competing stores. By taking out the competition, interest in their own products should rise.

"It is plain that Mokrian submitted his fraudulent DMCA takedown notices for anti-competitive purposes. TeraNue—one of Mokrian's stores on Shopify—sells snore-reducing mouthguards. Through his takedown notices, Mokrian targeted the same or similar mouthguard products sold by competing merchants," Shopify informs the court.

"X-Care—another Mokrian store on Shopify—sells foot insoles, the same type of product sold by, a Shopify merchant Mokrian targeted with his false notices. Mokrian used takedown notices not in an effort to root out copyright infringement, but in an effort to root out competition."

One of Mokrian's stores


Shopify ended up removing 38 competing products based on these false takedown claims. While these decisions were ultimately reversed, serious harm was done to both the affected shops and the platform itself.

The complaint notes that Shopify was financially impacted by the abuse. The company spent tens of thousands of dollars in personnel time and resources to address the issue. In addition, its goodwill was seriously harmed.

Through the lawsuit, Shopify hopes to be compensated for its losses. In addition, the company asks the Florida court for an injunction against the Orlando resident, prohibiting them from sending any fraudulent DMCA notices going forward.

A copy of the complaint Shopify filed at the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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