Wednesday, June 21, 2023

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Korea Will Deploy 'Anti-Piracy AI' After Major Piracy Site Reincarnation
Andy Maxwell, 21 Jun 08:59 AM

noonoo-logoWhile nothing stands in the way of a single rightsholder taking on one or more pirate sites, in recent years there has been a noticeable shift towards pooling resources.

For the Hollywood studio members of the MPA, anti-piracy teamwork is nothing new, but for other members of the highly successful Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, collaborating with rival companies is likely to be a relatively new concept. In light of the growing threat posed by online piracy and few better options, it's clearly one they're happy to explore.

In March, South Korean broadcasters, including KBS, MBC and JTBC, the Korea Film and Video Copyright Association (film producers and distributors), plus streaming platforms TVING and Wavve, announced the formation of a similar anti-piracy coalition dedicated to protecting local content. Its connections with ACE are likely to prove invaluable.

Noonoo TV in the Crosshairs

Under Video Copyright Protection Council (이하 영보협) branding, the coalition's immediate target was Noonoo TV, a hugely successful pirate streaming site receiving dozens of millions of visits from Koreans every month. At least in theory, an ISP blocking program should've prevented that from happening, but Noonoo's deployment of dozens of new domains meant the campaign couldn't keep up.

Surprisingly, Noonoo's successful circumvention program was eventually self-terminated – along with the site itself – just a few weeks later. In an April announcement, the site's operator said that the "outrageous" cost of bandwidth and "pressure on the site from all directions" had culminated in a decision to shut Noonoo down. Around April 14, Noonoo said nighty night for the last time and gave one last piece of advice before turning off the lights.

"Please be careful of impersonation sites…"

Left in no doubt that any remaining value in the Noonoo brand would be immediately extracted by opportunists, we began monitoring fresh domain registrations when the site went down. These included,, and in April, a whole bunch ending in .click in May, and then a couple more in early June – and

Initially, just one of these domains showed signs of picking up the baton but then stepped on the gas and surged into the lead.


The site introduced itself as 'Noonoo TV Season2' on June 12. It had the same layout, most likely the same or similar content library, but more importantly, the same set of ads that appeared on the original site (screenshot) featuring exactly the same gambling companies.

After just four days online, the site was subjected to a large-scale DDOS attack. That was reportedly handled in 30 mins, but the site still wanted to clear something up.

"Noonoo TV Season 2 has no connection to the original Noonoo TV," the site announced. A business address in the site's footer claimed that a company called Digisn Mowanda was now running the site from an office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Whether anyone plans to pay a personal visit anytime soon is unknown, but it might be best to call ahead first, just in case.

Korean Government Not Thrilled By The Resurrection

In an announcement dated June 18, the Ministry of Science and ICT said the appearance of 'Season 2' warranted a "strong response."

"As the damage caused to the domestic online video service (OTT) industry and others due to the [original] illegal free streaming site 'Noonoo Tv' grew day by day, last year the Ministry of Science and ICT, together with the domestic online video service industry, ISPs, and the Radio Association of Korea (RAPA), persistently blocked the illegal service by shortening the frequency; such as once a week, twice a week, and once a day, leading to the termination of Noonoo TV's service in April," the statement reads.

"The Ministry of Science and ICT plans to actively respond to illegal online video service (OTT) distribution sites such as 'Noonoo TV Season 2' based on its experience and capabilities in blocking access to Noonoo TV."

The Ministry says it has already asked the Korea Communications Commission to expedite its decision on the "illegality and copyright infringement of Noonoo TV Season 2" and once that has been received, enhanced blocking measures will be put in place to disrupt the service.

"During the response [to the original site], we were able to block access once a day, but this time, we will streamline the response system so that we can block multiple times a day," the Ministry says.

Piracy vs. Artificial Intelligence

Alongside a promise to work closely with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korea Communications Commission, and the National Security Agency to protect 'K' content from unlawful distribution, the Ministry of Science says the time is right to enhance manual work carried out by humans with automated systems better suited to the job.

"Since the detection and response to illegal sites is currently centered on manual work based on human resources, to overcome this limitation, we plan to develop technology that can automatically detect and verify new versions and substitute sites," the Ministry said.

"Online video service (OTT) content is a precious asset created with the blood and sweat of many people. It's a growth engine that will be responsible for the future of our country, so it is very important for mature citizens to refrain from using these illegal sites."

Season 2 Ends Prematurely

Calls for citizens to act responsibly are not unusual in South Korea and in the right circumstances, can be highly effective too. However, on this occasion a national boycott of 'Season 2' will not be required after the following announcement (translated from original).


On the Season 2 Telegram channel, the shutdown is yet to be mentioned.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Copyright Claims Board Celebrates First Anniversary Without a Troll Party
Ernesto Van der Sar, 20 Jun 11:03 PM

CCBLast year, the US Copyright Claims Board went live. Through this Copyright Office-hosted venue, copyright holders can try to recoup alleged damages outside the federal court system.

The board aims to make it cheaper for creators to resolve disputes. There's no attorney required and the filing fee is limited to $100 per claim. Accused parties also benefit as the potential damages are capped at $30,000. Those who prefer traditional lawsuits can choose to opt-out.

The benefits of the board are clear to many rightsholders. Opponents, however, feared that the system could be used by opportunistic rightsholders to extract 'easy money' from less law-savvy individuals.

One Year Anniversary

The CCB celebrates its one-year anniversary this month so that presents a good opportunity to take stock of the results achieved thus far. From June 2022 to the end of last year, 281 claims were filed at the CCB, with a further 221 cases filed in the first half of 2023.

That means 502 claims were submitted to the Copyright Claims Board in the first twelve months of operation. That's a significant number, but it doesn't mean that all of these cases ended with an award for damages. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

Recent CCB Claims

ccb latest claims

Our review of CCB dockets indicates just one case where a final verdict was handed down. In February, the board awarded $1,000 to a photographer who discovered that his work was being used on the website of a California-based law practice. The award was significantly lower than the $30,000 initially requested.

Dismissals and Opt Outs

The vast majority of all cases at the CCB are dismissed or resolved without damages, often due to deficiencies in the filings. A claim against Cloudflare, for example, was not a proper copyright complaint according to the board.

Meanwhile, UFC distributor Joe Hand Promotions settled several of its copyright infringement claims against bars and restaurants. These cases were taken off the dockets as well.

At the time of writing, 305 cases have been closed. This includes 40 claims where the defendant chose to opt out. A total of 197 cases are pending and yet to be resolved. This includes several where default judgments are on the horizon after defendants failed to respond.

Where are the Trolls?

When the Copyright Claims Board was first introduced, there was quite a lot of pushback. Several opponents feared that "copyright trolls" would abuse the system to launch a wave of claims against alleged online pirates. That fear didn't materialize.

While there are many types of copyright trolls, there hasn't been a single file-sharing piracy case submitted to the CCB. This makes sense, as the board is not meant to issue third-party subpoenas, meaning that rightsholders can't file a case against a John Doe who's only known by an IP address.

In theory, rightsholders could try to use a traditional DMCA subpoena to obtain the personal details of an alleged pirate and then go to the CCB. However, this hasn't happened yet and if it ever did, the CCB has a cap on the number of cases that can be filed per year.

With 20 claims, Joe Hand Promotions is the most prolific filer. The company requests damages from establishments that stream UFC content without permission. The company also files cases in federal courts but the small claims board is a cheaper option, also for defendants.

Thus far, trolling behavior is noticeably absent. Instead, many claims come from smaller creators and rightsholders, who often accuse larger companies such as Instagram, Amazon, UMG, Sony Music, Warner Music, and YouTube of copyright infringement. Whether any of these claims will ultimately result in damages has yet to be seen.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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